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fxLayoutGap API

Duncan Faulkner edited this page Feb 25, 2023 · 2 revisions

The fxLayoutGap directive should be used on to specify margin gaps on children within a flexbox container (e.g. nested within a fxLayout container).

  • margin-right used when the parent container flex-direction == "row"
  • margin-bottom used when the parent container flex-direction == "column"

Note that the last child item will NOT have a margin gap specified; only the inside gaps are specified. Additionally, fxLayoutGap does not respond to reveresed flow directions: column-reverse or row-reverse are used.


Flex-Direction: Row

<div fxLayout="row">
  <div>1. One</div>
  <div>2. Two</div>
  <div>3. Three</div>
  <div>4. Four</div>


<div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="20px">
  <div>1. One</div>
  <div>2. Two</div>
  <div>3. Three</div>
  <div>4. Four</div>


Flex-Direction: Column

<div fxLayout="column">
  <div>1. One</div>
  <div>2. Two</div>
  <div>3. Three</div>
  <div>4. Four</div>


<div fxLayout="column" fxLayoutGap="20px">
  <div>1. One</div>
  <div>2. Two</div>
  <div>3. Three</div>
  <div>4. Four</div>


Using fxLayoutGap with Wrap

When using wrap with fxLayout to wrap rows or columns, developers should account for the gap sizes when specifying the child item sizes (using fxFlex).

Issue: Rendered Layout without gap considerations:

screen shot 2017-05-20 at 4 03 37 pm

Solution: Rendered Layout with gap considerations:


<md-card fxFlex fxFlexAlign="start">
    <div fxLayout fxLayout.xs="column wrap" fxLayoutGap="25px">
      <md-input-container fxFlex="calc(50% - 25px)">
        <input mdInput placeholder="Name" />
      <md-input-container fxFlex="calc(50% - 25px)">
        <input mdInput placeholder="Occupation" />
      <md-input-container fxFlex="calc(50% - 25px)">
        <input mdInput placeholder="Company" />

    <button md-button>Anterior</button>
    <button md-button>Proximo</button>
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