Originally was omniauth-openid-connect
I've forked this repository and launch as separate gem because maintaining of original was dropped.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'omniauth_openid_connect'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install omniauth_openid_connect
OmniAuth::OpenIDConnect is tested under 2.7, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2
Example configuration
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :openid_connect, {
name: :my_provider,
scope: [:openid, :email, :profile, :address],
response_type: :code,
uid_field: "preferred_username",
client_options: {
port: 443,
scheme: "https",
host: "myprovider.com",
identifier: ENV["OP_CLIENT_ID"],
secret: ENV["OP_SECRET_KEY"],
redirect_uri: "http://myapp.com/users/auth/openid_connect/callback",
Devise.setup do |config|
config.omniauth :openid_connect, {
name: :my_provider,
scope: [:openid, :email, :profile, :address],
response_type: :code,
uid_field: "preferred_username",
client_options: {
port: 443,
scheme: "https",
host: "myprovider.com",
identifier: ENV["OP_CLIENT_ID"],
secret: ENV["OP_SECRET_KEY"],
redirect_uri: "http://myapp.com/users/auth/openid_connect/callback",
Field | Description | Required | Default | Example/Options |
name | Arbitrary string to identify connection and identify it from other openid_connect providers | no | String: openid_connect | :my_idp |
issuer | Root url for the authorization server | yes | https://myprovider.com | |
discovery | Should OpenID discovery be used. This is recommended if the IDP provides a discovery endpoint. See client config for how to manually enter discovered values. | no | false | one of: true, false |
client_auth_method | Which authentication method to use to authenticate your app with the authorization server | no | Sym: basic | "basic", "jwks" |
scope | Which OpenID scopes to include (:openid is always required) | no | Array [:openid] | [:openid, :profile, :email] |
response_type | Which OAuth2 response type to use with the authorization request | no | String: code | one of: 'code', 'id_token' |
state | A value to be used for the OAuth2 state parameter on the authorization request. Can be a proc that generates a string. | no | Random 16 character string | Proc.new { SecureRandom.hex(32) } |
require_state | Should the callback phase require that a state is present. If send_state is true, then the callback state must match the authorize state. This is recommended, not required by the OIDC specification. |
no | true | false |
send_state | Should the authorize phase send a state parameter - this is recommended, not required by the OIDC specification |
no | true | false |
response_mode | The response mode per spec | no | nil | one of: :query, :fragment, :form_post, :web_message |
display | An optional parameter to the authorization request to determine how the authorization and consent page | no | nil | one of: :page, :popup, :touch, :wap |
prompt | An optional parameter to the authorization request to determine what pages the user will be shown | no | nil | one of: :none, :login, :consent, :select_account |
send_scope_to_token_endpoint | Should the scope parameter be sent to the authorization token endpoint? | no | true | one of: true, false |
post_logout_redirect_uri | The logout redirect uri to use per the session management draft | no | empty | https://myapp.com/logout/callback |
uid_field | The field of the user info response to be used as a unique id | no | 'sub' | "sub", "preferred_username" |
extra_authorize_params | A hash of extra fixed parameters that will be merged to the authorization request | no | Hash | {"tenant" => "common"} |
allow_authorize_params | A list of allowed dynamic parameters that will be merged to the authorization request | no | Array | [:screen_name] |
pkce | Enable PKCE flow | no | false | one of: true, false |
pkce_verifier | Specify a custom PKCE verifier code. | no | A random 128-char string | Proc.new { SecureRandom.hex(64) } |
pkce_options | Specify a custom implementation of the PKCE code challenge/method. | no | SHA256(code_challenge) in hex | Proc to customise the code challenge generation |
client_options | A hash of client options detailed in its own section | yes | ||
jwt_secret_base64 | For HMAC with SHA2 (e.g. HS256) signing algorithms, specify the base64-encoded secret used to sign the JWT token. Defaults to the OAuth2 client secret if not specified. | no | client_options.secret | "bXlzZWNyZXQ=\n" |
logout_path | The log out is only triggered when the request path ends on this path | no | '/logout' | '/sign_out' |
acr_values | Authentication Class Reference (ACR) values to be passed to the authorize_uri to enforce a specific level, see RFC9470 | no | nil | "c1 c2" |
These are the configuration options for the client_options hash of the configuration.
Field | Description | Default | Replaced by discovery? |
identifier | The OAuth2 client_id | ||
secret | The OAuth2 client secret | ||
redirect_uri | The OAuth2 authorization callback url in your app | ||
scheme | The http scheme to use | https | |
host | The host of the authorization server | nil | |
port | The port for the authorization server | 443 | |
audience | The intended consumer (aud field) of the id_token |
nil | |
authorization_endpoint | The authorize endpoint on the authorization server | /authorize | yes |
token_endpoint | The token endpoint on the authorization server | /token | yes |
userinfo_endpoint | The user info endpoint on the authorization server | /userinfo | yes |
jwks_uri | The jwks_uri on the authorization server | /jwk | yes |
end_session_endpoint | The url to call to log the user out at the authorization server | nil | yes |
is arbitrary, I recommend using the name of your provider. The name configuration exists because you could be using multiple OpenID Connect providers in a single app.
NOTE: if you use this gem with Devise you should use :openid_connect
or Devise would route to 'users/auth/:provider' rather than 'users/auth/openid_connect'
tells the authorization server which grant type the application wants to use, currently, only:code
(Authorization Code grant) and:id_token
(Implicit grant) are valid.- If you want to pass
parameter by yourself. You can set Proc Object. e.g.state: Proc.new { SecureRandom.hex(32) }
is optional. If don't want to pass "nonce" parameter to provider, You should specifyfalse
option. (default true)- Support for other client authentication methods. If don't specified
option, automatically set:basic
. - Use "OpenID Connect Discovery", You should specify
option. (default false) - In "OpenID Connect Discovery", generally provider should have Webfinger endpoint.
If provider does not have Webfinger endpoint, You can specify "Issuer" to option.
issuer: "https://myprovider.com"
It means to get configuration from "https://myprovider.com/.well-known/openid-configuration". - The uid is by default using the
value from theuser_info
response, which in some applications is not the expected value. To avoid such limitations, the uid label can be configured by providing the omniauthuid_field
option to a different label (i.e.preferred_username
) that appears in theuser_info
details. - The
property should exactly match the provider's issuer link. - The
option is optional and specifies how the result of the authorization request is formatted. - Some OpenID Connect providers require the
attribute in requests to the token endpoint, even if this is not in the protocol specifications. In those cases, thesend_scope_to_token_endpoint
property can be used to add the attribute to the token request. Initial value istrue
, which means that the scope attribute is included by default.
- In some cases, you may want to go straight to the callback phase - e.g. when requested by a stateless client, like a mobile app.
In such example, the session is empty, so you have to forward certain parameters received from the client.
Currently supported ones are
- simply provide them as the/callback
request parameters.
For the full low down on OpenID Connect, please check out the spec.
- Fork it ( http://github.com/omniauth/omniauth_openid_connect/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Cover your changes with tests and make sure they're green (
bundle install && bundle exec rake test
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request