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SemiColon Registration System - Backend

Technologies: Node.js, Express.js, TypeScript, MongoDB, mongoose, jest, JWT, passport, bcrypt, nodemailer.

This is the backend that supports the websites of the system and manages the database.

Deployment & Swagger: (May take up to 2 mins to wake up the server)

SemiColon Registration System

For information about the whole system, look here.

API Reference

Documentation of the API can be found in the Swagger.


Backend Features

The focus of this section is about the quality of the backend codebase and the maintainability of the system.

Functional Features

The backend enables all the features of the system, which are described here.

Non-Functional Features: Code Quality and Maintainability

The focus of the backend is to provide a clean and maintainable codebase. This is achieved by:

  • Full Test Coverage
    • Tests are written for all the endpoints and services. Both unit and integration tests are written.
    • The tests are written using Jest.
    • The tests are run on every pull request to the repository.
  • CI/CD
    • The backend is deployed on every push to the repository.
    • The test suite is run on every pull request to ensure that the code is working as expected.
    • The deployment is done using Render.
  • Code Quality
    • The code is written in TypeScript, which provides type safety and better code quality.
    • Code quality is guaranteed through code reviews on every pull request.
  • Project Structure and Maintainability
    • The project is structured in a way that makes it easy to navigate and understand.
    • The project uses MVC architecture.
    • The project can easily be extended and maintained.
  • Multiple Environments
    • The project can be run in development, testing, and production environments. This protects the production data during development.
    • The project uses environment variables for configuration.
  • API Documentation
    • The API is documented using Swagger.
    • The documentation is automatically generated from the codebase.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd SemiColon-backend

Install dependencies

  npm install

Edit the example.env file and rename it to .env and add the required values.

Start the server. For Windows dev-windows and for Linux dev-linux

  npm run dev-windows



Backend of SemiColon's Recruitment System





Contributors 4

