This is a secure and transparent E-Voting System built using Blockchain technology to ensure tamper-proof elections. It leverages Ethereum smart contracts, Web3.js, and a modern MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack with IPFS for decentralized file storage.
- Immutable Blockchain Voting – Votes cannot be altered or deleted.
- Decentralized Storage – Stores voter data securely using IPFS.
- Real-Time Vote Counting – Instant, tamper-proof results.
- User Authentication – Voter verification using MetaMask.
- Web3.js Integration – Connects the front end to Ethereum blockchain.
- Admin Panel – Admins can start/stop elections.
Technology | Purpose |
Solidity | Smart contract development for voting |
Web3.js | Connects front end with blockchain |
Next.js | Front-end framework for UI |
Semantic UI React | UI styling and components |
Node.js & Express.js | Back-end for API and authentication |
MongoDB | Database to store voter details |
IPFS | Decentralized file storage for voter documents/images |
- Voter connects their MetaMask wallet.
- Smart contract verifies the voter and allows them to vote.
- Vote is stored securely on the Ethereum blockchain.
- Results are fetched in real time and displayed on the UI.
- Admins manage the election start/stop process.