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Releases: piccolo-orm/piccolo


14 Mar 22:58
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  • Fixed a bug with get_or_create when a table has a column with both null=False and default=None - thanks to @bymoye for reporting this issue.
  • If a PostgresEngine uses the dsn argument for asyncpg, this is now used by piccolo sql_shell run. Thanks to @abhishek-compro for suggesting this.
  • Fixed the type annotation for the length argument of Varchar - it is allowed to be None. Thanks to @Compro-Prasad for this.


12 Feb 23:54
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  • Added Quart, Sanic, and Falcon as supported ASGI frameworks (thanks to @sinisaos for this).
  • Fixed a bug with very large integers in SQLite.
  • Fixed type annotation for Timestamptz default values (thanks to @Skelmis for this).


23 Oct 21:43
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Python 3.13 is now officially supported.

JSON / JSONB querying has been significantly improved. For example, if we have this table:

class RecordingStudio(Table):
    facilities = JSONB()

And the facilities column contains the following JSON data:

    "technicians": [
        {"name": "Alice Jones"},
        {"name": "Bob Williams"},

We can get the first technician name as follows:

>>> await
...     RecordingStudio.facilities["technicians"][0]["name"].as_alias("name")
... ).output(load_json=True)
[{'name': 'Alice Jones'}, ...]

TableStorage (used for dynamically creating Piccolo Table classes from an existing database) was improved, to support a Dockerised version of Piccolo Admin, which is coming soon.


18 Oct 12:51
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Postgres 17 is now officially supported.

Fixed a bug with joins, when a ForeignKey column had db_column_name specified. Thanks to @jessemcl-flwls for reporting this issue.


04 Oct 23:09
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get_related now works multiple layers deep:

concert = await Concert.objects().first()
manager = await concert.get_related(Concert.band_1._.manager)


01 Oct 08:52
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Fixed a bug with the get_m2m method, which would raise a ValueError when no objects were found. It now handles this gracefully and returns an empty list instead. Thanks to @nVitius for this fix.

Improved the ASGI templates (including a fix for the latest Litestar version). Thanks to @sinisaos for this.


24 Sep 00:27
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Added support for row locking (i.e. SELECT ... FOR UPDATE).

For example, if we have this table:

class Concert(Table):
    name = Varchar()
    tickets_available = Integer()

And we want to make sure that tickets_available never goes below 0, we can do the following:

async def book_tickets(ticket_count: int):
    async with Concert._meta.db.transaction():
        concert = await Concert.objects().where(
   == "Awesome Concert"

        if concert.tickets_available >= ticket_count:
            await concert.update_self({
                Concert.tickets_available: Concert.tickets_available - ticket_count
            raise ValueError("Not enough tickets are available!")

This means that when multiple transactions are running at the same time, it isn't possible to book more tickets than are available.

Thanks to @dkopitsa for adding this feature.


21 Sep 21:26
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Added the update_self method, which is an alternative to the save method. Here's an example where it's useful:

# If we have a band object:
>>> band = await Band.objects().get(name="Pythonistas")
>>> band.popularity

# We can increment the popularity, based on the current value in the
# database:
>>> await band.update_self({
...     Band.popularity: Band.popularity + 1
... })

# The new value is set on the object:
>>> band.popularity

# It's safer than using the `save` method, because the popularity value on
# the object might be out of date with what's in the database:
band.popularity += 1

Thanks to @trondhindenes for suggesting this feature.

Batch raw queries

The batch method can now be used with raw queries. For example:

async with await MyTable.raw("SELECT * FROM my_table").batch() as batch:
    async for _batch in batch:

This is useful when you expect a raw query to return a lot of data.

Thanks to @devsarvesh92 for suggesting this feature.


14 Sep 20:40
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Fixed a bug with migrations, where altering a column type from Integer to Float could fail. Thanks to @kurtportelli for reporting this issue.


20 Aug 17:47
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Each migration is automatically wrapped in a transaction - this can now be disabled using the wrap_in_transaction argument:

manager = MigrationManager(

This is useful when writing a manual migration, and you want to manage all of the transaction logic yourself (or want multiple transactions).

granian is now a supported server in the ASGI templates. Thanks to @sinisaos for this.