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The "code" repository is probably out of date relative to the wiki because it has to be pushed manually. However, it is still useful for taking pull requests from people outside newhaven.rb.
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This project wouldn't exist without awesome people contributing. Thank you for your help!
As generated by script/list-contributors
, here are our contributors. Sorry for any repeats:
Contributor count: 58
Ben Oakes, Benjamin Oakes, ChuckJHardy, Dan Bernier, James Gary, Jeff Blasius, LupineDev, Mario Zaizar, Mike Skalnik, Myron Marston, Nathen Harvey, Simeon F. Willbanks, Simeon Willbanks, Zach Morek, ZachBeta, abelmartin, amatsuda, awagener, badosu, bcobb, benjaminoakes, benwbrum, camertron, caniszczyk, cczona, cdmwebs, cwabbott, dazuma, dchelimsky, dscataglini, dybskiy, ecarpenter, fcheung, galtenberg, gtrak, henrikhodne, hfujimoto, ihassin, jamesgary, jch, jordanbyron, krohrbaugh, linuxonrails, mariozaizar, mgreen, miles, nathenharvey, newhavenrb, niralisse, ordinaryzelig, pcreux, quellhorst, robskaggs, robyurkowski, steveklabnik, uhlenbrock, wallace, wemerson,