This is a list of available fantasy consoles/computers. Including softwares which simulate virtual hardwares, with limited functionality. And always encourage creating and sharing tiny retro games and programs with built-in languages and tools.
FC | Language | Price & License | Platform (Editing; Playing) | Display |
3BC by Rodrigo Dornelles | 3bc-lang | Free, AGPL 3.0 |
Windows, macOS, Linux, DOS, BSD, Docker, Arduino NES, Commodore64, Apple2, Atari5200 | platform dependent (text only) |
atto by James Livesey | BASIC | Free, MIT |
Browser | 640x480 (4:3) |
BASIC8 by Tony Wang | BASIC | $14.99 | Windows, macOS, Linux; Browser | 160x128 (1.25:1) |
Bitmelo by David Byers | JavaScript | Free | Windows, Browser | Configurable |
Bitsy by Adam Le Doux | Instructions | Free, MIT |
Browser | 16x16 (1:1) 1bit sprites (8x8 per sprite) |
BrainFuckConsole74 by AndOr | Brainfuck | Free | Browser | 16x16 (1:1) 4bit |
Castle by Monterey's Coast | Instructions | F2P | iOS, Android | Unknown |
cel7 by rxi | fe (lisp-like) | NYOP | Windows, Linux | Configurable |
Click4 by Josef Patoprsty | ASM | Free, MIT |
Windows, macOS, Linux | 64x64 (1:1) |
Continuum 93 by EnthusiastGuy | ASM | Free for non-commercial use | Windows, macOS x86_64, Linux aarch64 and x86_64, Raspberry PI 64 bit, Steam Deck | 480x270 (16:9) 8bit palettes, 8 layers |
CToy by Anaël Seghezzi | C | Free, zlib |
Windows, macOS, Linux | 128x128 (1:1) |
DRAK-0 by Drew Wibbenmeyer | ChaiScript, LuaJIT (coming soon) | NYOP, MIT |
Windows | 320x240 (4:3) |
DreamBox by Hazel Stagner | Rust | NYOP | Windows, Linux | 640x480 (4:3) |
ESP LGE by Igor(corax89) | C like | Free, GPLv3 |
Browser, custom handheld | 128x128 (1:1) |
Fancade by Martin Magni | Visual Scripting | F2P | iOS, Android, Browser | Voxel |
FAZIC by Michał Kalbarczyk | BASIC | Free | Browser | 320x240 (4:3) |
Game Builder Garage by Nintendo | Visual | $29.99 | NS | 3D |
Gamercade by Robbie Davenport | Any WebAssembly language: C/C++, Rust, Go, etc. | Free, Apache-2.0, MIT |
Windows, macOS, Linux | Various (16:9) |
Game Script by Constantine Tarasenkov | Game Script | Free | Windows, Linux, Android, Xbox One | 3D |
IBNIZ by viznut | Instructions | Free, zlib |
Windows, Linux | 256x256 (1:1) |
Leikr by Torbuntu | (Official) Groovy, (unofficial) Java, Kotlin | Free, Apache |
Linux, Raspberry Pi, GameShell, Windows | 240x160 (3:2) |
LIKO-12 by RamiLego4Game | Lua | NYOP, MIT |
Windows, macOS, Linux, Android | 192x128 (3:2) |
LowRes NX (LowRes Coder) by Timo Kloss | BASIC | Free, LGPL3 |
Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS | 160x128 (1:25.1) |
LuaG Console by Vulcalien | Lua | Free, GPLv3 |
Windows, Linux | 160x160 (1:1) |
luchok by Roman "shinkarom" Shynkarenko | Lua | Free, GNU GPL 3 | libretro | 64x32 (2:1) |
Lumina by Artium | JavaScript | Free, MIT |
Web | 128x128, 64x64, 32x32 (1:1) |
MakeCode Arcade by Microsoft | Blocks, JavaScript, TypeScript | Free, MIT |
Browser; Raspberry Pi 0, custom handhelds | 160x120 (4:3) |
MEG-4 by bzt | C, BASIC, Assembly, Lua | Free, GPLv3 | Windows, Linux, Raspberry Pi, Browser, Bare matel | 320 x 200 (scrollable), 640 x 400 (no scrolling), (1.6:1) 8bit |
MegaZeux by Alexis Janson | Robotic | Free, GPLv2 |
Windows, macOS, Linux, Browser, ports | 80x25 characters, Configurable |
Micro16 by bitblitter | BASIC | Free | Windows | 80x30 character mode, 640x480 (4:3) 1bit, 320x240 (4:3) 8bit |
microStudio by Gilles | Lua, Python, JavaScript | Free, MIT |
Windows, macOS, Linux, Raspberry Pi, Browser | Configurable |
MicroW8 by exoticorn | WebAssembly, CurlyWas | Free, Unlicense |
Browser; Windows, macOS, Linux | 320x240 (4:3) 8bit |
Mini Micro by Joe Strout | MiniScript | NYOP | Windows, macOS, Linux, Browser | 960x640 (3:2), 8 layers |
Minicube64 by ΛERIF°RM | Assembly | Free, ? | Windows, macOS, Linux | 64x64 (1:1), 8bit |
nano Jammer by Casual Effects | nano | Free, BSD |
Browser | 64x64 (1:1) |
Nibble by Nibble Team | Lua | Free, GPLv3 |
Windows, macOS, Linux | 400x240 (1.67:1) 24bit/7bit |
Octo (CHIP-8) by John Earnest | ASM | Free, MIT |
Browser | 128x64 (2:1) 2bit |
OK64 by LemonSpawn | TRSE, 6502 Assembly | Free, GPLv3 |
Windows, macOS, Linux | 256x256 (1:1) 8bit |
PEEKPOKE by ABA Games | JavaScript | Free, MIT |
Browser | 32x30 (16:15) |
Phosphor by Marc Lepage | Lua | Free, MIT |
Browser | 192x128 (3:2) |
PICO-8 by Lexaloffle | Lua | $14.99 | Windows, macOS, Linux, Raspbery Pi; Browser | 128x128 (1:1) 4bit |
Picotron by Lexaloffle | Lua | $19.99 | Windows, macOS, Linux; Browser | 480x270, 240x135 (16:9) 6bit |
Pix64 by ZappedCow | PNG | NYOP | Windows, Linux | 64x64 (1:1) |
PQ93 by pennie | MoonScript | Free | Windows, macOS | 160x144 (1.11:1) 4bit |
Prequel Programming Lab by Hugo Simoes | Prequel | Free | Browser | Vector (1:1) |
Prism-384 by Grapefruitopia Industries | JavaScript | $5 | Windows, macOS, Linux, Raspberry Pi | 384x216 (16:9) |
PTM (Programmable Tile Machine) by Fernando Aires Castello | PTML (BASIC-like) | Free, MIT |
Windows | 360x200 (9:5) |
PuzzleScript, DungeonScript by Stephen Lavelle | Instructions | Free, MIT |
Browser | Configurable, (DungeonScript) Voxel |
PX8 by hallucino | Lua, Python | NYOP, MIT |
Windows, macOS, Linux | Configurable |
Pyxel by Takashi Kitao | Python | Free, MIT |
Windows, macOS, Linux, Browser | 256x256 (1:1) |
quadplay by Casual Effects | PyxlScript | Free, LGPL3 |
Windows, macOS, Linux; Browser | 384x224 (1.71:1) |
Raccoon by Lutopia & Linheha | JavaScript | Free, Unlicense |
Browser | 128x128 (1:1) |
Riko4 by Bryan | Lua | Free, MIT |
Windows, macOS, Linux | 280x160 (1.75:1) |
SCRIPT-8 by Gabriel Florit | JavaScript | Free, MIT | Browser | 128x128 (1:1) |
SmileBASIC by SmileBoom | BASIC | $9.99, $24.99 | 3DS, NS | 320x240 (4:3), 400x240 (1.67:1) |
TIC-80 by Vadim Grigoruk | Lua, MoonScript, JavaScript, Fennel, Wren, Squirrel, Python, Ruby, Janet, Scheme | Free, $5 (Pro), MIT |
Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, 3DS, Browser | 240x136 (1.76:1) |
Tribit by Lunaryss | ThreeB (B-like), Assembly | NYOP | Browser | 8x8 (1:1), 2 colors, ghosting |
Varvara by Hundred Rabbits | Uxntal (forth-like) | Free, MIT | Windows, macOS, Linux, NDS, GBA, Playdate, etc. | Configurable 2bit |
Vircon32 by Carra | C, Assembly | Free, BSD | Windows, macOS, Linux, Raspberry Pi 4 | 640x360 (16:9) 32bit |
Voxatron by Lexaloffle | micro-scripting | $19.99 | Windows, macOS, Linux | Voxel |
WASM-4 by Bruno Garcia | Any WebAssembly language: C/C++, Rust, Go, AssemblyScript | Free, MIT |
Windows, macOS, Linux; Browser | 160x160 (1:1) 2bit |
YETI-16 by yeti0904 | Instructions | Free, MIT |
Windows, macOS, Linux | Configurable |
yuki-js by Nik Coughlin | JavaScript (subset) | Free, MIT |
Browser | Configurable |
ZZT by Potomac Computer Systems | ZZT-OOP | Free, MIT |
DOS, ports | 80x25 characters |
FC | Language | Price & License | Platform (Editing; Playing) | Display |
4BOD by Puarsliburf games | ASM | Free | Windows, Browser | 16x16 (1:1) |
CHROMA-60 by Arkia | ASM | Free | Windows, Linux | 240x135 (16:9) |
DX8 by Robin Southern | ASM | Free, MIT |
Windows | 320x256 (1.25:1) |
ECoS by MLJWare | Lua | NYOP | Windows, macOS, Linux | 128x128 (1:1) |
Marmmodore-1K by Felipe Alfonso | ASM | Free | Browser | 16x16 (1:1) |
Ps 8-32m by pstudio | Assembly | Free, Unlicense |
Browser | 160x96 (1.67:1) |
Puarslitron by Puarsliburf | D-Code | Free | Windows | 72x64 (3:2) |
Saladcore by VsGab | Forth-like | Free, MIT | Browser | 128x128 1bit |
VectorBoy by David Jalbert | Lua | NYOP | Windows | Vector |
VVpet by Gardrek | Lua | Free, ? | Löve | 64x64x2, 128x128x4, Configurable |
- Ordered by: alphabet.
- Language: Mean built-in language(s) for end users, not the language in which it was created.
- NYOP: Name Your Own Price.
People find it difficult to search for this kind of software to play with, so the definition is relaxed for choosing available consoles. However, it's fairly simple to tell if one is not a fantasy console/computer:
- Hardware such as RaspberryPi and Gamebuino are not
- Emulators of real hardware (eg. NES, C64, DOSBox) are not
- Generic graphics libraries and game engines are not
- Programming IDEs and editors are not
- Minecraft is not
As things keep evolving, feel free to update this list, or correct any mistakes. Pull requests are welcome.