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Add new composition functions and option to turn off standard filtering

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@chantelwetzel-noaa chantelwetzel-noaa released this 17 Oct 21:50
· 77 commits to main since this release

The following functions have been added to the package:

  • get_expanded_comps(): This function estimates expanded composition data for length or age data. This function expands the composition data in the same manner as the SurveyLFs.fn() and the SurveyAFs.fn() functions. The SurveyLFs.fn() and the SurveyAFs.fn() functions remain in the package but will deprecated at some point in the future once users are comfortable with the new get_expanded_comps() function.
  • get_input_n(): This function calculates input sample size via three alternative methods: total samples, number of positive tows, or based on Stewart and Hamel, 2014. This function is similar to the existing GetN.fn() function but has expanded functionality. Additionally, the new get_input_n() function is called within the get_expanded_comps() functions for SS3 formatted composition data.
    The following functions have been modified:
  • All of the pull_* functions have been modified to allow users to either apply standard data filtering or to retain all data via standard_filtering argument. Additionally, the data pulling functions now report information on the number of samples that are removed with standard_filtering = TRUE if verbose = TRUE.