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An API Gateway that allows bridging HTTP with Netifi Proteus.
The diagram below shows the high-level architecture of how messages are received and routed by the Proteus HTTP Gateway.
Client makes an HTTP POST request to a URL in one of the following format:
If automatic load-balancing across a group of services is desired:
https://{gateway host}/{group}/{service}/{method}
If a specific service instance is desired:
https://{gateway host}/{group}/{destination}/{service}/{method}
The request body must be in JSON format and the field names much match those of the service IDL.
The incoming HTTP request is mapped to a Proteus Service IDL based on the URL and request body. The JSON request body fields must match the fields on the IDL exactly.
If no matching IDL can be found an error is returned.
The request is then sent to the Proteus Broker cluster which transparently handles service discovery and load balancing to the backend services.
If a destination was specified in the URL then the request will be sent to that specific instance. If only a group was specified, Proteus will load balance the request to the healthiest, most performant instance, in the group using our Predictive Load Balancing algorithm.
The request arrives and invokes the Proteus service method.
The Proteus service response is sent to the Proteus Broker cluster via the same bidirectional channel used by the request.
The Proteus service response is converted into an HTTP response with a JSON message body and sent back to the requesting client to complete the interaction.
You can build Proteus HTTP Gateway as an executable jar using the following command:
$ ./gradlew clean build
Proteus HTTP Gateway build uses Dependencies Lock strategy Which keeps all dependencies versions snapshot in one file. Such a strategy allows avoiding caveats with libs versions and prevent accidental introduction of new dependencies in the project.
In order to update the dependencies versions, it is required to run the project build with additional command as in the following sample
$ ./gradlew clean build --write-locks
Please see the included demo project for an example on how to configure and use Proteus HTTP Gateway.
For bugs, questions, and discussions please use the Github Issues.
Copyright 2018 Netifi Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.