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Generate database comments from Prisma schema.

It is based on the following code idea. Thank you @Jyrno42 .


  • Create a migration SQL for the COMMENT ON statement based on the information in the schema.prisma file.
    • Comments written with triple slashes (///) are eligible.
  • Create a COMMENT ON statement only for the part of the difference.
    • The previous information is stored as prisma/migrations/comments-latest.json.
  • Support for table and column comments.
  • Comments you do not want to create can be excluded using regular expressions.
    • For example, a VIEW is to be created manually, and you do not want to create a comment statement from the schema.prisma. In such cases, you can exclude them by specifying the pattern of the VIEW.
  • Enum information can be added to column comments.


Install this package.

npm install --save-dev @onozaty/prisma-db-comments-generator

Add the generator to the schema.prisma

generator comments {
  provider = "prisma-db-comments-generator"

Run npx prisma generate to trigger the generator. A SQL file for COMMENT ON is generated in the migrations folder.

$ npx prisma generate
Environment variables loaded from .env
Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma
Comments generation completed: 20240804142142_update_comments

✔ Generated Prisma Client (v5.17.0) to ./node_modules/@prisma/client in 73ms

✔ Generated Prisma Database Comments (v1.0.1) to ./prisma/migrations in 11ms


For example, from the following schema.prisma,

generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"

generator comments {
  provider = "prisma-db-comments-generator"

datasource db {
  provider = "postgresql"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

/// Product type enumeration
enum ProductType {


/// Customer
model Customer {
  /// Customer ID
  customerId Int      @id @default(autoincrement()) @map("customer_id")
  /// Customer Name
  name       String
  /// e-mail
  email      String   @unique
  createdAt  DateTime @default(dbgenerated("statement_timestamp()")) @map("created_at") @db.Timestamptz()
  sales      Sale[]


/// Product
model Product {
  /// Product ID
  productId   Int         @id @default(autoincrement()) @map("product_id")
  /// Product Name
  name        String
  /// Product Type
  type        ProductType
  /// Product Description
  description String?
  /// Price
  price       Float
  createdAt   DateTime    @default(dbgenerated("statement_timestamp()")) @map("created_at") @db.Timestamptz()
  sales       Sale[]


model Sale {
  /// Sale ID
  saleId     Int      @id @default(autoincrement()) @map("sale_id")
  customer   Customer @relation(fields: [customerId], references: [customerId])
  /// Customer ID
  customerId Int      @map("customer_id")
  product    Product  @relation(fields: [productId], references: [productId])
  /// Product ID
  productId  Int      @map("product_id")
  /// Quantity
  quantity   Int
  /// Total Price
  totalPrice Float    @map("total_price")
  createdAt  DateTime @default(dbgenerated("statement_timestamp()")) @map("created_at") @db.Timestamptz()


A migration SQL file will be generated as shown below.

-- Prisma Database Comments Generator v1.0.1

-- customers comments
COMMENT ON TABLE "customers" IS 'Customer';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "customers"."customer_id" IS 'Customer ID';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "customers"."name" IS 'Customer Name';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "customers"."email" IS 'e-mail';

-- products comments
COMMENT ON TABLE "products" IS 'Product';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "products"."product_id" IS 'Product ID';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "products"."name" IS 'Product Name';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "products"."type" IS 'Product Type';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "products"."description" IS 'Product Description';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "products"."price" IS 'Price';

-- sales comments
COMMENT ON COLUMN "sales"."sale_id" IS 'Sale ID';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "sales"."customer_id" IS 'Customer ID';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "sales"."product_id" IS 'Product ID';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "sales"."quantity" IS 'Quantity';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "sales"."total_price" IS 'Total Price';



You can select the target with targets. The default is both table and column. (targets = ["table", "column"])

For example, the following will only create comments on columns.

generator comments {
  provider = "prisma-db-comments-generator"
  targets  = ["column"]


Specify the model to be excluded from making comments as a regular expression with ignorePattern.
The name specified here is the name in the database. Therefore, if @@map is specified, it will be the name in @@map.

For example, the following is a model with _view as a suffix that is excluded.

generator comments {
  provider      = "prisma-db-comments-generator"
  ignorePattern = "_view$"


Specify the model to be excluded from making comments as a regular expression with ignoreCommentPattern.

For example, the following excludes comments containing @TypeGraphQL.

generator comments {
  provider             = "prisma-db-comments-generator"
  ignoreCommentPattern = "@TypeGraphQL"


If includeEnumInFieldComment is set to true, information about the enum is appended to the column comment.
Default is false.

generator comments {
  provider                  = "prisma-db-comments-generator"
  includeEnumInFieldComment = true

If includeEnumInFieldComment is set to true with the following definition,

enum ProductType {


/// Product
model Product {
  /// Product Type
  type ProductType

  // others...

The following comment is generated.

COMMENT ON COLUMN "products"."type" IS E'Product Type\nenum: enum_product_type(BOOK, TOY, FASHION)';

Supported Databases

  • PostgreSQL

Other databases may be available, but the above is the only one checked.



