A Payload user wants to have a single view in Payload which can allow querying and exporting from two collections at once:
- Requests
- Request Lines
A Request can have many request lines.
Here are some example queries that the Payload user may want to perform, against Request Lines:
- Give me all the request lines that somebody submitted (request.requestedBy)
- Give me all the request lines by request ID (request)
- Give me all request lines where request total is less than 1000 (where request.total less_than 1000)
The goal is to produce a CSV export that is highly legible, which looks something like this:
Request ID | Request Total | Requested By | Line Item Title | Line Item Description description | Line Number | Line Item Cost |
13 | 3000 | Sean | MacBook Pro - 14 | MacBook Pro | 14 | 1000 |
13 | 3000 | Sean | Plant - 14 | Plant | 14 | 1000 |
13 | 3000 | Sean | Plant - 14 | Plant | 14 | 1000 |
- Can the Admin UI build filters based on nested relationship properties?
- Should we "white-label" which nested properties we want to expose via UI? It would be bad to expose all of them...
- We should ideally eliminate virtual fields from the UI filter...
- We should also disable sorting on virtual fields...