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Angular Circular Progressbar

A circular progressbar component, built with SVG and extensively customizable. Try it out on CodeSandbox.

animated progressbar progressbar examples

New features:


Install with yarn:

yarn add @plcoder/ng-circular-progressbar

or npm:

npm install --save @plcoder/ng-circular-progressbar


Import the module

import { NgCircularProgressbagrModule } from '@plcoder/ng-circular-progressbar';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [YourAppComponent]

export class YourAppModule {}

Now you can use the component:

const percentage = 66;

<ng-circular-progressbar [value]="percentage" [text]="percentage + '%'">

If your values are not in percentages, you can adjust minValue and maxValue to select the scale you want:

const value = 0.66;

<ng-circular-progressbar [value]="value" maxValue="1" [text]="value*100 + '%'">

The progressbar is designed to fill the width of its container. You can size the progressbar by sizing its container:

<div style={{ width: 200, height: 200 }}>
  <ng-circular-progressbar value="66">

This makes the progressbar work well with responsive designs and grid systems.


Take a look at the CodeSandbox for interactive examples on how to use these props.

Name Description
value Completion value of the progressbar, from minValue to maxValue. Required.
minValue Minimum value of the progressbar. Default: 0.
maxValue Maximum value of the progressbar. Default: 100.
className Classes to apply to the svg element. Default: ''.
text Text to display inside progressbar. Default: ''.
strokeWidth Width of circular line relative to total width of component, a value from 0-100. Default: 8.
background Whether to display background color. Default: false.
backgroundPadding Padding between background circle and path/trail relative to total width of component. Only used if background is true. Default: 0.
counterClockwise Whether to rotate progressbar in counterclockwise direction. Default: false.
circleRatio Number from 0-1 representing ratio of the full circle diameter the progressbar should use. Default: 1.
classes Object allowing overrides of classNames of each svg subcomponent (root, trail, path, text, background).
styles Object allowing customization of styles of each svg subcomponent (root, trail, path, text, background).

Theming (customizing styles)

Use CSS or inline styles to customize the styling - the default CSS is a good starting point, but you can override it as needed.

Using the styles prop

You can use the styles prop to customize each part of the progressbar (the root svg, path, trail, text, and background). This uses the native style prop for each subcomponent, so you can use any CSS properties here, not just the ones mentioned below.

As a convenience, you can use buildStyles to configure the most common style changes:

import { NgCircularProgressbarModule, buildStyles } from '@plcoder/ng-circular-progressbar';

const percentage = 66;
const myStyles = buildStyles({
  // Rotation of path and trail, in number of turns (0-1)
  rotation: 0.25,

  // Whether to use rounded or flat corners on the ends - can use 'butt' or 'round'
  strokeLinecap: 'butt',

  // Text size
  textSize: '16px',

  // How long animation takes to go from one percentage to another, in seconds
  pathTransitionDuration: 0.5,

  // Can specify path transition in more detail, or remove it entirely
  // pathTransition: 'none',

  // Colors
  pathColor: `rgba(62, 152, 199, ${percentage / 100})`,
  textColor: '#f88',
  trailColor: '#d6d6d6',
  backgroundColor: '#3e98c7',

<ng-circular-progressbar [value]="percentage" [text]="percentage + '%'" styles="myStyles">

buildStyles is a shorthand, but you can also build the styles object yourself. It's an object with root, path, trail, text, and background properties, which are each a set of inline styles to apply to the relevant SVG subcomponent. Here's the equivalent set of styles as above, without using buildStyles:

const percentage = 69;

const myStyles = {
  // Customize the root svg element
  root: {},
  // Customize the path, i.e. the "completed progress"
  path: {
    // Path color
    stroke: `rgba(62, 152, 199, ${percentage / 100})`,
    // Whether to use rounded or flat corners on the ends - can use 'butt' or 'round'
    strokeLinecap: 'butt',
    // Customize transition animation
    transition: 'stroke-dashoffset 0.5s ease 0s',
    // Rotate the path
    transform: 'rotate(0.25turn)',
    transformOrigin: 'center center',
  // Customize the circle behind the path, i.e. the "total progress"
  trail: {
    // Trail color
    stroke: '#d6d6d6',
    // Whether to use rounded or flat corners on the ends - can use 'butt' or 'round'
    strokeLinecap: 'butt',
    // Rotate the trail
    transform: 'rotate(0.25turn)',
    transformOrigin: 'center center',
  // Customize the text
  text: {
    // Text color
    fill: '#f88',
    // Text size
    fontSize: '16px',
  // Customize background - only used when the `background` prop is true
  background: {
    fill: '#3e98c7',

<ng-circular-progressbar [value]="percentage" [text]="percentage + '%'" styles="myStyles">

However, you're not limited to the CSS properties shown above—you have the full set of SVG CSS properties available to you when you use prop.styles.

See the CodeSandbox examples for a live example on how to customize styles.

Using CSS

You can also customize styles with CSS. There are equivalent CSS hooks for the root, path, trail, text, and background of the progressbar.

If you're importing the default styles, you can override the defaults like this:

import './custom.css';
// custom.css
.CircularProgressbar-path {
  stroke: red;
.CircularProgressbar-trail {
  stroke: gray;
.CircularProgressbar-text {
  fill: yellow;
.CircularProgressbar-background {
  fill: green;

Adding arbitrary text or content inside the progressbar

If you want to add multiple lines of text or images within the progressbar, you can overlay it on top of a regular <ng-circular-progressbar /> using absolute positioning. react-circular-progressbar ships with a CircularProgressbarWithChildrenComponent component which makes it easy to do project custom HTML:

<ng-circular-progressbar-with-children [value]="66">
  <img style="width: 40px; margin-top: -5px" src="" alt="doge" />
  <div style="font-size: 12px; margin-top: -5px">
    <strong>66%</strong> mate

CircularProgressbarWithChildren example

ng-circular-progressbar-with-children has all the same props as ng-circular-progressbar - you can use it the exact same way otherwise.