A high level SQLite API for Nim
Supports multi-threading, prepared statements, proper typing, zero-copy data paths, debugging, optimizing, backups, and more...
template fix by removing a superfluousdirty
- statements from more than one enum list can be used
- a statement is prepared automatically on first use
- all used statements are finalized automatically on close
- only the Nim default memory managers (ARC and ORC family) are supported
- errors that are not sqlite errors are logged with error code 10000
- failing to close raises an SQLError
- json_extract, json_patch, json_valid, and json_tree procs removed as too high level (esp. now that multiple statement lists are supported)
import sqliteral
const Schema = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Example(string TEXT NOT NULL)"
type SqlStatements = enum
Upsert = """INSERT INTO Example(rowid, string) VALUES(1, ?)
ON CONFLICT(rowid) DO UPDATE SET string = ?"""
SelectAll = "SELECT string FROM Example"
var db: SQLiteral
proc operate(i: string) =
let view: DbValue = i.toDb(3, 7) # zero-copy view into string
db.transaction: db.exec(Upsert, view, view)
for row in db.rows(SelectAll): echo row.getCString(0)
db.openDatabase("example.db", Schema)
var input = "012INPUT89"