Pendulum chain by SatoshiPay. More information about Pendulum can be found here.
cargo test
To build the project, execute
cargo build --release --features metadata-hash
A successful build will create a binary under ./target/release/pendulum-node
There are 4 different runtimes currently in the repo; amplitude for the Amplitude parachain, foucoco for the Foucoco testnet (running on Rococo), pendulum for the Pendulum parachain and development for the local development. Any of these runtimes are used depending on the config. The config is created by generating the chain spec:
./target/release/pendulum-node build-spec --disable-default-bootnode > local-parachain-plain.json
To create the amplitude spec, the --chain
must be provided (similar for pendulum
and foucoco
./target/release/pendulum-node build-spec --chain amplitude --disable-default-bootnode > local-parachain-plain.json
For the raw chain spec, just add the option --raw
and the --chain
should be the one you just generated:
./target/release/pendulum-node build-spec --chain local-parachain-plain.json --raw --disable-default-bootnode > local-parachain-raw.json
./target/release/pendulum-node export-genesis-wasm --chain local-parachain-raw.json > para-2000-wasm
./target/release/pendulum-node export-genesis-state --chain local-parachain-raw.json > para-2000-genesis
Note: The amplitude chain specs, the wasm and the genesis state are already available in the res folder.
To run the collator, execute:
--collator \
--allow-private-ipv4 \
--unsafe-ws-external \
--rpc-cors all \
--rpc-external \
--rpc-methods Unsafe \
--name <ASSIGN_A_NAME> \
--ws-port <P_WS_PORT> --port <P_PORT> --rpc-port <P_RPC_PORT> \
--chain <P_SPEC_RAW.json> \
-- \
--port <R_PORT>\
--chain <R_SPEC_RAW.json> \
--sync fast --pruning archive
Parachain | Relay Chain | Description |
assigning a name to the chain | |
listening port for WebSocket connections | |
port for peer-to-peer communication |
port for remote procedure calls | |
P_SPEC_RAW.json |
R_SPEC_RAW.json |
raw json file of the chain spec |
An example for Amplitude will look like this:
--collator \
--allow-private-ipv4 \
--unsafe-ws-external \
--rpc-cors all \
--rpc-external \
--rpc-methods Unsafe \
--name amplitude-collator-1 \
--ws-port 9945 --port 30335 --rpc-port 9935 \
--chain res/amplitude-spec-raw.json \
-- \
--port 30334 \
--chain kusama.json \
--sync fast --pruning archive
You can find the kusama.json here.
For local testing, you can replace --name
with predefined keys like --alice
or --bob
. You also need to specify
the --bootnode
. Here's an example:
./target/release/pendulum-node \
--alice \
--rpc-cors=all \
--collator \
--force-authoring \
--chain local-parachain-raw.json \
--base-path /tmp/parachain/alice \
--port 40333 \
--ws-port 8844 \
--enable-offchain-indexing TRUE \
-- \
--chain rococo-custom-2-raw.json \
--bootnodes /ip4/<ALICE_NODE_ID> \
--port 30343 \
--ws-port 9977
is the peer id of Alice.
You can find the
rococo-custom-2-raw.json here.
There are prerequisites in running the collator with a local relay chain. Refer to how to run Pendulum locally.
Build the node with the production
profile and the runtime-benchmarks
feature enabled.
cargo build --profile=production --features runtime-benchmarks --package pendulum-node
Run the benchmarks of a registered pallet.
The pallet has to be added to the list of defined benchmarks that you can find in the benches
module of each
./target/production/pendulum-node benchmark pallet \
--chain pendulum \
--wasm-execution=compiled \
--pallet "*" \
--extrinsic "*" \
--steps 50 \
--repeat 20 \
--output runtime/pendulum/src/weights/ \
--template .maintain/frame-weight-template.hbs
./target/production/pendulum-node benchmark pallet \
--chain amplitude \
--wasm-execution=compiled \
--pallet "*" \
--extrinsic "*" \
--steps 50 \
--repeat 20 \
--output runtime/amplitude/src/weights/ \
--template .maintain/frame-weight-template.hbs
./target/production/pendulum-node benchmark pallet \
--chain foucoco \
--wasm-execution=compiled \
--pallet "*" \
--extrinsic "*" \
--steps 50 \
--repeat 20 \
--output runtime/foucoco/src/weights/ \
--template .maintain/frame-weight-template.hbs
For testing purposes, it is useful to run an instance of the chain locally with the same runtime as the live chain, but using the instant-seal consensus mechanism. This means that upon every successful extrinsic, a new block will be produced instantly.
Currently we only support the use of the foucoco runtime to run the chain in this standalone mode.
To run:
cargo run -p pendulum-node -- --chain {x}-spec-raw.json --instant-seal
Most other flags are irrelevant when instant-seal is used, and should not be passed, but it is still possible to use the port definition flags to change the default ports used.
The previous command assumes there exist already a ...spec-raw.json
which defines the genesis config. The process
of creating this file is the same as the one described above in section How to Generate Genesis State
To run with the default standalone genesis config defined in node/
function) use:
cargo run -p pendulum-node -- --chain res/foucoco-standalone-spec-raw.json --instant-seal
or simply:
cargo run -p pendulum-node -- --chain foucoco-standalone --instant-seal