Human Descent opens the door for you to explore neural network optimization in high-dimensional weight space using the MNIST dataset. Manipulate everyday controllers (keyboard, xbox, DJ MIDI), each corresponding to a random direction in high dimensional weight space, to gain intuitive insights into the dynamics and complexities of neural network training.
git clone # clone the repo
python3 -m venv hudes_env # create a virual enviornment
source hudes_env/bin/activate
cd human_descent
pip install . # install human descent and its dependencies in the virtual env
bash # download mnist, run the server, and then run the client!
The aim of this repository is to build an interactive tool to allow humans to directly optimize high dimension problems such as neural network training. Inspired by Measuring the Intrinsic Dimension of Objective Landscapes, (Chunyuan Li and Heerad Farkhoor and Rosanne Liu and Jason Yosinski)
A can use any of the ineractive inputs (Xtouch mini midi mixer, Xbox like controllers, keyboard, etc..) to control a random n-dimensional subspace of parameter space at a time.
Iteratively selecting between new training batches and different random subspaces this allows you to optimize a very high dimensional weight space.
For example its possible to train a 26,000 parameter MNIST model using a 6 dimensional keyboard input in about 10 minutes.