boris is a modern MCMC-based code that can be used to reconstruct incident nuclear spectra via forward fitting. A (simulated) detector response matrix has to be provided. boris is programmed probabalistically using PyMC. A No-U-Turn Sampler is used to ensure fast convergence and low autocorrelation times.
- Detector response matrix generation (
)- From individual spectra for different energies (e.g. from Geant4 simulations)
- Linear interpolation for missing energies
- Visualize detector response matrix to check correctness (
- Reconstruction of incident spectra from observed spectra using detector response matrix (
) - Advanced treatment of uncertainties
- Subtraction of background spectra with correct treatment of uncertainties
- Supports reading and writing txt, numpy, hdf5 and root formats
- Rebin and calibrate input spectra
- Supply two detector response matrices and find the best interpolation between the two
- Useful if additional unknown degree of freedom, such as detector offset, is present
- Directly fit gaussian beam profile model (with left tail) to extract beam properties
- Extract (and plot) statistical summary spectra such as mean or standard deviation from MCMC-traces (
) - Convolute spectrum with detector response matrix (
- Python>=3.10
- numpy
- PyMC>=5.1
- arviz>=0.14
- NumPyro (optional, for NumPyro backend, faster execution times!)
- uproot>=4.1 (optional, for reading and writing root files)
- h5py (optional, for reading and writing hdf5 files)
- matplotlib (optional, for plotting results)
You can install boris using pip or pipx, e.g.:
pip install git+
The boris
command is provided to construct the MCMC chain:
$ boris --help
usage: boris [-h] [-v] [-l LEFT] [-r RIGHT] [-b BINNING_FACTOR] [-H HIST]
[--bg-spectrum BG_SPECTRUM] [--bg-hist BG_HIST]
[--bg-scale BG_SCALE] [--rema-name [REMA_NAME]]
[--matrixfile-alt [MATRIXFILE_ALT]]
[--cal-bin-centers C0 [C1 ...] | --cal-bin-edges C0 [C1 ...]]
[-s SEED] [-c CORES] [--tune TUNE] [-n NDRAWS] [--fit-beam]
matrixfile observed_spectrum incident_spectrum
Reconstruct incident_spectrum based on observed_spectrum using the supplied detector response matrix.
positional arguments:
matrixfile container file containing detector response matrix
observed_spectrum file containing the observed spectrum
incident_spectrum write trace of incident spectrum to this path (.h5
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose increase verbosity
-l LEFT, --left LEFT crop spectrum to the lowest bin still containing LEFT
(default: 0)
-r RIGHT, --right RIGHT
crop spectrum to the highest bin not containing RIGHT
(default: maximum energy of simulation)
rebinning factor, group this many bins together
(default: 10)
-H HIST, --hist HIST name of histogram in observed_spectrum to read
(optional) (default: None)
--bg-spectrum BG_SPECTRUM
path to observed background spectrum (optional)
(default: None)
--bg-hist BG_HIST name of background histogram in observed_spectrum or
--bg-spectrum, if specified (optional) (default: None)
--bg-scale BG_SCALE relative scale of background spectrum live time to
observed spectrum live time (optional) (default: 1.0)
--rema-name [REMA_NAME]
name of the detector response matrix in matrix file
(default: rema)
--matrixfile-alt [MATRIXFILE_ALT]
Load an additional detector response matrix from this
matrix file (same rema-name as main matrix). Boris
will create a linear combination of the main
matrixfile and the alternative matrix file. (default:
--cal-bin-centers C0 [C1 ...]
energy calibration for the bin centers of the observed
spectrum, if bins are unknown (tv style calibration)
(default: None)
--cal-bin-edges C0 [C1 ...]
energy calibration for the bin edges of the observed
spectrum, if bins are unknown (default: None)
--force-overwrite Overwrite existing files without warning
advanced arguments:
-s SEED, --seed SEED set random seed
-c CORES, --cores CORES
number of cores to utilize (default: 1)
--tune TUNE number of initial steps used to tune the model
(default: 1000)
-n NDRAWS, --ndraws NDRAWS
number of samples to draw per core (default: 2000)
--fit-beam Perform a fit of a beam profile (default: False)
A simple convolution of an incident spectrum using the response matrix can be performed using the sirob
$ sirob --help
usage: sirob [-h] [-v] [-l LEFT] [-r RIGHT] [-b BINNING_FACTOR] [-H HIST]
[--bg-spectrum BG_SPECTRUM] [--bg-hist BG_HIST]
[--bg-scale BG_SCALE] [--cal-bin-centers C0 [C1 ...] |
--cal-bin-edges C0 [C1 ...]] [--rema-name [REMA_NAME]]
matrixfile incident_spectrum observed_spectrum
positional arguments:
matrixfile container file containing detector response matrix
incident_spectrum file containing the incident spectrum
observed_spectrum write observed (convoluted) spectrum to this path
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose increase verbosity (default: False)
-l LEFT, --left LEFT crop spectrum to the lowest bin still containing LEFT
(default: 0)
-r RIGHT, --right RIGHT
crop spectrum to the highest bin not containing RIGHT
(default: maximum energy of simulation) (default:
rebinning factor, group this many bins together
(default: 10)
-H HIST, --hist HIST Name of histogram in incident_spectrum to read
(optional) (default: None)
--bg-spectrum BG_SPECTRUM
path to observed background spectrum (optional)
(default: None)
--bg-hist BG_HIST name of background histogram in observed_spectrum or
--bg-spectrum, if specified (optional) (default: None)
--bg-scale BG_SCALE relative scale of background spectrum live time to
observed spectrum live time (optional) (default: 1.0)
--cal-bin-centers C0 [C1 ...]
Provide an energy calibration for the bin centers of
the incident spectrum, if bins are unknown (tv style
calibration) (default: None)
--cal-bin-edges C0 [C1 ...]
Provide an energy calibration for the bin edges of the
incident spectrum, if bins are unknown (default: None)
--rema-name [REMA_NAME]
Name of the detector response matrix in matrix file
(default: rema)
--force-overwrite Overwrite existing files without warning (default:
The response_matrix
file has to contain a simulated detector response matrix.
This file can be created by the makematrix
$ makematrix --help
usage: makematrix [-h] [-v] [--sim-dir SIM_DIR] [--detector [DETECTOR ...]]
[--max-energy [MAX_ENERGY]] [--force-overwrite]
datfile output_path
Create a detector response matrix from multiple simulated spectra for
different energies.
positional arguments:
datfile datfile containing simulation information, each line
has format `<simulation_hists.root>: <energy> [<number
of particles>]`
output_path Write resulting response matrix to this file.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose increase verbosity
--sim-dir SIM_DIR simulation file names are given relative to this
directory (default: Directory containing datfile)
--detector [DETECTOR ...]
Names of histograms to create response matrices for
(default: All available histograms)
--max-energy [MAX_ENERGY]
Maximum energy of created response matrix
--force-overwrite Overwrite existing files without warning
The provided datfile contains a list of all simulated spectra that should be combined into a single detector response matrix. For each incident particle energy, you have to provide one spectrum in separate files. If your spectra are already normalized to the number of simulated particles, the datfile should look like this:
sim_1000keV.root: 1000
sim_2000keV.root: 2000
sim_3000keV.root: 3000
sim_4000keV.root: 4000
If your spectra are not normalized (i.e., divided by the number of simulated particles), you have to provide the number of simulated particles as well:
sim_1000keV.root: 1000 1000000000
If the files contain spectra for multiple detectors,
detector response matrices are created for all of them,
unless you restrict them using the --detector
The legacy format of Horst
file with an NBINS×NBINS TH2 histogram called rema
and a TH1 histogram called n_simulated_particles
containing the response matrix, and the number of simulated primary particles, respectively)
is also supported.
In this case, one has to use boris
with the arguments --rema-name rema --norm-hist n_simulated_particles
The observed_spectrum
file has to contain the experimentally observed spectrum.
It can be provided in .txt
, .root
, .hdf5
or .txt
format (detected automatically).
If the file contains multiple objects, the name of the histogram has to be provided using the -H
The incident_spectrum
file will be created by boris and contains the trace (thinned, after burn-in) of the generated MCMC chain.
Supported file formats include .txt
, .root
, .hdf5
and .npz
The trace will be called incident
if supported by the file format.
Binning information is given directly (.root
), as a separate bin_edges
object (.hdf5
, .npz
) or as an additional column (.txt
The observed_spectrum
will be automatically rebinned to fit to the binning of response_matrix
The observed_spectrum
can be given with several differend binning conventions:
If it is a ROOT histogram, the assigned binning is used.
If loaded from a two-column .txt
, .npz
or hdf5
array, the first column is assumed to correspond to the bin centers.
If loaded from a .txt
, .npz
or hdf5
array with more than two columns, the first two columns are assumed to correspond to the lower and upper bin edges.
The resulting binning has to be contiguous.
If only one-column is given, it is assumed, that the binning corresponds to the binning of the response_matrix
Using --cal-bin-edges
or --cal-bin-centers
, it is possible to calibrate an uncalibrated spectrum.
The output of boris consists of the complete generated MCMC chain.
To allow for an easy and immediate interpretation of the results,
the boris2spec
tool is provided:
$ boris2spec --help
usage: boris2spec [-h] [-v] [--var-names [VAR_NAMES ...]] [--plot [OUTPUT]]
[--plot-title PLOT_TITLE] [--plot-xlabel PLOT_XLABEL]
[--plot-ylabel PLOT_YLABEL] [--get-mean] [--get-median]
[--get-variance] [--get-std-dev] [--get-min] [--get-max]
[--get-hdi] [--hdi-prob PROB] [--burn NUMBER]
[--thin FACTOR] [--force-overwrite]
trace_file [output_path]
Create spectra from boris trace files
positional arguments:
trace_file boris output containing traces
output_path Write resulting spectra to this file (multiple files
are created for each exported spectrum if txt format
is used) (default: None)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose increase verbosity (default: False)
--var-names [VAR_NAMES ...]
Names of variables that are evaluated (default:
['spectrum', 'incident_scaled_to_fep'])
--plot [OUTPUT] Generate a matplotlib plot of the queried spectra. The
plot is displayed interactively unless an output
filename is given. (default: None)
--plot-title PLOT_TITLE
Set plot title (default: None)
--plot-xlabel PLOT_XLABEL
Set plot x-axis label (default: None)
--plot-ylabel PLOT_YLABEL
Set plot y-axis label (default: None)
--get-mean Get the mean for each bin (default: False)
--get-median Get the median for each bin (default: False)
--get-variance Get the variance for each bin (default: False)
--get-std-dev Get the standard deviation for each bin (default:
--get-min Get the minimum for each bin (default: False)
--get-max Get the maximum for each bin (default: False)
--get-hdi Get the highest density interval for each bin
(default: False)
--hdi-prob PROB HDI prob for which interval will be computed (default:
--burn NUMBER Skip initial NUMBER of samples to account for burn-in
phase during sampling (default: 1000)
--thin FACTOR Thin trace by FACTOR before evaluating to reduce
autocorrelation (default: 1)
--force-overwrite Overwrite existing files without warning (default:
It can be used to export mean, median, variance, standard deviation and highest density interval (lower and upper limit).
The incident_spectrum
argument is the output of a boris run (.root
, .hdf5
and .npz
are supported).
If the --plot
argument is provided, the chosen histograms are visualized using matplotlib.
If output_path
is provided, the resulting histograms are written to file(s) (.root
, .hdf5
, .npz
and .txt
are supported).
Furthermore, the checkmatrix
tool is available to view detector response matrices:
$ checkmatrix --help
usage: checkmatrix [-h] [-v] [-l LEFT] [-r RIGHT] [-b BINNING_FACTOR]
[--rema-name [REMA_NAME]]
Display detector response matrix.
positional arguments:
matrixfile container file containing detector response matrix
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose increase verbosity
-l LEFT, --left LEFT crop response matrix to the lowest bin still
containing LEFT (default: 0)
-r RIGHT, --right RIGHT
crop response matrix to the highest bin not containing
RIGHT (default: maximum energy of simulation)
rebinning factor, group this many bins together
(default: 10)
--rema-name [REMA_NAME]
name of the detector response matrix in matrix file
(default: rema)
During the reconstruction, a fit of a beam profile can be applied. The following function is used for this purpose, which corresponds to a gaussian distribution with a left exponential tail:
def beam_profile_model(x, pos, vol, sigma, tl):
tl = 1. / (tl * sigma)
dx = x - pos
norm = 1 / (
(sigma ** 2) / tl * np.exp(-(tl * tl) / (2.0 * sigma ** 2))
+ np.sqrt(np.pi / 2.0) * sigma * (1 + np.math.erf(tl / (np.sqrt(2.0) * sigma)))
_x = np.piecewise(
[dx < -tl],
lambda dx: tl / (sigma ** 2) * (dx + tl / 2.0),
lambda dx: -dx * dx / (2.0 * sigma ** 2),
return vol * norm * np.exp(_x)
Copyright ©
Oliver Papst <[email protected]>
This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later. See COPYING for more information.
We thank U. Friman-Gayer for valuable discussions and J. Kleemann for testing. This work has been funded by the State of Hesse under the grant “Nuclear Photonics” within the LOEWE program (LOEWE/2/11/519/03/04.001(0008)/62), and by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF, Federal Ministry of Education and Research) under grant 05P21RDEN9. O. Papst acknowledges support by the Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research of the Helmholtz Association.