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This is a light weight DNS Server which serves A type record for now.


go get


  • Go 1.90


  1. Import the package lightdns ""
  2. Create a DNS Server dns := lightdns.NewDNSServer(port_int)
  3. Add Zone data using the function AddZoneData

dns.AddZoneData(zone, staticRecords, lookupFunction, ZoneType)


If the records data available we can code it and Add the zone data

	var googleRecords = map[string]string{
		"":  "",
		"": "",
	dns.AddZoneData("", googleRecords, nil, lightdns.DNSForwardLookupZone)


If the data is not static and has to be taken from a DB or from any other sources or calculated dynamically then use lookup function. Define a lookup function in the format

func lookupFunc(domain string) (ip string, err error) ie: given a domain name string as parameter, IP string and error value has to be returned.

	func lookupFunc(string) (string, error) {
		//Do some action
		//Get data from DB
		//Process it further more
		return "", nil
	dns.AddZoneData("", nil, lookupFunc, lightdns.DNSForwardLookupZone)
  1. Start the DNS Server by dns.StartAndServe()

Complete Example

package main

import (
	lightdns ""

var records = map[string]string{
	"":  "",
	"": "",

func lookupFunc(string) (string, error) {
	//Do some action
	//Get data from DB
	//Process it further more
	return "", nil

func main() {
	var googleRecords = map[string]string{
		"":  "",
		"": "",
	var microsoftRecords = map[string]string{
		"":  "",
		"": "",
	dns := lightdns.NewDNSServer(1234)
	dns.AddZoneData("", googleRecords, nil, lightdns.DNSForwardLookupZone)
	dns.AddZoneData("", microsoftRecords, nil, lightdns.DNSForwardLookupZone)

	/* Incase if the records are not static or to be taken from DB or from any other sources
	lookupFunc method can be used.append*/
	dns.AddZoneData("", nil, lookupFunc, lightdns.DNSForwardLookupZone)

Work in progress

Support for

  1. MX, AAAA, SOA and other records
  2. Reverse lookup zone


  1. Use goroutines for optimizing the speed
  2. Unit Test Cases
  3. Logging mechanism for monitoring and debugging
  4. Error handling


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
