Simple CLI utility to create and manage templates which can be applied to multiple files at once.
Use the package manager to install git first, then execute the following commands in your desired directory.
git clone ""
cd Template-Automater
Adding an editable template using --add
autotemp --add TemplateName
Copying content of template to a file in certain path using -p
autotemp -p TemplateName PathToFile
Editing a template in Vim editor using -e
autotemp -e TemplateName
Listing all templates using -l
autotemp -l
Display content of a template using -pf
autotemp -pf TemplateName
Removing a template using -r
autotemp -r TemplateName
Creating multiple files with a template as preset (or appending template content to multiple files).
autotemp TemplateName file1 file2 file3
Displaying all available commands on the terminal using --help
autotemp --help (or) autotemp --h
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Written by Prathmesh and Sahil.
Readme by Suryansh.
Report bugs by emailing at [email protected]