A command line based one-time password manager that allows you to easily retreive and store one-time passwords. Secrets are stored using the operating system's keyring, so sensitive information is encrypted.
Installation is really simple, just run pip install otp-cli
and you're ready to go! Alternatively, you can install the application by cloning the repository and running python setup.py install
in the src
If you're just testing locally, you can try it without installing by cloning the repository and running python otp.py [OPTIONS]
The show command shows a stored one-time password:
Names are case-insensitive to help prevent typos involving case. If you want to quickly get a one-time password for a secret, for testing or development purposes, just run otp show --secret [SECRET]
to see its corresponding TOTP code.
Codes are updated in real-time, and they are hidden upon exit (CTRL-C
or q
The write command allows you to store new one-time passwords:
Most of the features here roughly follow the Google Authenticator application, allowing you to store issuers and emails to distinguish multiple one-time passwords from the same website.The update command allows you to amend or change details of a one-time password. Changing the secret will prompt you to confirm, as it is a potentially dangerous action.
The delete command deletes saved one-time passwords:
OTP_ is made in Python, and requires the following dependencies:
- click>=6.7
- pyotp>=2.2.6
- keyring>=13.2.1
- colorama>=0.3.9
- pyperclip>=1.6.4
As of now, OTP_ works only on Python 3 and above, but I'm looking into getting it to work with older Python versions.
Pyperclip allows one-time passwords to be copy pasted to the clipboard for easy access. According to its documentation (https://pypi.org/project/pyperclip/), xclip
should be installed for anyone using a Linux based operating system, by running sudo apt-get install xclip
Here are a list of things I'd like to add in future versions of this package.
- Support for Python 2.
- Support for counter based one-time passwords.
- Support for different kinds of one-time passwords (different period, different number of digits, etc.)
- Refactoring code and establishing best-practices.
- Use a less fragile database for storing non-sensitive information like sqlite.