SwiftUIGraphQL is a GraphQL client designed for declarative data fetching, and works alongside declarative UIs written with SwiftUI.
struct MyView: View {
@Query var query: GraphQLResult<AlbumQuery>
var body: some View {
if let user = query.data {
Text("Hello \(user.name)")
It features two main components:
Code generation that produces Swift type for your queries, mutations and fragments, so that you get compile-time type-safety whilst using your schema.
A client library, SwiftUIGraphQL, that lets you easily build views in SwiftUI that are automatically kept up to date with your queries.
First you need to set up code generation.
You can either run the swiftui-graphql-codegen
executable as a custom Xcode build rule for your .graphql
Or you can use it as a Swift package manager build tool plugin.
To use with Xcode's build system, create a Swift package inside your project and place your .graphql
files inside it.
// swift-tools-version: 5.7
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "MyAppGraphQL",
platforms: [.iOS("15.0"), .macOS("12.0")],
products: [.library( name: "MyAppGraphQL", targets: ["MyAppGraphQL"])],
dependencies: [.package(url: "https://github.com/minm-inc/swiftui-graphql.git", branch: "main")],
targets: [
name: "MyAppGraphQL",
dependencies: [.product(name: "SwiftUIGraphQL", package: "swiftui-graphql")],
plugins: [.plugin(name: "SwiftUIGraphQLCodegenPlugin", package: "swiftui-graphql")]),
Then somewhere near the root of your view heirarchy, install a GraphQLClient
in the environment:
struct Minm: App {
@StateObject var graphqlClient = GraphQLClient(endpoint: "https://graphql.org/swapi-graphql")
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.environment(\.graphqlClient, graphqlClient)
(Note, don't use an EnvironmentObject
. Plain old environment values are used so that we can sub in mock clients later for testing and design time)
For each query you define, SwiftUIGraphQL generates structs and enums that directly map to the corresponding data returned in the query response.
Here's the Swift code a simple query would generate:
recentReleases {
nodes {
artist {
struct ExploryQuerySpecimen2: QueryOperation {
static let query: String = "..."
static let selection: ResolvedSelection<String> = ...
let recentReleases: RecentReleases
struct RecentReleases: Codable {
let nodes: [Nodes?]?
struct Nodes: Codable {
let id: ID
let __typename: String
let title: String
let artwork: URL
let artist: Artist
struct Artist: Codable {
let id: ID
let __typename: String
let name: String
Scalars are mapped to their counterparts in Foundation by default, based off of the scalar's specifiedByURL
property in the schema.
So in this example, because artwork
was specified by RFC1738, it gets decoded to URL
You can write custom decoders for your own scalars with the ScalarDecoder
It also generates fragments as protocols, which means that you can write generic views based off of fragments without the need for any existential types:
struct UserBadge<Fragment: UserBadgeFragment>: View {
let user: Fragment
var body: some View {
VStack {
AsyncImage(url: user.avatar)
You might have noticed that the id
and __typename
fields were added to the structs.
This is because the actual query is modified a bit so that on any type which has an id
field of type ID
, the id
and __typename
fields are added to the selection set.
So the actual query that will be sent to the server will look like this:
recentReleases {
nodes {
artist {
Why are these fields added?
Well in order to be able to keep track of which object is which in the cache, swiftui-graphql creates a unique cache key based off of the id
and __typename
, magically adding it into your queries.
For your query type, swiftui-graphql will always generate a concrete type composed of structs and enums.
For fragments, because they can be inhabited by various different query types, swiftui-graphql will always generate protocols for them.
Say for example you have some reusable view and you define a fragment for it, so it can be included in other queries:
fragment AlbumView on Album {
query homeScreen {
recentAlbums {
will generate a protocol that the underlying concrete types will conform to.
struct HomeScreenQuery: Codable {
let recentAlbums: [Album]
struct Album: Codable, AlbumView {
let title: String
let artworkUrl: String
protocol AlbumView {
var title: String { get }
var artworkUrl: String { get }
You can then use it as a generic constraint in your view or function that requires it:
func foo<T: AlbumView>(_ fragment: T) { ... }
But what if there's a nested object inside the fragment?
fragment AlbumView {
artist {
Then an associatedtype
will then be added to the protocol:
protocol AlbumView {
var title: String { get }
var artworkUrl: String { get }
associatedtype Artist: AlbumViewArtist
var artist: Artist { get }
protocol AlbumViewArtist {
var name: String { get }
Conditional fields inside fragments are a bit trickier. Consider this example, where foo returns a union inhabited by either type A, B or C.
fragment Foo {
... on A {
... on B {
query {
foo {
... on A {
... on C {
What should the protocol generated for Foo
look like? Well because Swift doesn't have type classes over sum types, we need to do some wrapping.
The code generator will first generate a enum type, made generic over the actual enum contents:
enum FooFragment<A: FooFragmentA, B: FooFragmentB> {
case a(A), b(B), __other
protocol FooFragmentA { var a1: String { get } }
protocol FooFragmentB { var b1: String { get } }
And then it generates a protocol that the actual concrete enum on the query type conforms to
protocol ContainsFooFragment {
associatedtype A: FooFragmentA
associatedtype B: FooFragmentB
var __fooFragment: FooFragment<A, B> { get }
struct Query {
let foo: Foo
enum Foo: ContainsFooFragment {
case a(A)
case b(B)
case c(C)
case __other
struct A { let a1, a2: String }
struct B { let b1: String }
struct C { let c1: String }
var __fooFragment: FooFragment<A, B> {
switch self {
case .a(let a): return .a(a)
case .b(let b): return .b(b)
default: return .__other
You can then access the union on the fragment with the __fooFragment
fragment Foo on SomeUnion {
... on A {
a {
fragment Bar on SomeInterface {
... on B {
enum FooFragment<A: FooFragmentA> {
case a(A), __other
fragment Baz on SomeInterface {
... on X { x }
... on Y { y }
query {
foo {
protocol ContainsFooFragment {
associatedtype A: FooFragmentA
var __fooFragment: FooFragment<A> { get }
protocol FooFragmentA {
associatedtype A: ContainsBarFragment
var 1: Bar
protocol ContainsBazFragment {
var z: Int { get }
associatedtype X: BazFragmentX
associatedtype Y: BazFragmentY
var __bazFragment: BazFragment<X, Y> { get }
protocol BazFragmentX {
var x: Int { get }
var y: Int { get }
To run the tests from Xcode, you need to create a link to the SwiftSyntax lib:
ln -s \
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain//usr/lib/swift/macosx/lib_InternalSwiftSyntaxParser.dylib \