This project contains my submission for the FullStack Engineer position at ShieldAI - Full-Stack/Back-End Assignment ./guidelines.pdf.
Using create-react-app
as a starting point, I implemented an end-to-end javascript pipeline for
storing, consuming, interfacing, and retrieving logs.
The tool provides a datastore and visualization layer for Serial ID, start_time, end_time and generation.
- the datastore surfaces the required endpoints,
through an rpc-esque api - the frontend React/Redux app includes extra #2, the bounded rectangle, as a filter under the geofence accordion.
There's alot to unpack and y'all are busy so navigate to quickstart
tar –xzvf shield.tar.gz
Base Create React App provides webpack boilerplate for zero config building
Redux as a single source of truth for shared frontend state
Reused the developer friendly, Semantic-UI for plug-n-play styling
A user can upload a csv via the upload button in top right corner and supplying a csv which matches the prompt
A user can set filters or clear them in the left pane -> then submit a request for new set of logs
Geofence is an accordion hiding a google maps component which will render the logs. Use the bounding box to a apply a filter -> Click submit to query the database.
Error messages from the api should appear on the left hand side of the screen.
Clicking a row will show the raw log data in a right hand pane
Relevant modules from ./package.json
"react": "^16.4.1",
"react-dom": "^16.4.1",
"react-file-reader": "^1.1.4",
"react-google-maps": "^9.4.5",
"react-json-view": "^1.19.0",
"react-redux": "^5.0.7",
"react-scripts": "1.1.4",
"redux": "^4.0.0",
"redux-thunk": "^2.3.0",
"semantic-ui-calendar-react": "^0.6.0",
"semantic-ui-offline": "^2.3.2",
"semantic-ui-react": "^0.81.3",
- Express server statically hosting the UI with a universal pass-through and gzipped compressed
- Successful data enveloped { data: ..., success: true} 200 response
- Erroneous responses include a stack trace or { data: null, error: stacktrace, success:false } 500 response
- Includes a pg module with connection pooling, multer middleware for identifying
- http://localhost:5000/api/getlogs - GET request
- http://localhost:5000/api/insertlogs - POST request
Relevant modules from ./package.json
"compression": "^1.7.2",
"express": "^4.16.3",
"fast-csv": "^2.4.1",
"multer": "^1.3.1",
"pg": "^7.4.3",
"pg-copy-streams": "^1.2.0",
- On AWS RDS, I stood up a Postgres 9.6.X persistant datastore
- Bulk insertions done with COPY as its batched and faster than INSERT
- /home/jmunoz/practice/shield/api/database/migrations.sql includes the responsible SQL
drones=> \d logs
Table "public.logs"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval('logs_id_seq'::regclass)
drone_generation | integer | not null
start_time | timestamp without time zone | not null
end_time | timestamp without time zone | not null
lat | double precision | not null
lng | double precision | not null
building_map_layout | uuid | not null
created_at | timestamp without time zone | default now()
username | text |
"logs_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"lat_idx" btree (lat)
"lng_idx" btree (lng)
"username_idx" btree (lower(username))
I recommend using docker to guarentee congruent build environments with the caveat that Docker has notable performance sacrifices on OSX.
docker build -t shield . && docker run shield --port 5000:5000
If you're familiar with node, npm, react, express, and the js end-to-end stack here's a 0-60 jumpstart
npm install && npm run build && npm run start
Quicker to hot reload and devtest, but without minification, tree-shaking, and other webpack perks.
npm run start
Slower to hot reload, but indicative performance of deployed app
npm run start-prod
I included examples of functioning and nonfunctioning, due to invalid formatting, in the assets/ dir (assets/exampleWorkingCSV and assets/exampleBrokenCSV)
npm run mock
- Generates 1000 random entries using faker. Check out and modify generateMock.js to import your own entries.
npm run db
- TTY postgres shell to the aws RDS database instance. Feel free to futz with it.
node analyze.js
- Builds a production deploy and shows the bundle analysis
nvm exec 9.4.0 node server.js
- Runs node with a specified version using node version manager
Relevant modules from ./package.json
"concurrently": "^3.6.0",
"faker": "^4.1.0",
"generate-random-points": "0.0.0",
"nodemon": "^1.17.5",
"webpack-bundle-analyzer": "^2.13.1"
package.json - npm configurations and, to-be-installed modules `npm install`
package-lock.json - autogenerated from npm install
README.MD - Starting point
src - The React / Redux / Semantic UI lives here
├── actions
│ ├── logs.js - Redux actions for fetching / inserting logs and applying filters to requests
│ └── transient.js - Redux actions for UX
├── components - Reusable React components built on Semantic UI / Somewhat overloaded term to also include react containers and stateless functions
│ ├── App.css
│ ├── App.js - Top level App for attaching the singe source of truth (redux store)
│ ├── DroneBodyDir - Meat and Beans of the UI showing a set of filters on the left pane, a geofence and table in the middle, and LogCount on the right
│ │ ├── DroneAccordion.js - Hideable container for displaying GoogleMaps and allowing users to draw a geofence filter
│ │ ├── DroneBody.css
│ │ ├── DroneBody.js - A table displaying all logs returned from the server - defaulted to July 5. A virtualized table (infinite scroll, woohoo! ) or pagination (yuck!) is a necessary future step since generating 10000 rows with react/redux ~2 seconds to render
│ │ ├── DroneDatePicker.js - Modified for selecting dates. Input altered to readonlymode prevent users from setting arbitrary dates.
│ │ ├── DroneFlightTime.js - Component for selecting maximum flight duration filter. Currently only for less than queries, but I'm envisioning an attached button dropdown with > and =.
│ │ ├── DroneGeneration.js - Dropdown filter hardcoded to 0-29 for filtering on drone generation.
│ │ └── DroneNetwork.js - Displays an error message and stack trace (if available) whenever the api returns with a 500 status code.
│ ├── DroneDeepDir
│ │ ├── DroneDeep.css
│ │ └── DroneDeep.js - Shows the raw input on the lower right side of the viewport when a log in the table's selected
│ ├── DroneHeaderDir
│ │ ├── DroneHeader.css
│ │ └── DroneHeader.js - Fancy title + a button to show a modal for uploading via csv.
│ ├── DroneUploadDir
│ │ ├── DroneUpload.css
│ │ └── DroneUpload.js - Upload via csv modal. Shows the general format
│ └── logo.svg
├── index.css
├── index.js
├── reducers
│ ├── logs.js
│ ├── rootReducer.js
│ └── transient.js
└── store.js
├── aws.json - aws creds for db and, in the future, an s3 bucket
├── database - database logic, connections, queries, mutations, and a mock generator
│ ├── migrations.sql - SQL logic for generating the necessary tables. It's really only 1 migration and a few unnecessary indicies.
│ ├── mock - Generates fake / *randomized* logs and inserts into the database
│ │ ├── db.sql - a pg_dump of an early version of the table. Handy for reference purposes.
│ │ ├── generateMock.js - `node generateMock.js` to insert 1000 rows of random data
│ │ ├── latlongbug.js - Found a bug in a random point generator library so it be chucked.
│ │ └── mock.js - actual logic for building pseudorandom entries
│ ├── mutations.js
│ ├── postgres.js
│ └── queries.js
└── routes.js
├── 58bff218-c200-400d-9078-3b3fda8923df.png - I suppose these map_building_layout files are moot until they're dumped to an s3 bucket
├── d17438d7-dddf-4762-8852-e8b11e8cf2d5.png
├── exampleBrokenCSV.csv - Example of a csv that breaks upload and returns an error message
└── exampleWorkingCSV.csv - Example of a functioning csv
upload - temporarily stores an uploaded csv while the db ingests the records
analyze.js - run `node anaylze.js` to see why my bundle's 300+ kb (Treeshaking on semantic and lodash)
public - React create app cruft - displays an icon in the upper left tab, etc
├── favicon.ico
├── index.html
└── manifest.json
- OS - Ubuntu 16.10
- npm - 5.5.1 -
- node - v9.3.0 -
- psql - (PostgreSQL) 9.6.9 -
- docker - 1.13.1, build 092cba3 -
- npx - 9.6.0
- create-react-app - 1.5.2 -
- vscode (insiders) - 1.25.0-insider 6ca99aca80e80224f1c0bd4370c6ec4941c3bc54 x64 -
Email me - [email protected]