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NativeScript-Vue now supports Vue 3 and is generally available! This version brings improved reactivity, a modern plugin system, and better TypeScript support.

Quick Start

To get started, you can use the StackBlitz Template.

Or, set up locally:

ns create myAwesomeApp --template @nativescript-vue/template-blank@latest

cd myAwesomeApp
ns run ios|android

Upgrading to v3

Please refer to our Upgrade Guide.

Using Vue Devtools

To enable Vue Devtools, run:

ns run ios|android --env.vueDevtools

🛠️ Android Users: To allow Vue Devtools to connect, enable cleartext HTTP traffic in your AndroidManifest.xml:

<application ...
+  android:usesCleartextTraffic="true"


If you encounter any issues, please open a new issue with as much detail as possible.

Looking for V2?

The V2 version has been moved to the v2 branch