Releases: prebid/prebid-mobile-android
Releases · prebid/prebid-mobile-android
Users who use GAM event handlers or AdMob adapters should update their min Android SDK version to 23. It's requirement of the new GMA SDK library.
What's Changed
- Track nurl and burl by @ValentinPostindustria in #812
- Impression tracker for original API by @ValentinPostindustria in #804
- Update GAM to 24 by @ValentinPostindustria in #837
- Auction settings id by @mdanylov-sigma in #829
- Deprecate methods and properties for 3.0 by @mdanylov-sigma in #833
- Update Applovin SDK to the latest version by @ValentinPostindustria in #835
- Advertising id improvements by @ValentinPostindustria in #830
- Blocked creative attribute by @mdanylov-sigma in #834
- Update GAM to 24.1.0 by @ValentinPostindustria in #843
- Fix Applovin adapter by @ValentinPostindustria in #842
- Bump to 2.5.0 by @mdanylov-sigma in #839
New Contributors
- @mdanylov-sigma made their first contribution in #829
Full Changelog: 2.4.0...2.5.0
What's Changed
- Do not use device size if there is no ad size by @ValentinPostindustria in #817
- Public click URL for native ad by @ValentinPostindustria in #819
- Fix double tracking nurl for banner ads by @ValentinPostindustria in #816
- Introduce event delegate by @ValentinPostindustria in #814
- PrebidMobile-core:
must serializeatype
. by @alightr in #821 - Removed useExternalBrowser by @jsligh in #794
- Remove redundant isCoppaEnabled by @jsligh in #795
- Removes SetBuyerId by @jsligh in #796
- Deprecated the methods by @jsligh in #797
- Deprecated YOB/Age/Gender by @jsligh in #800
- Deprecated setUserCustomData by @jsligh in #799
- External user id improvements by @ValentinPostindustria in #822
- Update GAM to the latest version by @ValentinPostindustria in #820
- Generate SharedId and Send in Auction Requests by @jerrycychen in #823
- Add plcmt video parameter by @ValentinPostindustria in #824
- Fix shared id tests by @ValentinPostindustria in #827
- Preparation for release by @ValentinPostindustria in #828
New Contributors
- @alightr made their first contribution in #821
- @jerrycychen made their first contribution in #823
Full Changelog: 2.3.1...2.4.0
What's Changed
- fix(includebidderkeys): server responding with bidder keys even tho bidderkeys flag is not present in the request by @AbrahamArmasCordero in #781
- Remove bad PR (My Fault) by @jsligh in #785
- Fix Gradle Build by @jsligh in #779
- SetBundleName Not Working Fix by @jsligh in #789
- Remove legacy annotation by @ValentinPostindustria in #792
- Generate combined Javadoc documentation by @ValentinPostindustria in #791
- Rewarded Ad Unit Enhancements by @ValentinTeqBlaze in #803
- Ad position parameter for Original API ad unit by @ValentinPostindustria in #806
- Fix smoke tests by @ValentinPostindustria in #808
- Send
field together withadslot
by @ValentinPostindustria in #811 - Fix OpenRTB field by @ValentinPostindustria in #805
- Introduce test cases for PUC by @ValentinPostindustria in #807
- Update version to 2.3.1 by @ValentinPostindustria in #813
New Contributors
- @ValentinTeqBlaze made their first contribution in #803
Full Changelog: 2.2.3...2.3.1
What's Changed
- Fix instl flag by @ValentinPostindustria in #758
- Remove checks for debug by @jsligh in #759
- Return error if FetchDemandResult Contains "no internet" by @jsligh in #760
- Set SDK Initialization True before Completion Handler Invocation by @jsligh in #761
- Update GMA Version to 23.1.0 by @jsligh in #767
- Add support for privacy url by @andriiginting in #754
- Introduce
parameter by @ValentinPostindustria in #774 - fix: Set video dimensions based on banner configuration if not set by @shinwan2 in #775
- 2.2.3 Changes by @jsligh in #778
New Contributors
- @andriiginting made their first contribution in #754
Full Changelog: 2.2.1...2.2.3
What's Changed
- fix: Pin Google Play Services Ads to 22.6.0 by @shinwan2 in #741
- 877 Arbitrary Open RTB Params by @jsligh in #738
- Fixes #742 by @emanuele-gambaro-iol in #743
- NetworkOnMainThreadException Fix by @jsligh in #734
- 2.2.1 Release Changes by @jsligh in #749
New Contributors
- @shinwan2 made their first contribution in #741
- @emanuele-gambaro-iol made their first contribution in #743
Full Changelog: 2.2.0...2.2.1
What's Changed
- Update config ids in the demo apps by @ValentinPostindustria in #730
- In-stream example migration by @ValentinPostindustria in #731
- Run getGlobalVisibleRect on the main thread instead of a background thread by @jsligh in #736
- Fixing Memory Leak by @jsligh in #733
- Release 2.2.0 by @jsligh in #737
Full Changelog: 2.1.9...2.2.0
What's Changed
- Delegate size handling when custom renderer is active by @github-maxime-liege in #713
- Allow users to provide custom logging logic by @linean in #679
- Update GAM to 22.6.0 by @ValentinPostindustria in #724
- BannerAdUnit size problem by @ValentinPostindustria in #723
- 2.1.9 Release by @jsligh in #727
Full Changelog: 2.1.8...2.1.9
What's Changed
- Native trackers crash fix by @ValentinPostindustria in #716
- Release 2.1.8 by @jsligh in #717
Full Changelog: 2.1.7...2.1.8
What's Changed
- Do not include NativeImageAsset exact dimensions in JSON if not specified by @linean in #703
- Update GAM to 22.5.0 by @ValentinPostindustria in #707
- Multiformat fixes #706 by @ValentinPostindustria in #708
- Added @workerthread animation because Requester.Destroy() Requires Background by @jsligh in #704
- Native event is not notified by @jsligh in #705
- Revert "Added @workerthread animation because Requester.Destroy() Requires Background" by @jsligh in #709
- For 2.1.7 release by @jsligh in #714
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.1.6...2.1.7
What's Changed
- Turn Plugin Renderer signatures public on PrebidMobile class by @github-lucas-bon in #693
- GPID parameter by @ValentinPostindustria in #700
- Win event URL by @ValentinPostindustria in #701
- Update everything to 2.1.6 by @jsligh in #702
Full Changelog: 2.1.5...2.1.6