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Database Schema
Aurora Lahtela edited this page Apr 7, 2024
23 revisions
Page Version: 5.6 build 2820
| Tables_in_Plan |
| plan_access_log |
| plan_allowlist_bounce |
| plan_cookies |
| plan_extension_groups |
| plan_extension_icons |
| plan_extension_plugins |
| plan_extension_providers |
| plan_extension_server_table_values |
| plan_extension_server_values |
| plan_extension_tables |
| plan_extension_tabs |
| plan_extension_user_table_values |
| plan_extension_user_values |
| plan_geolocations |
| plan_join_address |
| plan_kills |
| plan_nicknames |
| plan_ping |
| plan_plugin_versions |
| plan_security |
| plan_servers |
| plan_sessions |
| plan_settings |
| plan_tps |
| plan_user_info |
| plan_users |
| plan_web_group |
| plan_web_group_to_permission |
| plan_web_permission |
| plan_web_user_preferences |
| plan_world_times |
| plan_worlds |
| plan_version_protocol | -- ViaVersion or ProtocolSupport Extensions
| plan_platforms | -- FloodGate Extension
| plan_tebex_payments | -- Buycraft/Tebex Extension
| plan_votes | -- nuVotifier Extension
You can open the diagram if you click it.
Image version: 5.6 build 2820
: This uuid is ServerUUID, which the server generates the first time the server connects to the database. It can be found in ServerInfoFile.yml inside Plan plugin folder. -
columns refer toplan_servers.uuid
without a foreign key. -
columns refer toplan_users.uuid
without a foreign key.
| plan_access_log | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_access_log | time | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_access_log | from_ip | varchar | 45 | NULL |
| plan_access_log | request_method | varchar | 8 | NULL |
| plan_access_log | request_uri | text | 65535 | NULL |
| plan_access_log | response_code | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_allowlist_bounce | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_allowlist_bounce | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_allowlist_bounce | name | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_allowlist_bounce | server_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_allowlist_bounce | times | int | NULL | 0 |
| plan_allowlist_bounce | last_bounce | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_cookies | web_username | varchar | 100 | NULL |
| plan_cookies | expires | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_cookies | cookie | varchar | 64 | NULL |
| plan_extension_groups | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_groups | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_extension_groups | group_name | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_extension_groups | provider_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_icons | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_icons | name | varchar | 50 | 'question' |
| plan_extension_icons | family | varchar | 15 | 'SOLID' |
| plan_extension_icons | color | varchar | 25 | 'NONE' |
| plan_extension_plugins | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_plugins | name | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_extension_plugins | last_updated | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_plugins | server_uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_extension_plugins | icon_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_providers | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_providers | name | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_extension_providers | text | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_extension_providers | description | varchar | 150 | NULL |
| plan_extension_providers | priority | int | NULL | 0 |
| plan_extension_providers | show_in_players_table | tinyint | NULL | 0 |
| plan_extension_providers | groupable | tinyint | NULL | 0 |
| plan_extension_providers | condition_name | varchar | 54 | NULL |
| plan_extension_providers | provided_condition | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_extension_providers | format_type | varchar | 25 | NULL |
| plan_extension_providers | hidden | tinyint | NULL | 0 |
| plan_extension_providers | player_name | tinyint | NULL | 0 |
| plan_extension_providers | plugin_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_providers | icon_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_providers | tab_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_server_table_values | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_server_table_values | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_extension_server_table_values | table_row | int | NULL | 0 |
| plan_extension_server_table_values | col_1_value | varchar | 250 | NULL |
| plan_extension_server_table_values | col_2_value | varchar | 250 | NULL |
| plan_extension_server_table_values | col_3_value | varchar | 250 | NULL |
| plan_extension_server_table_values | col_4_value | varchar | 250 | NULL |
| plan_extension_server_table_values | col_5_value | varchar | 250 | NULL |
| plan_extension_server_table_values | table_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_server_values | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_server_values | boolean_value | tinyint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_server_values | double_value | double | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_server_values | percentage_value | double | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_server_values | long_value | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_server_values | string_value | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_extension_server_values | group_value | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_extension_server_values | provider_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_server_values | component_value | varchar | 500 | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | name | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | color | varchar | 25 | 'NONE' |
| plan_extension_tables | values_for | int | NULL | 0 |
| plan_extension_tables | condition_name | varchar | 54 | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | col_1_name | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | col_2_name | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | col_3_name | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | col_4_name | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | col_5_name | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | plugin_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | icon_1_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | icon_2_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | icon_3_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | icon_4_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | icon_5_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | tab_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | format_1 | varchar | 15 | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | format_2 | varchar | 15 | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | format_3 | varchar | 15 | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | format_4 | varchar | 15 | NULL |
| plan_extension_tables | format_5 | varchar | 15 | NULL |
| plan_extension_tabs | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_tabs | name | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_extension_tabs | element_order | varchar | 100 | 'VALUES,GRAPH,TABLE' |
| plan_extension_tabs | tab_priority | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_tabs | plugin_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_tabs | icon_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_user_table_values | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_user_table_values | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_extension_user_table_values | table_row | int | NULL | 0 |
| plan_extension_user_table_values | col_1_value | varchar | 250 | NULL |
| plan_extension_user_table_values | col_2_value | varchar | 250 | NULL |
| plan_extension_user_table_values | col_3_value | varchar | 250 | NULL |
| plan_extension_user_table_values | col_4_value | varchar | 250 | NULL |
| plan_extension_user_table_values | table_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_user_values | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_user_values | boolean_value | tinyint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_user_values | double_value | double | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_user_values | percentage_value | double | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_user_values | long_value | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_user_values | string_value | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_extension_user_values | group_value | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_extension_user_values | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_extension_user_values | provider_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_extension_user_values | component_value | varchar | 500 | NULL |
| plan_geolocations | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_geolocations | user_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_geolocations | geolocation | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_geolocations | last_used | bigint | NULL | 0 |
| plan_join_address | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_join_address | join_address | varchar | 191 | NULL |
| plan_kills | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_kills | killer_uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_kills | victim_uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_kills | server_uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_kills | weapon | varchar | 30 | NULL |
| plan_kills | date | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_kills | session_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_nicknames | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_nicknames | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_nicknames | nickname | varchar | 75 | NULL |
| plan_nicknames | server_uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_nicknames | last_used | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_ping | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_ping | user_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_ping | server_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_ping | date | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_ping | max_ping | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_ping | min_ping | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_ping | avg_ping | double | NULL | NULL |
| plan_platforms | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_platforms | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_platforms | platform | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_platforms | bedrockUsername | varchar | 32 | NULL |
| plan_platforms | javaUsername | varchar | 16 | NULL |
| plan_platforms | linkedPlayer | varchar | 16 | NULL |
| plan_platforms | languageCode | varchar | 8 | NULL |
| plan_platforms | version | varchar | 16 | NULL |
| plan_plugin_versions | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_plugin_versions | server_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_plugin_versions | plugin_name | varchar | 100 | NULL |
| plan_plugin_versions | version | varchar | 255 | NULL |
| plan_plugin_versions | modified | bigint | NULL | 0 |
| plan_security | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_security | username | varchar | 100 | NULL |
| plan_security | linked_to_uuid | varchar | 36 | '' |
| plan_security | salted_pass_hash | varchar | 100 | NULL |
| plan_security | group_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_servers | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_servers | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_servers | name | varchar | 100 | NULL |
| plan_servers | web_address | varchar | 100 | NULL |
| plan_servers | is_installed | tinyint | NULL | 1 |
| plan_servers | is_proxy | tinyint | NULL | 0 |
| plan_servers | max_players | int | NULL | -1 |
| plan_servers | plan_version | varchar | 18 | 'Old' |
| plan_sessions | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_sessions | user_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_sessions | server_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_sessions | session_start | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_sessions | session_end | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_sessions | mob_kills | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_sessions | deaths | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_sessions | afk_time | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_sessions | join_address_id | int | NULL | 1 |
| plan_settings | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_settings | server_uuid | varchar | 39 | NULL |
| plan_settings | updated | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_settings | content | text | 65535 | NULL |
| plan_tebex_payments | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_tebex_payments | tebex_id | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_tebex_payments | player_name | varchar | 256 | NULL |
| plan_tebex_payments | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_tebex_payments | date | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_tebex_payments | amount | double | NULL | NULL |
| plan_tebex_payments | currency_iso_4217 | varchar | 50 | NULL |
| plan_tebex_payments | packages | varchar | 256 | NULL |
| plan_tps | server_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_tps | date | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_tps | tps | double | NULL | NULL |
| plan_tps | players_online | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_tps | cpu_usage | double | NULL | NULL |
| plan_tps | ram_usage | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_tps | entities | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_tps | chunks_loaded | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_tps | free_disk_space | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_users | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_users | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_users | registered | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_users | name | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_users | times_kicked | int | NULL | 0 |
| plan_user_info | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_user_info | user_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_user_info | server_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_user_info | join_address | varchar | 191 | NULL |
| plan_user_info | registered | bigint | NULL | NULL |
| plan_user_info | opped | tinyint | NULL | 0 |
| plan_user_info | banned | tinyint | NULL | 0 |
| plan_version_protocol | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_version_protocol | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_version_protocol | protocol_version | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_votes | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_votes | user_name | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_votes | service | varchar | 150 | NULL |
| plan_votes | votes | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_web_group | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_web_group | group_name | varchar | 100 | NULL |
| plan_web_group_to_permission | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_web_group_to_permission | group_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_web_group_to_permission | permission_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_web_permission | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_web_permission | permission | varchar | 100 | NULL |
| plan_web_user_preferences | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_web_user_preferences | preferences | text | 65535 | NULL |
| plan_web_user_preferences | web_user_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_worlds | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_worlds | world_name | varchar | 100 | NULL |
| plan_worlds | server_uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL |
| plan_world_times | id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_world_times | user_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_world_times | world_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_world_times | server_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_world_times | session_id | int | NULL | NULL |
| plan_world_times | survival_time | bigint | NULL | 0 |
| plan_world_times | creative_time | bigint | NULL | 0 |
| plan_world_times | adventure_time | bigint | NULL | 0 |
| plan_world_times | spectator_time | bigint | NULL | 0 |