An easy to use release is coming soon, but for now you can follow the instructions below to get started.
💡 Tip: Download and install Python if you can't run it from the terminal.
Open the Terminal application.
Clone the canary branch from the repository:
git clone --branch canary --single-branch
Setup and run the server:
Alembic is used to manage database versioning using migrations.
alembic upgrade head
alembic downgrade -1
Update backend/ then run:
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "added asset table"
** NOTE: If you get an error about an already existing table, you may want to drop the table and run 'alembic upgrade head' again. **
POSIX (Linux/macOS/etc.)
python3 paios/scripts/ (only on first run)
source paios/.venv/bin/activate
python3 -m paios
python .\paios\scripts\ (only on first run)
python -m paios
Visit https://localhost:8443/
Clone the entire repository
git clone
🤖 Tip: Early Adopters don't need to build the frontend on the canary branch because it's done automatically on every commit to main.
Build the frontend:
cd frontend
npm run build
cd ..
Run the uvicorn server:
python -m paios
Visit https://localhost:8443/