This is a demo node.js application illustrating various features used in everyday web development, with a fine touch of best practices.
Database - MySQL (Setup local or test instance for development use, setup in AWS RDS for prod) Framework - nodejs (express, pm2) - Run with pm2 to manage uptime/restarts/long term deploys
Setup nodejs and mysql.
NOTE: Do not forget to set the sendgrid APIKEY
. In development
env, you can set the env variables into config/development.js for development and config/production.js for production mode.
Connect to mysql and create mysl db node-demo-app
Set mysql username, password and DB name into env, you can set mysql env variables into config/development.js, config/production.js and config/config.js for db migration.
$ git clone
$ npm install
$ sudo npm install -g pm2
$ sudo pm2 start pm2.json
$ npm start
$ sudo pm2 start pm2.json
Please import Node-Express-MySQL-DEMO.postman_collection.json
into your post man
There are 6 apis you can test
To view more detailed documentation regarding the API, check out the API documentation.
$ npm migrate
NOTE: You can find migration template files from templates/migration
This application integrates the following services & APIs:
- Sendgrid - Used to send transactional emails.