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Polympics Site Wiki

This repository contains both the Polympics Wiki, as markdown, and the tool for rendering it to HTML.


Intro to Markdown

You can skip this section if you already know markdown. Alternatively, try this markdown cheatsheet.

Wiki pages are markdown (.md) files. Go ahead and open one to see how they look. Actually, this is README is a markdown file too! You can see the source code that made this file here.

If you've used Discord, you're probably already familiar with parts of markdown like *italic* and **bold**. Some more features of markdown are showcased below:

# Title
## Subtitle
### Sub subtitle
###### ... 6 is the smallest

* list
* of
* items

- - -

> Someone famous probably said this.

This looks like:



Sub subtitle

... 6 is the smallest
  • list
  • of
  • items




Someone famous probably said this.

There are also online markdown editors, so you can write markdown like you might in Google Docs or Microsoft Word. However, many of these provide extensions not currently supported by the Polympics Wiki. The flavour of markdown this Wiki uses Commonmark. The only difference you will probably notice is that tables are not supported.

Adding to the Wiki

You will need a GitHub account to contribute to this Wiki. They are free, you can create one here.

The files that make up the wiki are markdown files (see above), in the content folder. Unless you are writing code, you can ignore everything except that folder (and this file!).

All file names should be lowercase, using underscores (_) instead of spaces.

If you want to add or edit a file, find the relevant "Add file" or "Edit file" buttons on Github (the edit file button is usually just a pencil icon). GitHub will help automate the process and guide you through it. Once you've made your changes or written your file, press the "Create pull request" button. We will review it as soon as we can!

If you're a frequent contributor to the Wiki, you can also get write access. Just contact Artemis with your GitHub username.

Wiki Directives

As well as markdown, you'll often see something like this at the top of files:

@title Cool Page!

These are a feature of this wiki, called wiki directives (or you can call them whatever, I don't mind). A wiki directive is any line beginning with an @. The currently support directives are listed below:


Indicates that the file should be linked to directly from the Polympics navbar. Please use this sparingly as there is limited space in the navbar. Four of five pages at most should include this.


Specifies a title for the page. Currently, this is only used in the navbar. Especially for navbar pages, this should be kept to two words, or three short ones. If you don't use this directive, a reasonable default will be chosen based on the file name.

Unless you're writing code, you don't need to read any further.


This project requires Python3.9+ (Python 4 is not acceptable). Depending on your operating system, you may be able to install it from your package manager, an external PPA (like deadsnakes), or the official website.

This project uses pipenv to manage dependencies. To get started, you'll need to install pipenv from PyPI, eg:

$ python3 -m pip install pipenv

Once you have pipenv installed, you can create a virtual enviroment and install the project's dependencies with

$ pipenv shell
$ pipenv install

You can then build the HTML output with

$ pipenv run build

If you are contributing to the build code, you will also need to install development dependencies:

$ pipenv install -d

You can then lint the code with

$ pipenv run lint


Configuration goes in the same dir as this README, in a file named config.json. The available options are as follows:

Field Default
in_dir content
out_dir out
index_file index.json

Because all fields are optional, you need not make the file at all.


The API consists of a single root endpoint which links to available files.

For this repository, the endpoint is:

This returns a JSON object, though the Content-Type header may be incorrect. It contains one key: files. This is a list of file objects, defined below:

Field Type Description
path string The relative path to the page (see below).
title string The title of the page.
navbar boolean Whether the page should be linked in the navbar.

The path is relative to the root endpoint. For example, a path of events/art.html for this repository would mean: