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@ChrisJones687 ChrisJones687 released this 18 Jun 18:44


  • Pest movement based on overpopulation (Vaclav Petras)
    • When cell contains too many pests, pests leave and move to a different cell.
  • Total hosts added to run_step (Chris Jones)
    • Allows overpopulations to be based on total_hosts rather than total_populations
    • Allows movement to be based on total_hosts rather than total_populations
  • Mortality timing is now more flexible (Chris Jones)
    • requires 2 new parameters mortality_frequency and mortality_frequency_n


  • Model class internal attributes and functions are now protected instead of private
    to allow derived classes to access them for greater flexibility (Vaclav Petras).
  • Model class kernels are now created and returned by protected functions (Vaclav Petras).
  • Config class has now more defaults and subsequent setup now consistently fails when
    required values were not set (Vaclav Petras).
  • Movement module has added parameters (mortality_tracker_vector, exposed, resistant,
    total_exposed, and suitable_cells) (Chris Jones).
    • Now moves exposed and resistant populations
    • Now moves total_hosts
    • Now moves moratility tracked hosts
    • Adds a new suitable_cell if a movement creates a new location with hosts.
  • Treatments now modify total hosts (Chris Jones)
  • Citation updated to PoPS Frontiers paper (Chris Jones)
    • Jones, C., Jones, S., Petrasova, A., Petras, V., Gaydos, D.,
      Skrip, M., Takeuchi, Y., Bigsby, K., and Meentemeyer, R., 2021.
      Iteratively forecasting biological invasions with PoPS and a little help from
      our friends.
      Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
      DOI: 10.1002/fee.2357