This role only installs NGINX Management Suite (NMS).
Note: This role is still in active development. There may be unidentified issues and the role variables may change as development continues.
- NGINX Management Suite License Files
- NGINX Ansible Role (nginxinc.nginx)
Installing NMS requires the NMS certificate files to access the repository. Log in to MyF5 or follow the link in the trial activation email to download the NMS repo .crt and .key files:
- nginx-mgmt-suite-trial.key
- nginx-mgmt-suite-trial.crt
NOTE: Be sure to rename these files to nginx-repo.key
and nginx-repo.crt
, respectively.
NMS requires an NGINX instance, either NGINX OSS or NGINX Plus as a frontend only. This role handles this by defining a dependency to the NGINX Ansible Role, named nginxinc.nginx. Because of this dependance, you can set variables related to nginxinc.nginx when using this role. For example, nginx_type
is an nginxinc.nginx variable that can be set like how you would any other Ansible variable. So if your playbook defines nginx_type: plus
, this NMS role will call the nginxinc.nginx role which will install NGINX Plus. Refer to the Ansible Role NGINX for more details.
Main difference between using NGINX OSS or NGINX Plus depends on which Authentication Option you plan to use.
This role is developed and tested with maintained versions of Ansible core (above
). -
This role was developed and tested using nginxinc.nginx version 0.24.0.
- UPDATE 6/24/24: Use the edge nginxinc.nginx version, example of
shown here
- UPDATE 6/24/24: Use the edge nginxinc.nginx version, example of
When using this role, you will also need to install the following collections below. Additional information installing these collections is below in the Installation section.
- ansible.posix
- community.general
- community.crypto
- community.docker (Only required if you plan to use Molecule)
You will need to run this role as a root user using Ansible's
parameter. Make sure you have set up the appropriate permissions on your target hosts. -
Instructions on how to install Ansible can be found in the Ansible website.
- This role uses Jinja2 templates. Ansible core installs Jinja2 by default, but depending on your install and/or upgrade path, you might be running an outdated version. The minimum version of Jinja2 required for the role to properly function is
. - Instructions on how to install Jinja2 can be found in the Jinja2 website.
You will want to use this if you are making contributions to this ansible role.
Molecule is used to test the various functionalities of the role. The recommended version of Molecule to test this role is
. -
Instructions on how to install Molecule can be found in the Molecule website. You will also need to install the Molecule Docker driver.
To run the Molecule tests, you must copy your NMS license to the role's
folder.You can alternatively add your NGINX Management Suite repository certificate and key to the local environment. Run the following commands to export these files as base64-encoded variables and execute the Molecule tests:
export NGINX_CRT=$( cat <path to your certificate file> | base64 ) export NGINX_KEY=$( cat <path to your key file> | base64 ) molecule test -s plus
Take these steps in order to install NGINX Management Suite (nms) using this ansible role.
You will want to create an inventory file, inventory
, with the following contents.
<hostname> ansible_user=<adminUserName> ansible_become=yes
You will want to install the package requirements this role requires. Create a requirements.yml
file with the below content
- name: nginxinc.nginx_management_suite
version: 0.3.0
- name: ansible.posix
version: 1.5.1
- name: community.general
version: 6.4.0
- name: community.crypto
version: 2.11.0
- name: community.docker # Only required if you plan to use Molecule (see below)
version: 3.4.2
Use the command to install the ansible role and collections.
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
If you already have these installed but need to update to newer versions, use the below command.
ansible-galaxy install -fr requirements.yml
In this example here, we will move the NGINX certificates to the same directory where I will be creating the NMS install playbook file.
Create a playbook file, nms-install.yml
, using the following example. Here, we are installing NMS with NGINX Plus.
Be sure to specify the path where your NGINX certificates are located. In the example here, they are in the same path as this playbook.
- name: Install NGINX Management Suite
hosts: nms
- name: Install NMS
name: nginxinc.nginx_management_suite
nms_setup: install
nms_user_name: admin
nms_user_passwd: default
nginx_type: plus
nginx_selinux: true
nginx_selinux_enforcing: false
certificate: nginx-repo.crt
key: nginx-repo.key
Run the following command to run the playbook which will install NMS.
ansible-playbook -i inventory nms-adm-install.yml
There is a couple methods if you want to use the latest edge from this role.
Use the following snippet in your
.roles: - src: version: main
git clone
to pull the latest edge commit (themain
branch) of the role from GitHub.
This Ansible role supports all platforms supported by NGINX Management Suite:
Amazon Linux 2:
- any
- 7.4+
- buster (10)
- bullseye (11)
Oracle Linux:
- 7.4+
- 8
Red Hat:
- 7.4+
- 8
- 9
- bionic (18.04)
- focal (20.04)
- jammy (22.04)
Note: You can also use this role to install NGINX Management Suite on compatible yet unsupported platforms at your own risk.
This role has multiple variables. The descriptions and defaults for all these variables can be found in the defaults/main/
folder in the following file:
Name | Description |
main.yml |
NMS installation variables |
Similarly, descriptions and defaults for preset variables can be found in the vars/
folder in the following file:
Name | Description |
main.yml |
List of supported NMS installation variables |
Working functional playbook examples can be found in the molecule/
folder in the following files:
Name | Description |
default/converge.yml |
Install NGINX OSS and NMS |
plus/converge.yml |
Install NGINX Plus and NMS |
upgrade/converge.yml |
Upgrade NMS |
modules/converge.yml |
Install NGINX OSS and NMS & the API Connectivity Manager module |
service-stopped/converge.yml |
Install NGINX OSS and NMS, allow services to be in the chosen state |
Do note that if you install this repository via Ansible Galaxy, you will have to replace the role variable in the sample playbooks from ansible-role-nginx-management-suite
to nginxinc.nginx_management_suite
You can find the Ansible NGINX Core collection of roles to install and configure NGINX Open Source, NGINX Plus, and NGINX App Protect here.
You can find the Ansible NGINX configuration role to configure NGINX here.
You can find the Ansible NGINX Unit role to install NGINX Unit here.
© F5, Inc. 2023