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Ideas to update values inside a store with NextJS's revalidatePath in servers actions #3048

Answered by mooalot
dudusotero asked this question in Q&A
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If I understand correctly, it sounds like you are creating a store in a context and want that store to update when some data changes.

I always do something like this in my provider:

type Data = {
  foo: string;

const StoreContext = createContext<StoreApi<Data> | null>(null);
function createDataStore(value: Data) {
  return createStore<Data>((set) => ({

function DataStoreProvider({ children, value }: { children: React.ReactNode; value: Data }) {
  const [store] = useState(() => createDataStore(value));

  //if any props change, it will update the store
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [value]);

  return <StoreContext.Provider value={store}>{c…

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Answer selected by dudusotero
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