Heterogeneous Cluster is an extensible multi-core server manager to consume various tasks and mimic the human digestive system.
Produce variety of tasks to be consumed by the Heterogeneous Cluster.
usage: main.py [-h] -f FILE_NAME
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE_NAME, --file FILE_NAME, --file_name FILE_NAME
File name to consume tasks from
Consume tasks from TASK_TYPE and remove them from the queue.
usage: consumer/main.py [-h] -t TASK_TYPE -f FILE_NAME
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TASK_TYPE, --type TASK_TYPE, --task_type TASK_TYPE
Task type to consume
-f FILE_NAME, --file FILE_NAME, --file_name FILE_NAME
File name to consume tasks from
@ HIT Biomimicry Course @
Or Moradian and Yuval Pruss