Custom ROS2 messages and services used by Reachy's ROS2 packages.
ROS2 Version: Foxy
How to install:
cd ~/reachy_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/reachy_ws/
colcon build --packages-select reachy_msgs
- ForceSensor.msg
- JointTemperature.msg
- PidGains.msg
- FanState.msg
- GetArmFK.srv - Carry out the forward kinematics computation for Reachy's arm.
- GetArmIK.srv - Carry out the inverse kinematics computation for Reachy's arm.
- JointFullState.srv - Return positon, speed, effort, temperature, compliance, goal position, speed limit, torque limit and the PID gains of the requested joints.
- GetOrbitaIK.srv - Carry out the inverse kinematics computation for Orbita.
- GetQuaternionTransform.srv - Compute the quaternion to reach the requested vector in the look_out function.
- SetCameraZoomLevel.srv - Send command to the zoom of a given camera.
- SetCameraZoomSpeed.srv - Send speed to the zoom of a given camera.
- SetFanState.srv - Set the requested fans to the requested states. (True = on / False = off).
- SetJointCompliancy.srv - Set the requested joints to the requested compliance level. (True = Compliant / False = Stiff)
- SetJointPidGains.srv - Set the requested PID gains (see the joint documentation for more information on how the different values are used).
- GetReachyModel.srv - Get Reachy's configuration and mobile base version (if a mobile base is connected).
This package is part of the ROS2-based software release of the version 2021 of Reachy.
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