Copyright 2023 MongoDB Inc.
provides a handful of tools used in MongoDB's documentation platform.
turns snooty-parser-generated abstract syntax trees into manifests that can be ingested into Atlas Search to power the docs' search.mut-redirects
generates redirects from our bespoke redirect definition format, making it "easy" to ensure that readers never find themselves on a 404ing page when swapping versions or following old linksmut-images
bakes SVG files into minimized SVGs with no external font requirements.mut-stage
uploads files to S3 with minimal fuss for the user
is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
file for details.
mut v0.9.x
exists to support the needs of MongoDB docs properties building with the legacy (giza)
toolchain. To use mut
, you need python3, along with a bunch of other dependencies.
To install mut
for use with giza, follow the instructions on the writer setup wiki.
To use mut locally, you need python 3.8 or later.
As of v0.10, each mut
release builds with poetry
If you do not have poetry
installed, install it following
their excellent instructions.
You should probably also python3 -m pip install wheel
if you haven't.
- Check out the tag you want to build:
git checkout <tag>
- Build a wheel using
poetry build
You may need to add read priveleges to your Users/<your-username>/.pyenv/ folder.
poetry install # to make sure everything's set up
poetry build # to actually build it
- Use
to install the newly-generatedmut
python3 -m pip install dist/whatever.whl
Alternatively, from v0.10.3, we offer a pre-built mut
bundle that includes
all the things so you need simply unzip the bundle and run the executable.
At present it only does this for Linux, though we'll probably change that at some point.
To develop mut
locally, ensure you have poetry
installed by running which poetry
If you do not have poetry
installed, install it following
their excellent instructions.
Set up the project's dependencies.
poetry install
Make your changes to the source code.
Active a shell where the
commands you just built are available:poetry shell
When you're done terminate your shell by running:
To access commands, ensure the shell is running. To activate it, run the following
poetry shell
To check that tests still pass after your changes to the source code, run the following command.
make lint test
To fix your formatting run
make format
From the releases page, click "Draft a new release". Create a new tag in the tag dropdown, fill out the release name and description, generate the changelog using the handy changelog generation button, and click "Publish release".
Creating the tag will run the release workflow, building the stuff and (potentially ?) creating an extra draft release which you can then delete.
Finally, update the version number in pyproject.toml.
If you're the sort of person who likes making your tags manually (like Allison):
First, update the version number in pyproject.toml and push the change to main.
Create a tag and push it to main:
git tag v0.10.3 git push origin main --tags
Creating the tag will run the release workflow, building the stuff and creating a draft release on the releases page.
Go to the releases page, find the newly-created release draft and fill out the release description, generate release notes, etc.