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CNCF OpenCost project for Kubernetes and Cloud Cost Monitoring

Popular repositories Loading

  1. opencost opencost Public

    Cost monitoring for Kubernetes workloads and cloud costs

    Go 5.6k 592

  2. opencost-helm-chart opencost-helm-chart Public

    OpenCost Helm chart

    Mustache 91 99

  3. opencost-plugins opencost-plugins Public

    Plugins for extending OpenCost with new Custom Cost Sources

    Go 20 11

  4. opencost-website opencost-website Public

    OpenCost website, blog, documentation.

    MDX 15 55

  5. opencost-grafana-dashboard opencost-grafana-dashboard Public

    11 6

  6. opencost-parquet-exporter opencost-parquet-exporter Public

    Export OpenCost data in parquet format

    Python 10 11


Showing 9 of 9 repositories