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Office Hours Queue

Build and Deploy Coverage Status

This repo contains an office hour queue.

Setting up your development environment


  • Python 3.11 (pyenv is recommended)
  • pipenv
  • docker and docker-compose
  • Node (>)10 (nvm is recommended)
  • Yarn

Launching the backend

Navigate to /backend. Then,

  1. (Initial setup)
  • a. pipenv install --dev
    1. You might have to install openssl with Homebrew (brew install openssl) and set the following environment variable for the linker.
    export LDFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib".
    If you run into ERROR: Couldn't install package: psycopg2, see this post. If your problem is on M1, try the top 2 solutions here.
    2. You might have to install postgresql via brew install postgresql. If you run into the error psql: FATAL: role "postgres" does not exist, you also need to run:
    createuser -s postgres
    brew services restart postgresql
    3. If you run into the error where you cannot install psycopg2 due to postgres errors, you can try running: pip3 install psycopg2-binary --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir
  • b. pipenv shell
  1. docker-compose up (run this before doing any of the commands)
  2. Migration commands to ensure your installation works:

If you are getting FATAL: role "postgres" does not exist see this. See the comments of the answer for your specific case.

  • a. python migrate
  • b. python createsuperuser
  • c. python populate to populate the database with dummy data
  • d. Ensure python test passes all tests.
    • Note: to run a specific test, you can run python test tests.ohq.test_file.TestCase. Note that you might have to run migrations or reinstall dependencies if the Pipfile or models have been changed upstream.
  1. python runserver 8000
  2. Documentation: localhost:8000/api/documentation

Launching the frontend

Navigate to /frontend. Then,

  1. (Initial setup)
  • a. yarn install
  1. yarn dev

Finally, you should be able to authenticate at localhost:8000/admin and use the application at localhost:3000! 🎉

Integration testing

Users from the populate script all have password pennlabs.

  1. Run manually
  • a. Navigate to /frontend
  • b. yarn cypress open
  • c. Click on question.spec.ts

Emulating the production server

This will, as best as possible, emulate the production configuration described in /k8s/main.ts.

  1. Open a command prompt to /backend
  2. Run docker compose --profile proddev up
  3. Connect via
  4. To turn it off, use CTRL+C and then docker compose --profile proddev down

Note this will reuse the postgres database stored in /backend/postgres. You may reset this database by turinging off the docker containers and deleting /backend/postgres