This is a auto scale & distributed (in the future) cache library for Elixir. The library use Ets table for storage data.
Client -> API -> Partition -> Storage
Current version, library has three main part:
- API interface & config holder.
- Partition holder.
- Storage partition.
Client interacts with library throw qua api interface. All config after start will be hold in this part.
Support api get right storage part for data.
Partition based on Erlang phash2/2. Piece data after extract with config's info will get order of partition. Order is used get target partition.
All partitions will be calculated after client call start/n start!/n function.
Storage data of client. Number of storage partition is same with number of partition above.
Core of storage is Ets table.
Sequencer flow of api (on a node):
participant Client
participant Api
participant Partition
participant Storage
Client->>Api: Add new tuple to cache
Api->>Partition: Get partition
Partition->>Api: Your partition
Api->>Storage: Put new/update tuple
Storage->>Api: Result
Api->>Client: Result
Client->>Api: Get data for key/pattern
Api->>Partition: Get partition
Partition->>Api: Your patition
Api->>Storage: Get data for key/pattern
Storage->>Api: Data for key
Api->>Client: Your data
(If diagram doesn't show, please install mermaid support extension for VS Code)
Simple module flow api:
graph LR
Client(Client) --> Api(Api)
Api-->|get partition|Part(Partition holder)
Api-->|Partition1| E1(Partition Storage 1)
Api-->|Partition2| E2(Partition Storage 2)
Requiremnt: Erlang/OTP version 25 or later.
Library can be installed
by adding super_cache
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:super_cache, "~> 0.5.2"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
Start SuperCache with default config:
(key_pos = partition_pos = 0, table_type = :set, num_partition = on_line schedulers of Erlang VM)
Start with config:
opts = [key_pos: 0, partition_pos: 1, table_type: :bag, num_partition: 3]
key_pos: Key's position of tuple use to lookup in Ets table.
partition_pos: Position of element in tuple is used to calculate partition for store & lookup.
table_type: Type of Ets table.
num_partition: Number of partitions (= number of Ets table).
Basic usage:
opts = [key_pos: 0, partition_pos: 1, table_type: :bag, num_partition: 3]
SuperCache.put!({:hello, :world, "hello world!"})
SuperCache.get_by_key_partition!(:hello, :world)
SuperCache.delete_by_key_partition!(:hello, :world)
KeyValue usage:
alias SuperCache.KeyValue
# Start cache
KeyValue.add("my_kv", :key, "Hello")
KeyValue.get("my_kv", :key)
# => "Hello"
KeyValue.remove("my_kv", :key)
KeyValue.get("my_kv", :key)
# => nil
KeyValue.add("my_kv", :key, "Hello")
Queue usage:
alias SuperCache.Queue
# Start cache
Queue.add("my_queue", "Hello")
# => "Hello"
Stack usage:
alias SuperCache.Stack
# Start cache
Stack.push("my_stack", "Hello")
# => "Hello"
Other APIs please go to document on