Html templating library for kotlin.
- Download the latest release. (View releases)
- Clone the repo for the source code
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. - Test it with
./gradlew test
. Generated test report ->build/reports/tests/test
Simple component examples in /examples
import io.github.phenax.h.Component
import io.github.phenax.h.Layout
import io.github.phenax.h.node.DOMNode
import io.github.phenax.h.layouts.EmptyLayout
class CardComponent(val myTitle: String): Component() {
// Layout(EmptyLayout is no wrapper. You can use a custom layout)
override val layout = EmptyLayout()
// This renders a div card component
// <div class="card">
// <h1 class="card--title">Card title</h1>
// <p class="card--description">Card description</p>
// </div>
override fun render(): DOMNode {
return div( mapOf( "class" to "card" ),
h1( mapOf( "class" to "card--title" ), myTitle),
p( mapOf( "class" to "card--description" ), "Card description" )
val helloWorldCard = CardComponent("Hello world")
import io.github.phenax.h.*
fun createCard(myTitle: String) = component {
div( mapOf( "class" to "card" ),
h1( mapOf( "class" to "card--title" ), myTitle),
p( mapOf( "class" to "card--description" ), "Card description")
val helloWorldCard = createCard("Hello world")
import io.github.phenax.h.Component
import io.github.phenax.h.Layout
import io.github.phenax.h.node.DOMNode
class HtmlLayout(val title: String = "Moosic"): Layout() {
override fun render(component: AbstractComponent): DOMNode {
return (
html(null, listOf(
head(null, listOf(
h("title", null, listOf( text(title) ) ),
style("/css/style.css"), // External stylesheet
style(null, "html, body { background-color: red; }") // Inline style
body(null, listOf(
div(null, h(component)),
script("/js/script.js", mapOf( "defer" to "defer", "async" to "async" ))
class UserCardComponent(user: User): Component() {
override val layout = EmptyLayout()
override fun render(): DOMNode {
return div(null, listOf(
div(null, listOf( text( )),
div(null, listOf( text('@' + user.nickname) )),
class UserListComponent(usersList: List<User>): Component() {
override val layout = EmptyLayout()
override fun render(): DOMNode {
return div(null, { user ->
div(null, listOf( h(UserCardComponent(user)) ))
val component = CardComponent()