Yii 2 Models add functionality for load with relation (loadAll($POST)), & transactional save with relation (saveAll())
PLUS soft delete/restore feature!
Best work with mootensai/yii2-enhanced-gii
Endorse me on LinkedIn
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
$ composer require 'mootensai/yii2-relation-trait:dev-master'
or add
"mootensai/yii2-relation-trait": "*"
to the require
section of your composer.json
class MyModel extends ActiveRecord{
use \mootensai\relation\RelationTrait;
It takes a normal array of POST. This is the example
Array (
$_POST['ParentClass'] => Array
[attr1] => value1
[attr2] => value2
// has many
[relationName] => Array
[0] => Array
[relAttr] => relValue1
[1] => Array
[relAttr] => relValue1
// has one
[relationName] => Array
[relAttr1] => relValue1
[relAttr2] => relValue2
Array (
$_POST['ParentClass'] => ['attr1' => 'value1','attr2' => 'value2'],
// Has One
$_POST['RelatedClass'] => ['relAttr1' => 'value1','relAttr2' => 'value2'],
// Has Many
$_POST['RelatedClass'] => Array
[0] => Array
[attr1] => value1
[attr2] => value2
[1] => Array
[attr1] => value1
[attr2] => value2
// sample at controller
if($model->loadAll(Yii:$app->request->post()) && $model->saveAll()){
return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id, 'created' => $model->created]);
// I use this to send model & related through JSON / Serialize
[MainClass] => Array
[attr1] => value1
[attr2] => value2
[RelatedClass] => Array
[0] => Array
[attr1] => value1
[attr2] => value2
[attr1] => value1
[attr2] => value2
[relationName] => Array
[0] => Array
[attr1] => value1
[attr2] => value2
So your data will be atomic (see : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACID)
So your behaviors still works
will give you
<<Related Class Name>> #<<index + 1>> : <<error message>>
My Related Model #1 : Attribute is required
See here if you want to use my behavior :
Add this line to your Model to enable soft delete
private $_rt_softdelete;
function __construct(){
$this->_rt_softdelete = [
'<column>' => <undeleted row marker value>
// multiple row marker column example
'isdeleted' => 1,
'deleted_by' => \Yii::$app->user->id,
'deleted_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
Add this line to your Model to enable soft restore
private $_rt_softrestore;
function __construct(){
$this->_rt_softrestore = [
'<column>' => <undeleted row marker value>
// multiple row marker column example
'isdeleted' => 0,
'deleted_by' => 0,
'deleted_at' => 'NULL'
It use all Yii's Active Query or Active Record to execute DB command
Please create issue if you got a problem or an idea for enhancement