⚠️ I am not affiliated in any way with Contabo
This is an UNOFFICIAL Python API client for contabo.com, which is a hosting provider for VPS and dedicated servers.
The goal of this client is to make management of your server instances more easy using a native Python API for the Contabo API. This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project.
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
The simplest way to install the Contabo API client is by using the provided pip package:
pip install pfruck-contabo
You can also install the package directly from the GitHub Repo using pip:
pip install git+https://github.com/p-fruck/python-contabo.git
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com/p-fruck/python-contabo.git
Then import the package:
import pfruck_contabo
Install via Setuptools.
python setup.py install --user
(or sudo python setup.py install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import pfruck_contabo
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import pfruck_contabo
from pfruck_contabo.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://api.contabo.com
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = pfruck_contabo.Configuration(
host = "https://api.contabo.com"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): bearer
configuration = pfruck_contabo.Configuration(
access_token = os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"]
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with pfruck_contabo.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = pfruck_contabo.ImagesApi(api_client)
x_request_id = '04e0f898-37b4-48bc-a794-1a57abe6aa31' # str | [Uuid4](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier#Version_4_(random)) to identify individual requests for support cases. You can use [uuidgenerator](https://www.uuidgenerator.net/version4) to generate them manually.
create_custom_image_request = pfruck_contabo.CreateCustomImageRequest() # CreateCustomImageRequest |
x_trace_id = 'x_trace_id_example' # str | Identifier to trace group of requests. (optional)
# Provide a custom image
api_response = api_instance.create_custom_image(x_request_id, create_custom_image_request, x_trace_id=x_trace_id)
print("The response of ImagesApi->create_custom_image:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ImagesApi->create_custom_image: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to https://api.contabo.com
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ImagesApi | create_custom_image | POST /v1/compute/images | Provide a custom image |
ImagesApi | delete_image | DELETE /v1/compute/images/{imageId} | Delete an uploaded custom image by its id |
ImagesApi | retrieve_custom_images_stats | GET /v1/compute/images/stats | List statistics regarding the customer's custom images |
ImagesApi | retrieve_image | GET /v1/compute/images/{imageId} | Get details about a specific image by its id |
ImagesApi | retrieve_image_list | GET /v1/compute/images | List available standard and custom images |
ImagesApi | update_image | PATCH /v1/compute/images/{imageId} | Update custom image name by its id |
ImagesAuditsApi | retrieve_image_audits_list | GET /v1/compute/images/audits | List history about your custom images (audit) |
InstanceActionsApi | rescue | POST /v1/compute/instances/{instanceId}/actions/rescue | Rescue a compute instance / resource identified by its id |
InstanceActionsApi | reset_password_action | POST /v1/compute/instances/{instanceId}/actions/resetPassword | Reset password for a compute instance / resource referenced by an id |
InstanceActionsApi | restart | POST /v1/compute/instances/{instanceId}/actions/restart | Restart a compute instance / resource identified by its id. |
InstanceActionsApi | shutdown | POST /v1/compute/instances/{instanceId}/actions/shutdown | Shutdown compute instance / resource by its id |
InstanceActionsApi | start | POST /v1/compute/instances/{instanceId}/actions/start | Start a compute instance / resource identified by its id |
InstanceActionsApi | stop | POST /v1/compute/instances/{instanceId}/actions/stop | Stop compute instance / resource by its id |
InstanceActionsAuditsApi | retrieve_instances_actions_audits_list | GET /v1/compute/instances/actions/audits | List history about your actions (audit) triggered via the API |
InstancesApi | cancel_instance | POST /v1/compute/instances/{instanceId}/cancel | Cancel specific instance by id |
InstancesApi | create_instance | POST /v1/compute/instances | Create a new instance |
InstancesApi | patch_instance | PATCH /v1/compute/instances/{instanceId} | Update specific instance |
InstancesApi | reinstall_instance | PUT /v1/compute/instances/{instanceId} | Reinstall specific instance |
InstancesApi | retrieve_instance | GET /v1/compute/instances/{instanceId} | Get specific instance by id |
InstancesApi | retrieve_instances_list | GET /v1/compute/instances | List instances |
InstancesApi | upgrade_instance | POST /v1/compute/instances/{instanceId}/upgrade | Upgrading instance capabilities |
InstancesAuditsApi | retrieve_instances_audits_list | GET /v1/compute/instances/audits | List history about your instances (audit) |
InternalApi | create_ticket | POST /v1/create-ticket | Create a new support ticket |
InternalApi | retrieve_user_is_password_set | GET /v1/users/is-password-set | Get user is password set status |
ObjectStoragesApi | cancel_object_storage | PATCH /v1/object-storages/{objectStorageId}/cancel | Cancels the specified object storage at the next possible date |
ObjectStoragesApi | create_object_storage | POST /v1/object-storages | Create a new object storage |
ObjectStoragesApi | retrieve_data_center_list | GET /v1/data-centers | List data centers |
ObjectStoragesApi | retrieve_object_storage | GET /v1/object-storages/{objectStorageId} | Get specific object storage by its id |
ObjectStoragesApi | retrieve_object_storage_list | GET /v1/object-storages | List all your object storages |
ObjectStoragesApi | retrieve_object_storages_stats | GET /v1/object-storages/{objectStorageId}/stats | List usage statistics about the specified object storage |
ObjectStoragesApi | update_object_storage | PATCH /v1/object-storages/{objectStorageId} | Modifies the display name of object storage |
ObjectStoragesApi | upgrade_object_storage | POST /v1/object-storages/{objectStorageId}/resize | Upgrade object storage size resp. update autoscaling settings. |
ObjectStoragesAuditsApi | retrieve_object_storage_audits_list | GET /v1/object-storages/audits | List history about your object storages (audit) |
PrivateNetworksApi | assign_instance_private_network | POST /v1/private-networks/{privateNetworkId}/instances/{instanceId} | Add instance to a Private Network |
PrivateNetworksApi | create_private_network | POST /v1/private-networks | Create a new Private Network |
PrivateNetworksApi | delete_private_network | DELETE /v1/private-networks/{privateNetworkId} | Delete existing Private Network by id |
PrivateNetworksApi | patch_private_network | PATCH /v1/private-networks/{privateNetworkId} | Update a Private Network by id |
PrivateNetworksApi | retrieve_private_network | GET /v1/private-networks/{privateNetworkId} | Get specific Private Network by id |
PrivateNetworksApi | retrieve_private_network_list | GET /v1/private-networks | List Private Networks |
PrivateNetworksApi | unassign_instance_private_network | DELETE /v1/private-networks/{privateNetworkId}/instances/{instanceId} | Remove instance from a Private Network |
PrivateNetworksAuditsApi | retrieve_private_network_audits_list | GET /v1/private-networks/audits | List history about your Private Networks (audit) |
RolesApi | create_role | POST /v1/roles | Create a new role |
RolesApi | delete_role | DELETE /v1/roles/{roleId} | Delete existing role by id |
RolesApi | retrieve_api_permissions_list | GET /v1/roles/api-permissions | List of API permissions |
RolesApi | retrieve_role | GET /v1/roles/{roleId} | Get specific role by id |
RolesApi | retrieve_role_list | GET /v1/roles | List roles |
RolesApi | update_role | PUT /v1/roles/{roleId} | Update specific role by id |
RolesAuditsApi | retrieve_role_audits_list | GET /v1/roles/audits | List history about your roles (audit) |
SecretsApi | create_secret | POST /v1/secrets | Create a new secret |
SecretsApi | delete_secret | DELETE /v1/secrets/{secretId} | Delete existing secret by id |
SecretsApi | retrieve_secret | GET /v1/secrets/{secretId} | Get specific secret by id |
SecretsApi | retrieve_secret_list | GET /v1/secrets | List secrets |
SecretsApi | update_secret | PATCH /v1/secrets/{secretId} | Update specific secret by id |
SecretsAuditsApi | retrieve_secret_audits_list | GET /v1/secrets/audits | List history about your secrets (audit) |
SnapshotsApi | create_snapshot | POST /v1/compute/instances/{instanceId}/snapshots | Create a new instance snapshot |
SnapshotsApi | delete_snapshot | DELETE /v1/compute/instances/{instanceId}/snapshots/{snapshotId} | Delete existing snapshot by id |
SnapshotsApi | retrieve_snapshot | GET /v1/compute/instances/{instanceId}/snapshots/{snapshotId} | Retrieve a specific snapshot by id |
SnapshotsApi | retrieve_snapshot_list | GET /v1/compute/instances/{instanceId}/snapshots | List snapshots |
SnapshotsApi | rollback_snapshot | POST /v1/compute/instances/{instanceId}/snapshots/{snapshotId}/rollback | Revert the instance to a particular snapshot based on its identifier |
SnapshotsApi | update_snapshot | PATCH /v1/compute/instances/{instanceId}/snapshots/{snapshotId} | Update specific snapshot by id |
SnapshotsAuditsApi | retrieve_snapshots_audits_list | GET /v1/compute/snapshots/audits | List history about your snapshots (audit) triggered via the API |
TagAssignmentsApi | create_assignment | POST /v1/tags/{tagId}/assignments/{resourceType}/{resourceId} | Create a new assignment for the tag |
TagAssignmentsApi | delete_assignment | DELETE /v1/tags/{tagId}/assignments/{resourceType}/{resourceId} | Delete existing tag assignment |
TagAssignmentsApi | retrieve_assignment | GET /v1/tags/{tagId}/assignments/{resourceType}/{resourceId} | Get specific assignment for the tag |
TagAssignmentsApi | retrieve_assignment_list | GET /v1/tags/{tagId}/assignments | List tag assignments |
TagAssignmentsAuditsApi | retrieve_assignments_audits_list | GET /v1/tags/assignments/audits | List history about your assignments (audit) |
TagsApi | create_tag | POST /v1/tags | Create a new tag |
TagsApi | delete_tag | DELETE /v1/tags/{tagId} | Delete existing tag by id |
TagsApi | retrieve_tag | GET /v1/tags/{tagId} | Get specific tag by id |
TagsApi | retrieve_tag_list | GET /v1/tags | List tags |
TagsApi | update_tag | PATCH /v1/tags/{tagId} | Update specific tag by id |
TagsAuditsApi | retrieve_tag_audits_list | GET /v1/tags/audits | List history about your assignments (audit) |
UsersApi | create_user | POST /v1/users | Create a new user |
UsersApi | delete_user | DELETE /v1/users/{userId} | Delete existing user by id |
UsersApi | generate_client_secret | PUT /v1/users/client/secret | Generate new client secret |
UsersApi | get_object_storage_credentials | GET /v1/users/{userId}/object-storages/{objectStorageId}/credentials/{credentialId} | Get S3 compatible object storage credentials. |
UsersApi | list_object_storage_credentials | GET /v1/users/{userId}/object-storages/credentials | Get list of S3 compatible object storage credentials for user. |
UsersApi | regenerate_object_storage_credentials | PATCH /v1/users/{userId}/object-storages/{objectStorageId}/credentials/{credentialId} | Regenerates secret key of specified user for the S3 compatible object storages. |
UsersApi | resend_email_verification | POST /v1/users/{userId}/resend-email-verification | Resend email verification |
UsersApi | reset_password | POST /v1/users/{userId}/reset-password | Send reset password email |
UsersApi | retrieve_user | GET /v1/users/{userId} | Get specific user by id |
UsersApi | retrieve_user_client | GET /v1/users/client | Get client |
UsersApi | retrieve_user_list | GET /v1/users | List users |
UsersApi | update_user | PATCH /v1/users/{userId} | Update specific user by id |
UsersAuditsApi | retrieve_user_audits_list | GET /v1/users/audits | List history about your users (audit) |
VIPApi | assign_ip | POST /v1/vips/{ip}/{resourceType}/{resourceId} | Assign a VIP to an VPS/VDS/Bare Metal |
VIPApi | retrieve_vip | GET /v1/vips/{ip} | Get specific VIP by ip |
VIPApi | retrieve_vip_list | GET /v1/vips | List VIPs |
VIPApi | unassign_ip | DELETE /v1/vips/{ip}/{resourceType}/{resourceId} | Unassign a VIP to a VPS/VDS/Bare Metal |
VipAuditsApi | retrieve_vip_audits_list | GET /v1/vips/audits | List history about your VIPs (audit) |
- AddOnQuantityRequest
- AddOnRequest
- AddOnResponse
- AdditionalIp
- ApiPermissionsResponse
- ApplicationConfig
- ApplicationRequirements
- ApplicationResponse
- AssignInstancePrivateNetworkResponse
- AssignVipResponse
- AssignedTagResponse
- AssignmentAuditResponse
- AssignmentResponse
- AutoScalingTypeRequest
- AutoScalingTypeResponse
- CancelInstanceResponse
- CancelInstanceResponseData
- CancelObjectStorageResponse
- CancelObjectStorageResponseData
- ClientResponse
- ClientSecretResponse
- CreateAssignmentResponse
- CreateCustomImageFailResponse
- CreateCustomImageRequest
- CreateCustomImageResponse
- CreateCustomImageResponseData
- CreateInstanceAddons
- CreateInstanceRequest
- CreateInstanceResponse
- CreateInstanceResponseData
- CreateObjectStorageRequest
- CreateObjectStorageResponse
- CreateObjectStorageResponseData
- CreatePrivateNetworkRequest
- CreatePrivateNetworkResponse
- CreateRoleRequest
- CreateRoleResponse
- CreateRoleResponseData
- CreateSecretRequest
- CreateSecretResponse
- CreateSnapshotRequest
- CreateSnapshotResponse
- CreateTagRequest
- CreateTagResponse
- CreateTagResponseData
- CreateTicketRequest
- CreateTicketResponse
- CreateTicketResponseData
- CreateUserRequest
- CreateUserResponse
- CreateUserResponseData
- CredentialData
- CustomImagesStatsResponse
- CustomImagesStatsResponseData
- DataCenterResponse
- ExtraStorageRequest
- FindAssignmentResponse
- FindClientResponse
- FindCredentialResponse
- FindImageResponse
- FindInstanceResponse
- FindObjectStorageResponse
- FindPrivateNetworkResponse
- FindRoleResponse
- FindSecretResponse
- FindSnapshotResponse
- FindTagResponse
- FindUserIsPasswordSetResponse
- FindUserResponse
- FindVipResponse
- FindVncResponse
- FirewallingUpgradeRequest
- GenerateClientSecretResponse
- ImageAuditResponse
- ImageAuditResponseData
- ImageResponse
- InstanceAssignmentSelfLinks
- InstanceRescueActionResponse
- InstanceRescueActionResponseData
- InstanceResetPasswordActionResponse
- InstanceResetPasswordActionResponseData
- InstanceResponse
- InstanceRestartActionResponse
- InstanceRestartActionResponseData
- InstanceShutdownActionResponse
- InstanceShutdownActionResponseData
- InstanceStartActionResponse
- InstanceStartActionResponseData
- InstanceStatus
- InstanceStopActionResponse
- InstanceStopActionResponseData
- Instances
- InstancesActionsAuditResponse
- InstancesActionsRescueRequest
- InstancesAuditResponse
- InstancesResetPasswordActionsRequest
- IpConfig
- IpV4
- IpV41
- IpV6
- Links
- ListApiPermissionResponse
- ListApplicationsResponse
- ListAssignmentAuditsResponse
- ListAssignmentResponse
- ListCredentialResponse
- ListDataCenterResponse
- ListImageResponse
- ListImageResponseData
- ListInstancesActionsAuditResponse
- ListInstancesAuditResponse
- ListInstancesResponse
- ListInstancesResponseData
- ListObjectStorageAuditResponse
- ListObjectStorageResponse
- ListPrivateNetworkAuditResponse
- ListPrivateNetworkResponse
- ListPrivateNetworkResponseData
- ListRoleAuditResponse
- ListRoleResponse
- ListSecretAuditResponse
- ListSecretResponse
- ListSnapshotResponse
- ListSnapshotsAuditResponse
- ListTagAuditsResponse
- ListTagResponse
- ListUserAuditResponse
- ListUserResponse
- ListVipAuditResponse
- ListVipResponse
- ListVipResponseData
- MinimumRequirements
- ObjectStorageAuditResponse
- ObjectStorageResponse
- ObjectStoragesStatsResponse
- ObjectStoragesStatsResponseData
- OptimalRequirements
- PaginationMeta
- PatchInstanceRequest
- PatchInstanceResponse
- PatchInstanceResponseData
- PatchObjectStorageRequest
- PatchPrivateNetworkRequest
- PatchPrivateNetworkResponse
- PatchVncRequest
- PermissionRequest
- PermissionResponse
- PrivateIpConfig
- PrivateNetworkAuditResponse
- PrivateNetworkResponse
- ReinstallInstanceRequest
- ReinstallInstanceResponse
- ReinstallInstanceResponseData
- ResourcePermissionsResponse
- RoleAuditResponse
- RoleResponse
- RollbackSnapshotResponse
- SecretAuditResponse
- SecretResponse
- SelfLinks
- SnapshotResponse
- SnapshotsAuditResponse
- TagAssignmentSelfLinks
- TagAuditResponse
- TagResponse
- UnassignInstancePrivateNetworkResponse
- UpdateCustomImageRequest
- UpdateCustomImageResponse
- UpdateCustomImageResponseData
- UpdateRoleRequest
- UpdateRoleResponse
- UpdateSecretRequest
- UpdateSecretResponse
- UpdateSnapshotRequest
- UpdateSnapshotResponse
- UpdateTagRequest
- UpdateTagResponse
- UpdateUserRequest
- UpdateUserResponse
- UpgradeAutoScalingType
- UpgradeInstanceRequest
- UpgradeObjectStorageRequest
- UpgradeObjectStorageResponse
- UpgradeObjectStorageResponseData
- UserAuditResponse
- UserIsPasswordSetResponse
- UserResponse
- VipAuditResponse
- VipResponse
- VncResponse
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)