This git repository keeps automated scripts to set up an infrastructure capable of building OpenPOWER Host OS artifacts, i.e. packages and ISO image.
The scripts assume you have an organization/user on GitHub with forks of four of the OpenPOWER Host OS git repositories:
- infrastructure :: this repository
- builds :: build scripts
- versions :: packages metadata (source URL, version, etc) for creating builds
- :: web page with build summary/release notes
They will prepare a Jenkins instance capable of:
- manually start a build
- automatically start a build when there are pull requests to the "builds" and "versions" git repositories in GitHub
- create nightly builds, which must have some extra artifacts
The Jenkins instance is composed of at least two nodes: a master one which centralizes administrative tasks, builds queuing, build execution status and build results, and a slave one which executes the build itself and validates build system source code. You may install both nodes in a single system or even install only the slave node and use it to build via command line.
The Jenkins instance polls GitHub for status changes on the corresponding repositories' pull requests. It will start a batch of tests whenever an authorized user opens or updates a pull request containing a Jenkinsfile in the "infrastructure", "builds" or "versions" repositories. Currently, tests are: building all packages, building ISO, Pylint validation of Python code, yamllint validation of all package metadata YAML files and rpmlint validation of all RPM packages specification files.
A Jenkins job will trigger periodically to check the versions of the packages available in OpenPOWER Host OS GitHub organization, update the corresponding packages' versions in the "versions" git repository, create a build with all packages available and create release notes, by executing the corresponding commands from the build scripts in the "builds" git repository. Commits will be created for the local "versions" and "" git repositories and pushed to the designated GitHub user's git repository. Ideally, this should be a "bot" user. The process will then hang, waiting for an administrator to check the commits created and confirm the push to the organization's repositories. Those commits will also be tagged and the resulting build artifacts will be made available in the upload server. The default is to execute those periodic builds once a week (every Wednesday at 11 AM, Jenkins master's timezone).
There's another periodic job similar to the one above, which differs by not pushing commits to remote git repositories. It allows developers of the packages to have their new commits tested and to have a build with those commits as soon as possible. The default is to execute those periodic builds nightly (daily at 8 AM UTC, Jenkins master's timezone).
If the whole infrastructure setup is desired, you should do the following steps:
- Prepare CentOS system(s)
- Setup SSH credentials used to access upload server and GitHub from Jenkins slaves
- Automatically setup Jenkins master and slave(s) using Ansible playbooks
- Manually setup Jenkins via web UI
- Create administrative jobs
- Setup SSH credentials used to access Jenkins slaves from Jenkins master
- Create credentials used to access GitHub API from Jenkins
- Create Jenkins slaves in Jenkins web UI
- Create builds jobs
They are described in detail below.
First, you will need to prepare at least one CentOS system. If the Jenkins instance will be used for testing, one system is enough; production instances should use more systems. Virtual machines are recommended, but you could optionally use bare-metal or containers instead.
If you do not have a direct network connection to the system(s), you may setup an SSH proxy in ~/.ssh/config in your workstation to make the SSH proxy transparent. Example:
Host open-power-hostos-builds HostName <target_server> ProxyCommand ssh @<proxy_server> nc <target_server> 22
After the SSH proxy is configured, simply use the following to connect to the system:
ssh <myuser>@open-power-hostos-builds
To automate SSH authentication between 2 hosts, it is necessary to:
- create an SSH key pair if you still do not have one
- add the SSH private key to ~/.ssh/ in the source host
- add the SSH public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file in the target host
To be able to upload the results of builds to a server and push commits to
GitHub automatically, you must automate SSH authentication from Jenkins slaves
to those two servers. To have this being done automatically at the setup, make sure you have
both upload server and GitHub host keys stored in a local ~/.ssh/known_hosts
file. For
production servers, it is recommended that you provide a separate file with only
those two keys.
The private SSH key is already installed in Jenkins nodes
by Jenkins Ansible playbooks, so you do not need to do it manually.
There are two Ansible playbooks: one that sets up a Jenkins master node and another one that sets up a Jenkins slave node. Read the Ansible instructions for details on how to execute the playbooks.
If you wish to have a single system hosting the entire Jenkins instance, both playbooks can be executed in the same system. Execute first the Jenkins master playbook, stop Jenkins service (systemctl stop jenkins) and then execute the Jenkins slave playbook.
Note: The Jenkins playbooks may fail due to network errors. If you see HTTP request errors, try executing them again.
There's an optional Ansible role that configures Jenkins authentication through
an LDAP server. You'll first need to enable the configure_ldap
variable in
the Jenkins master variables file and set the
variables in the
LDAP configuration file,
making sure there's at least one admin user so you are able to access and
customize Jenkins using the UI. Execute the master playbook as usual and
answer with Y
when prompted if you'd like to configure LDAP.
If you do not have a direct network connection to the system(s), you may create an SSH tunnel in your workstation to be able to access the Jenkins web UI, which is accessible via HTTPS. Example:
sudo ssh -o "ProxyCommand ssh <user>@<proxy_server> -W %h:%p" -NL 443:localhost:443 root@<jenkins_master>
<proxy_server> is the hostname or IP address of the server which will be the intermediate (proxy) between you and the Jenkins server. While this connection is alive, you can access then Jenkins web UI at https://localhost using a web browser.
The Credentials plugin allows you to store and manage credentials in Jenkins. There are two credentials required to run the build scripts: a pair of user and SSH key to access Jenkins slaves from the master node; and a pair of user and token to access GitHub.
The SSH key pair for master-slaves access must have been created beforehand. It is recommended that this key pair be used exclusively for this purpose.
The Jenkins pipeline GitHub API needs read access to check out pull requests for building and validating and write access to update the pull requests statuses, informing the developers of the job results.
To create an API token, go to Create a token, select "repo" scope and press the "Generate token" button. Refer to for more information on how to create those tokens.
To create the credentials, you can execute the job at
, filling the necessary
The default behavior is for administrative Jenkins jobs to execute only on the
master node, and remaining jobs to execute only on slave nodes labeled
"builds_slave_label" or "validation_slave_label". You will then need to add at
least one slave node to execute the non-administrative jobs. To do this, you can execute
the job at https://<jenkins-server>/job/create_slave_node
. Set the IP address or hostname
of the slave in IP_ADDRESS job parameter. The other job parameters values do not
need to be modified. You should have already executed the Jenkins slave playbook(s)
on those slaves.
When the credentials are configured, execute the seed job at
with the default
"JOB_DESCRIPTORS_FILES" parameter. This will create all the build jobs
configured to check out from the GitHub organization/user repositories.