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Reliable messages for Moleculer services via external queue/channel/topic.


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Reliable messages for Moleculer services via external queue/channel/topic. Unlike moleculer built-in events, this is not a fire-and-forget solution. It's a persistent, durable and reliable message sending solution. The module uses an external message queue/streaming server that stores messages until they are successfully processed. It supports consumer groups, which means that you can run multiple instances of consumer services, incoming messages will be balanced between them.


  • reliable messages with acknowledgement.
  • multiple adapters (Redis, RabbitMQ, NATS JetStream, Kafka).
  • plugable adapters.
  • configurable max-in-flight.
  • retry messages.
  • dead-letter topic function.
  • can receive messages from 3rd party services.
  • graceful stopping with active message tracking.


npm i @moleculer/channels

Communication diagram

Native Communication Communication Overview diagram

Integration With A Third-Party System Third-Party


Register middleware in broker options

// moleculer.config.js
const ChannelsMiddleware = require("@moleculer/channels").Middleware;

module.exports = {
    logger: true,

    middlewares: [
            adapter: "redis://localhost:6379"

By default, the middleware will add a sendToChannel(<topic-name>, { payload }) method and channelAdapter property to the broker instance. Moreover, it will register handlers located in channels of a service schema.

Consuming messages in Moleculer services

module.exports = {
    name: "payments",

    actions: {

    channels: {
        // Shorthand format
        // In this case the consumer group is the service full name
        async "order.created"(payload) {
            // Do something with the payload
            // You should throw error if you want to NACK the message processing.

        "payment.processed": {
            // Using custom consumer-group
            group: "other",
            async handler(payload) {
                // Do something with the payload
                // You should throw error if you want to NACK the message processing.

    methods: {

The received payload doesn't contain any Moleculer-specific data. It means you can use it to get messages from 3rd party topics/channels, as well.

Producing messages

broker.sendToChannel("order.created", {
    id: 1234,
    items: [

The sent message doesn't contain any Moleculer-specific data. It means you can use it to produce messages to 3rd party topics/channels, as well.

Multiple adapters

Registering multiple adapters

const ChannelsMiddleware = require("@moleculer/channels").Middleware;

// moleculer.config.js
module.exports = {
    logger: true,
    logLevel: "error",
    middlewares: [
        // Default options
            adapter: {
                type: "Kafka",
                options: {}
            adapter: "Redis",
            schemaProperty: "redisChannels",
            sendMethodName: "sendToRedisChannel",
            adapterPropertyName: "redisAdapter"
            adapter: "AMQP",
            schemaProperty: "amqpChannels",
            sendMethodName: "sendToAMQPChannel",
            adapterPropertyName: "amqpAdapter"

Using multiple adapters in a service

module.exports = {
    name: "payments",

    actions: {

    channels: {
        "default.options.topic": {
            group: "mygroup",
            async handler(payload) {
    redisChannels: {
        "redis.topic": {
            group: "mygroup",
            async handler(payload) {
    amqpChannels: {
        "amqp.topic": {
            group: "mygroup",
            async handler(payload) {

Middleware options

Name Type Default value Description
adapter String, Object null Adapter definition. It can be a String as name of the adapter or a connection string or an adapter definition Object. More info
schemaProperty String "channels" Name of the property in service schema.
sendMethodName String "sendToChannel" Name of the method in ServiceBroker to send message to the channels.
adapterPropertyName String "channelAdapter" Name of the property in ServiceBroker to access the Adapter instance directly.
context boolean false Using Moleculer context in channel handlers by default.


// moleculer.config.js
const ChannelsMiddleware = require("@moleculer/channels").Middleware;

module.exports = {
    logger: true,

    middlewares: [
            adapter: "redis://localhost:6379",
            sendMethodName: "sendToChannel",
            adapterPropertyName: "channelAdapter",
            schemaProperty: "channels"

Channel options

Name Type Supported adapters Description
group String * Group name. It's used as a consumer group in adapter. By default, it's the full name of service (with version)
maxInFlight Number Redis Max number of messages under processing at the same time.
maxRetries Number * Maximum number of retries before sending the message to dead-letter-queue or drop.
deadLettering.enabled Boolean * Enable "Dead-lettering" feature.
deadLettering.queueName String * Name of dead-letter queue.
context boolean * Using Moleculer context in channel handlers.
tracing Object * Tracing options same as action tracing options. It works only with context: true.
handler Function(payload: any, rawMessage: any) * Channel handler function. It receives the payload at first parameter. The second parameter is a raw message which depends on the adapter.
redis.startID String Redis Starting point when consumers fetch data from the consumer group. By default equals to $, i.e., consumers will only see new elements arriving in the stream. More info here
redis.minIdleTime Number Redis Time (in milliseconds) after which pending messages are considered NACKed and should be claimed. Defaults to 1 hour.
redis.claimInterval Number Redis Interval (in milliseconds) between message claims
redis.readTimeoutInterval Number Redis Maximum time (in milliseconds) while waiting for new messages. By default equals to 0, i.e., never timeout. More info here
redis.processingAttemptsInterval Number Redis Interval (in milliseconds) between message transfer into FAILED_MESSAGES channel
amqp.queueOptions Object AMQP AMQP lib queue configuration. More info here.
amqp.exchangeOptions Object AMQP AMQP lib exchange configuration. More info here.
amqp.consumerOptions Object AMQP AMQP lib consume configuration. More info here.
nats.consumerOptions Object NATS NATS JetStream consumer configuration. More info here.
nats.streamConfig Object NATS NATS JetStream storage configuration. More info here.
kafka.fromBeginning Boolean Kafka Kafka consumer fromBeginning option. More info here.
kafka.partitionsConsumedConcurrently Number Kafka Kafka consumer partitionsConsumedConcurrently option. More info here.

Failed message

If the service is not able to process a message, it should throw an Error inside the handler function. In case of error and if maxRetries option is a positive number, the adapter will redeliver the message to one of all consumers. When the number of redelivering reaches the maxRetries, it will drop the message to avoid the 'retry-loop' effect. If the dead-lettering feature is enabled with deadLettering.enabled: true option then the adapter will move the message into the deadLettering.queueName queue/topic.

Dead-Letter Logic


Graceful stopping

The adapters track the messages that are being processed. This means that when a service or the broker is stopping the adapter will block the process and wait until all active messages are processed.


Use the broker.sendToChannel(channelName, payload, opts) method to send a message to a channel. The payload should be a serializable data.

Method options

Name Type Supported adapters Description
raw Boolean * If truthy, the payload won't be serialized.
persistent Boolean AMQP If truthy, the message will survive broker restarts provided it’s in a queue that also survives restarts.
ttl Number AMQP If supplied, the message will be discarded from a queue once it’s been there longer than the given number of milliseconds.
priority Number AMQP Priority of the message.
correlationId String AMQP Request identifier.
headers Object AMQP, JetStream, Kafka, Redis Application specific headers to be carried along with the message content.
routingKey Object AMQP The AMQP publish method's second argument. If you want to send the message into an external queue instead of exchange, set the channelName to "" and set the queue name to routingKey
publishAssertExchange.enabled Boolean AMQP Enable/disable calling once channel.assertExchange() before first publishing in new exchange by sendToChannel()
publishAssertExchange.exchangeOptions Object AMQP AMQP lib exchange configuration when publishAssertExchange enabled
key String Kafka Key of Kafka message.
partition String Kafka Partition of Kafka message.
acks Number Kafka Control the number of required acks.
timeout Number Kafka The time to await a response in ms. Default: 30000
compression any Kafka Compression codec. Default: CompressionTypes.None
xaddMaxLen Number or String Redis Define MAXLEN for XADD command

Middleware hooks

It is possible to wrap the handlers and the send method in Moleculer middleware. The module defines two hooks to cover it. The localChannel hook is similar to localAction but it wraps the channel handlers in service schema. The sendToChannel hook is similar to emit or broadcast but it wraps the broker.sendToChannel publisher method.


// moleculer.config.js
const ChannelsMiddleware = require("@moleculer/channels").Middleware;

const MyMiddleware = {
    name: "MyMiddleware",

    // Wrap the channel handlers
    localChannel(next, chan) {
        return async (msg, raw) => {
  `  Before localChannel for '${}'`), msg);
            await next(msg, raw);
  `  After localChannel for '${}'`), msg);

    // Wrap the `broker.sendToChannel` method
    sendToChannel(next) {
        return async (channelName, payload, opts) => {
  `Before sendToChannel for '${channelName}'`), payload);
            await next(channelName, payload, opts);
  `After sendToChannel for '${channelName}'`), payload);

module.exports = {
    logger: true,

    middlewares: [
            adapter: "redis://localhost:6379"

Context-based messages

In order to use Moleculer Context in handlers (transferring ctx.meta and tracing information) you should set the context: true option in channel definition object or in middleware options to enable it for all channel handlers.

Example to enable context for all handlers

// moleculer.config.js
const ChannelsMiddleware = require("@moleculer/channels").Middleware;

module.exports = {
    logger: true,

    middlewares: [
            adapter: "redis://localhost:6379",
            // Enable context in all channel handlers 
            context: true

Using Context in handlers

module.exports = {
    name: "payments",

    actions: {

    channels: {
        "default.options.topic": {
            context: true, // Unless not enabled it globally
            async handler(ctx/*, raw*/) {
                // The `ctx` is a regular Moleculer Context
                if (ctx.meta.loggedInUser) {
                    // The `ctx.params` contains the original payload of the message
                    await"some.action", ctx.params);

Send message with parent Context

In this case the ctx.meta and other tracing information is transferred to the channel handler.

module.exports = {
    name: "payments",

    actions: {
        submitOrder: {
            async handler(ctx) {
                await broker.sendToChannel("order.created", {
                    id: 1234,
                    items: [/*...*/]
                }, {
                    // Pass the `ctx` in options of `sendToChannel`



To enable tracing for context-based handlers, you should register Tracing middleware in broker options.

The middleware works only with context: true.

Register channel tracing middleware

const TracingMiddleware = require("@moleculer/channels").Tracing;

module.exports = {
    logger: true,

    middlewares: [
            adapter: "redis://localhost:6379",
            // Enable context in all channel handlers 
            context: true

You can fine-tuning tracing tags and span name in tracing channel property similar to actions.

Customize tags and span name

    name: "sub1",
    channels: {
        "my.topic": {
            context: true,
            tracing: {
                spanName: ctx => `My custom span: ${}`
                tags: {
                    params: true,
                    meta: true
            async handler(ctx, raw) {
                // ...

To disable tracing, set `tracing: false in channel definition.


Adapter options

Name Type Default value Supported adapters Description
consumerName String ServiceBroker nodeID * Consumer name used by adapters. By default it's the nodeID of ServiceBroker.
prefix String ServiceBroker namespace * Prefix is used to separate topics between environments. By default, the prefix value is the namespace of the ServiceBroker.
serializer String, Object, Serializer JSON * Message serializer. You can use any built-in serializer of Moleculer or create a custom one.
maxRetries Number 3 * Maximum number of retries before sending the message to dead-letter-queue or drop.
maxInFlight Number 1 * Max number of messages under processing at the same time.
deadLettering.enabled Boolean false * Enable "Dead-lettering" feature.
deadLettering.queueName String FAILED_MESSAGES * Name of dead-letter queue.
redis Object, String, Number null Redis Redis connection options. More info here
redis.consumerOptions .readTimeoutInterval Number 0 Redis Maximum time (in milliseconds) while waiting for new messages. By default equals to 0, i.e., never timeout. More info here
redis.consumerOptions .minIdleTime Number 60 * 60 * 1000 Redis Time (in milliseconds) after which pending messages are considered NACKed and should be claimed. Defaults to 1 hour.
redis.consumerOptions .claimInterval Number 100 Redis Interval (in milliseconds) between message claims.
redis.consumerOptions .startID String $ Redis Starting point when consumers fetch data from the consumer group. By default equals to $, i.e., consumers will only see new elements arriving in the stream. More info here.
redis.consumerOptions .processingAttemptsInterval Number 0 Redis Interval (in milliseconds) between message transfer into FAILED_MESSAGES channel.
redis.cluster Object null Redis Redis cluster connection options. More info here
redis.cluster.nodes Array null Redis Redis Cluster nodes list.
redis.cluster.clusterOptions Object null Redis Redis Cluster options.
amqp.url String null AMQP Connection URI.
amqp.socketOptions Object null AMQP AMQP lib socket configuration. More info here.
amqp.queueOptions Object null AMQP AMQP lib queue configuration. More info here.
amqp.exchangeOptions Object null AMQP AMQP lib exchange configuration. More info here.
amqp.messageOptions Object null AMQP AMQP lib message configuration. More info here.
amqp.consumerOptions Object null AMQP AMQP lib consume configuration. More info here.
amqp.publishAssertExchange.enabled Boolean false AMQP Enable/disable calling once channel.assertExchange() before first publishing in new exchange by sendToChannel(). More info here.
amqp.publishAssertExchange.exchangeOptions Object null AMQP AMQP lib exchange configuration. More info here.
nats.streamConfig Object null NATS NATS JetStream storage configuration. More info here.
nats.consumerOptions Object null NATS NATS JetStream consumer configuration. More info here.
kafka.brokers String[] null Kafka Kafka bootstrap brokers.
kafka.logCreator Function null Kafka Kafka logCreator. More info here.
kafka.producerOptions Object null Kafka Kafka producer constructor configuration. More info here.
kafka.consumerOptions Object null Kafka Kafka consumer constructor configuration. More info here.

Redis Streams

Redis Streams was introduced in Redis 5.0. Hoverer, since this module relies on the XAUTOCLAIM command, Redis >= 6.2.0 is required.

To use this adapter, install the ioredis module with npm install ioredis command.

Redis Adapter Overview



// moleculer.config.js
const ChannelsMiddleware = require("@moleculer/channels").Middleware;

module.exports = {
    middlewares: [
            adapter: "redis://localhost:6379"

Example with options

// moleculer.config.js
const ChannelsMiddleware = require("@moleculer/channels").Middleware;

module.exports = {
    middlewares: [
            adapter: {
                type: "Redis",
                options: {
                    redis: {
                        // ioredis constructor options:
                        host: "",
                        port: 6379,
                        db: 3,
                        password: "pass1234",
                        consumerOptions: {
                            // Timeout interval (in milliseconds) while waiting for new messages. By default never timeout
                            readTimeoutInterval: 0,
                            // Time (in milliseconds) after which pending messages are considered NACKed and should be claimed. Defaults to 1 hour.
                            minIdleTime: 5000,
                            // Interval (in milliseconds) between two claims
                            claimInterval: 100,
                            // "$" is a special ID. Consumers fetching data from the consumer group will only see new elements arriving in the stream.
                            // More info:
                            startID: "$",
                            // Interval (in milliseconds) between message transfer into FAILED_MESSAGES channel
                            processingAttemptsInterval: 1000

You can overwrite the default values in the handler definition.

Overwrite default options in service

module.exports = {
    name: "payments",

    actions: {

    channels: {
        "order.created": {
            maxInFlight: 6,
            async handler(payload) {
        "payment.processed": {
            redis: {
                minIdleTime: 10,
                claimInterval: 10
            deadLettering: {
                enabled: true,
                queueName: "DEAD_LETTER"
            async handler(payload) {

Redis Cluster

module.exports = {
    middlewares: [
            adapter: {
                type: "Redis",
                options: {
                    redis: {
                        cluster: {
                            nodes: [
                                { port: 6380, host: "" },
                                { port: 6381, host: "" },
                                { port: 6382, host: "" }
                            options: {
                                /* More information: */
                                redisOptions: {
                                    password: "fallback-password"
                        consumerOptions: {
                            // Timeout interval (in milliseconds) while waiting for new messages. By default never timeout
                            readTimeoutInterval: 0,
                            // Time (in milliseconds) after which pending messages are considered NACKed and should be claimed. Defaults to 1 hour.
                            minIdleTime: 5000,
                            // Interval (in milliseconds) between two claims
                            claimInterval: 100,
                            // "$" is a special ID. Consumers fetching data from the consumer group will only see new elements arriving in the stream.
                            // More info:
                            startID: "$",
                            // Interval (in milliseconds) between message transfer into FAILED_MESSAGES channel
                            processingAttemptsInterval: 1000

Capped Streams

To support Redis "capped streams", you can define the MAXLEN value in sendToChannel options as xaddMaxLen. It can be a number or a string with ~ prefix like ~1000. It will be transformed to ...MAXLEN ~ 1000 ...


broker.sendToChannel("order.created", {
    id: 1234,
    items: [
    xaddMaxLen: "~1000"

AMQP (RabbitMQ)

The AMQP adapter uses the exchange-queue logic of RabbitMQ for creating consumer groups. It means the sendToChannel method sends the message to the exchange and not for a queue.

To use this adapter, install the amqplib module with npm install amqplib command.


// moleculer.config.js
const ChannelsMiddleware = require("@moleculer/channels").Middleware;

module.exports = {
    middlewares: [
            adapter: "amqp://localhost:5672"

Example with options

// moleculer.config.js
const ChannelsMiddleware = require("@moleculer/channels").Middleware;

module.exports = {
    middlewares: [
            adapter: {
                type: "AMQP",
                options: {
                    amqp: {
                        url: "amqp://localhost:5672",
                        // Options for `Amqplib.connect`
                        socketOptions: {},
                        // Options for `assertQueue()`
                        queueOptions: {},
                        // Options for `assertExchange()`
                        exchangeOptions: {},
                        // Options for `channel.publish()`
                        messageOptions: {},
                        // Options for `channel.consume()`
                        consumerOptions: {},
						// Note: options for `channel.assertExchange()` before first publishing in new exchange
						publishAssertExchange: {
							// Enable/disable calling once `channel.assertExchange()` before first publishing in new exchange by `sendToChannel`
							enabled: false,
							// Options for `channel.assertExchange()` before publishing by `sendToChannel`
							exchangeOptions: {}
                    maxInFlight: 10,
                    maxRetries: 3,
                    deadLettering: {
                        enabled: false
                        //queueName: "DEAD_LETTER",
                        //exchangeName: "DEAD_LETTER"

Example Producing messages with options

broker.sendToChannel("order.created", {
    id: 1234,
    items: [
    // Using specific `assertExchange()` options only for the current sending case
        // Enable/disable calling once `channel.assertExchange()` before first publishing in new exchange by `sendToChannel`
		enabled: true,
        // Options for `channel.assertExchange()` before publishing 
		exchangeOptions: {

Note: If you know that the exchange will be created before sendToChannel is called by someone else, then it is better to skip publishAssertExchange option


The Kafka adapter uses Apache Kafka topics.

In Kafka adapter, the maxInFlight function works differently than other adapters. Reading messages from a partition is processed sequentially in order. So if you want to process multiple messages, you should read messages from multiple partition. To enable it, use the kafka.partitionsConsumedConcurrently option in channel options. More info.

To use this adapter, install the kafkajs module with npm install kafkajs command.


// moleculer.config.js
const ChannelsMiddleware = require("@moleculer/channels").Middleware;

module.exports = {
    middlewares: [
            adapter: "kafka://localhost:9092"

Example with options

// moleculer.config.js
const ChannelsMiddleware = require("@moleculer/channels").Middleware;

module.exports = {
    middlewares: [
            adapter: {
                type: "Kafka",
                options: {
                    kafka: {
                        brokers: ["kafka-1:9092", "kafka-1:9092"],
                        // Options for `producer()`
                        producerOptions: {},
                        // Options for `consumer()`
                        consumerOptions: {}
                    maxRetries: 3,
                    deadLettering: {
                        enabled: false,
                        queueName: "DEAD_LETTER"

NATS JetStream

To use this adapter, install the nats module with npm install nats command.

// moleculer.config.js
const ChannelsMiddleware = require("@moleculer/channels").Middleware;

module.exports = {
    middlewares: [
            adapter: "nats://localhost:4222"

Example with options

// moleculer.config.js
const ChannelsMiddleware = require("@moleculer/channels").Middleware;

module.exports = {
    middlewares: [
            adapter: {
                type: "NATS",
                options: {
                    nats: {
                        url: "nats://localhost:4222",
                        /** @type {ConnectionOptions} */
                        connectionOptions: {},
                        /** @type {StreamConfig} More info: */
                        streamConfig: {},
                        /** @type {ConsumerOpts} More info: */
                        consumerOptions: {
                            config: {
                                // More info:
                                deliver_policy: "new",
                                // More info:
                                ack_policy: "explicit",
                                // More info:
                                max_ack_pending: 1
                    maxInFlight: 10,
                    maxRetries: 3,
                    deadLettering: {
                        enabled: false,
                        queueName: "DEAD_LETTER"

Jetstream - Single stream with multiple topics

It is possible to configure single stream to handle multiple topics (e.g., and Moreover it possible for a single handler to receive any message that matches the filter streamOneTopic.*. Please check the example for all the details.

Fake adapter

This adapter is made for unit/integration tests. The adapter uses the built-in Moleculer event bus to send messages instead of an external module. It means that the message sending is not reliable but can be a good option to test the channel handlers in a test environment. The fake adapter is doesn't support retries and dead-letter topic features. For multiple brokers, you should define a transporter (at least the FakeTransporter)

Do NOT use this adapter in production!


// moleculer.config.js
const ChannelsMiddleware = require("@moleculer/channels").Middleware;

module.exports = {
    middlewares: [
            adapter: "Fake"


Tests are running on Intel i7 4770K, 32GB RAM on Windows 10 with WSL.

Tested adapters

Name Adapter Description
Redis Redis Simple Redis Stream adapter.
RedisCluster Redis Clustered Redis Stream adapter with 3 nodes.
NATS JetStream NATS NATS JetStream adapter.
Kafka Kafka Kafka adapter.

Latency test

In this test, we send one message at a time. After processing the current message, another one is sent. This test measures the latency of processing a message. The maxInFlight is 1.

Adapter Time msg/sec
Redis 2ms 452
RedisCluster 2ms 433
AMQP 51ms 20
NATS JetStream 1ms 584
Kafka 1ms 637


Throughput test (maxInFlight: 10)

In this test, we send 10k messages and wait for all be processed. This test measures the throughput. The maxInFlight is 10.

Adapter msg/sec
Redis 1294
RedisCluster 4118
AMQP 11143
NATS JetStream 589
Kafka 1831


Throughput test (maxInFlight: 100)

In this test, we send 10k messages and wait for all be processed. This test measures the throughput. The maxInFlight is 100.

Adapter msg/sec
Redis 4081
RedisCluster 4198
AMQP 21438
NATS JetStream 646
Kafka 1916



The project is available under the MIT license.


Copyright (c) 2023 MoleculerJS

@MoleculerJS @MoleculerJS