Run sequences of shell commands against local and remote hosts.
Flightplan is a node.js library for streamlining application deployment or systems administration tasks.
A complete list of changes can be found in the Changelog.
Looking for help / maintainers: See #162.
# install the cli tool
$ npm install -g flightplan
# use it in your project
$ npm install flightplan --save-dev
# run a flightplan (`fly --help` for more information)
$ fly [task:]<target> [--flightplan flightplan.(js|coffee)]
By default, the fly
command will try to load flightplan.js
// flightplan.js
var plan = require('flightplan');
// configuration'staging', {
host: '',
username: 'pstadler',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
});'production', [
host: '',
username: 'pstadler',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
host: '',
username: 'pstadler',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
var tmpDir = 'example-com-' + new Date().getTime();
// run commands on localhost
plan.local(function(local) {
local.log('Run build');
local.exec('gulp build');
local.log('Copy files to remote hosts');
var filesToCopy = local.exec('git ls-files', {silent: true});
// rsync files to all the target's remote hosts
local.transfer(filesToCopy, '/tmp/' + tmpDir);
// run commands on the target's remote hosts
plan.remote(function(remote) {
remote.log('Move folder to web root');
remote.sudo('cp -R /tmp/' + tmpDir + ' ~', {user: 'www'});
remote.rm('-rf /tmp/' + tmpDir);
remote.log('Install dependencies');
remote.sudo('npm --production --prefix ~/' + tmpDir
+ ' install ~/' + tmpDir, {user: 'www'});
remote.log('Reload application');
remote.sudo('ln -snf ~/' + tmpDir + ' ~/example-com', {user: 'www'});
remote.sudo('pm2 reload example-com', {user: 'www'});
// run more commands on localhost afterwards
plan.local(function(local) { /* ... */ });
// ...or on remote hosts
plan.remote(function(remote) { /* ... */ });
A flightplan is a set of subsequent flights to be executed on one or more
hosts. Configuration is handled with the target()
var plan = require('flightplan');
A flight is a set of commands to be executed on one or more hosts. There are two types of flights:
Commands in local flights are executed on the localhost.
plan.local(function(transport) {
transport.hostname(); // prints the hostname of localhost
Commands in remote flights are executed in parallel against remote hosts.
plan.remote(function(transport) {
transport.hostname(); // prints the hostname(s) of the remote host(s)
You can define multiple flights of each type. They will be executed in the
order of their definition. If a previous flight failed, all subsequent
flights won't get executed. For more information about what it means for
a flight to fail, see the section about Transport
// executed first
plan.local(function(transport) {});
// executed if first flight succeeded
plan.remote(function(transport) {});
// executed if second flight succeeded
plan.local(function(transport) {});
// ...
Flightplan supports optional tasks to run a subset of flights.
// fly deploy:<target>
plan.local('deploy', function(transport) {});
// fly build:<target>
plan.local('build', function(transport) {});
// fly deploy:<target> or...
// fly build:<target>
plan.local(['deploy', 'build'], function(transport) {});
plan.remote(['deploy', 'build'], function(transport) {});
If no task is specified it's implicitly set to "default". Therefore,
fly <target>
is the same as fly default:<target>
// fly <target>
plan.local(function(transport) {});
// is the same as...
plan.local('default', function(transport) {});
// "default" + other tasks:
plan.remote(['default', 'deploy', 'build'], function(transport) {});
Configure the flightplan's targets with target()
. Without a
proper setup you can't do remote flights which require at
least one remote host. Each target consists of one or more hosts.
Values in the hosts section are passed directly to the connect()
method of mscdex/ssh2
with one exception: privateKey
needs to be passed as a string
containing the path to the keyfile instead of the key itself.
// run with `fly staging`'staging', {
// see:
host: '',
username: 'pstadler',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
// run with `fly production`'production', [
host: '',
username: 'pstadler',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
host: '',
username: 'pstadler',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
// run with `fly dynamic-hosts`'dynamic-hosts', function(done, runtime) {
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
AWS.config.update({accessKeyId: '...', secretAccessKey: '...'});
var ec2 = new AWS.EC2();
var params = {Filters: [{Name: 'instance-state-name', Values: ['running']}]};
ec2.describeInstances(params, function(err, response) {
if(err) {
return done(err);
var hosts = []; {
reservation.Instances.forEach(function(instance) {
host: instance.PublicIpAddress,
username: 'pstadler',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
Usually flightplan will abort when a host is not reachable or authentication
fails. This can be prevented by setting a property failsafe
to true
any of the host configurations:'production', [
host: '',
username: 'pstadler',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
host: '',
username: 'pstadler',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK,
failsafe: true // continue flightplan even if connection to www2 fails
You can override the username
value of hosts by calling fly
the -u|--username
fly production --username=admin
Instead of having a static hosts configuration for a target you can configure
it on the fly by passing a function fn(done)
as the second argument to
This function is executed at the very beginning. Whatever is passed to
will be used for connecting to remote hosts. This can either be an
object or an array of objects depending on if you want to connect to one or
multiple hosts. Passing an Error
object will immediately abort the current
flightplan.'dynamic-hosts', function(done, runtime) {
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
AWS.config.update({accessKeyId: '...', secretAccessKey: '...'});
var ec2 = new AWS.EC2();
var params = {Filters: [{Name: 'instance-state-name', Values: ['running']}]};
ec2.describeInstances(params, function(err, response) {
if(err) {
return done(err);
var hosts = []; {
reservation.Instances.forEach(function(instance) {
host: instance.PublicIpAddress,
username: 'pstadler',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
takes an optional third argument to define properties used by
this target. Values defined in this way can be accessed during runtime.'staging', {...}, {
webRoot: '/usr/local/www',
sudoUser: 'www'
});'production', {...}, {
webRoot: '/home/node',
sudoUser: 'node'
plan.remote(function(remote) {
var webRoot = plan.runtime.options.webRoot; // fly staging -> '/usr/local/www'
var sudoUser = plan.runtime.options.sudoUser; // fly staging -> 'www'
remote.sudo('ls -al ' + webRoot, {user: sudoUser});
Properties can be set and overwritten by passing them as named options to the
$ fly staging --sudoUser=foo
# plan.runtime.options.sudoUser -> 'foo'
Calling this method registers a local flight. Local flights are
executed on your localhost. When fn
gets called a Transport
is passed with the first argument.
plan.local(function(local) {
local.echo('hello from your localhost.');
An optional first parameter of type Array or String can be passed for defining the flight's task(s).
Register a remote flight. Remote flights are executed on the current
target's remote hosts defined with target()
. When fn
gets called
a Transport
object is passed with the first argument.
plan.remote(function(remote) {
remote.echo('hello from the remote host.');
An optional first parameter of type Array or String can be passed for defining the flight's task(s).
Manually abort the current flightplan and prevent any further commands and flights from being executed. An optional message can be passed which is displayed after the flight has been aborted.
plan.abort('Severe turbulences over the atlantic ocean!');
A transport is the interface you use during flights. Basically they
offer you a set of methods to execute a chain of commands. Depending on the
type of flight, this is either a Shell
object for local
flights, or an SSH
for remote flights. Both transports
expose the same set of methods as described in this section.
plan.local(function(local) {
local.echo('Shell.echo() called');
plan.remote(function(remote) {
remote.echo('SSH.echo() called');
We call the Transport object transport
in the following section to avoid
confusion. However, do yourself a favor and use local
for local, and
for remote flights.
Flightplan provides information during flights with the runtime
plan.remote(function(transport) { // applies to local flights as well
// Flightplan specific information
console.log(plan.runtime.task); // 'default'
console.log(; // 'production'
console.log(plan.runtime.hosts); // [{ host: '', port: 22 }, ...]
console.log(plan.runtime.options); // { debug: true, ... }
// Flight specific information
console.log(transport.runtime); // { host: '', port: 22 }
To execute a command you have the choice between using exec()
or one
of the handy wrappers for often used commands:
transport.exec('ls -al')
is the same as'-al')
. If a
command returns a non-zero exit code, the flightplan will be aborted and
all subsequent commands and flights won't get executed.
Options can be passed as a second argument. If failsafe: true
passed, the command is allowed to fail (i.e. exiting with a non-zero
exit code), whereas silent: true
will simply suppress its output.
// output of `ls -al` is suppressed'-al', {silent: true});
// flightplan continues even if command fails with exit code `1`'-al foo', {failsafe: true}); // ls: foo: No such file or directory
// both options together'-al foo', {silent: true, failsafe: true});
To apply these options to multiple commands check out the docs of
and transport.failsafe()
Each command returns an object containing code
, stdout
var result = transport.echo('Hello world');
console.log(result); // { code: 0, stdout: 'Hello world\n', stderr: null }
Flightplan uses child_process#exec()
for executing local commands and
for remote commands. Options passed with exec
be forwarded to either of these functions.
// increase maxBuffer for child_process#exec()'-al', {exec: {maxBuffer: 2000*1024}});
// enable pty for mscdex/ssh2#exec()'-al', {exec: {pty: true}});
Execute a command as another user with sudo()
. It has the same
signature as exec()
. Per default, the user under which the command
will be executed is "root". This can be changed by passing
user: "name"
with the second argument:
// will run: echo 'echo Hello world' | sudo -u root -i bash
transport.sudo('echo Hello world');
// will run echo 'echo Hello world' | sudo -u www -i bash
transport.sudo('echo Hello world', {user: 'www'});
// further options passed (see `exec()`)
transport.sudo('echo Hello world', {user: 'www', silent: true, failsafe: true});
Flightplan's sudo()
requires a certain setup on your host. In order to
make things work on a typical Ubuntu installation, follow these rules:
# Scenario:
# 'pstadler' is the user for connecting to the host and 'www' is the user
# under which you want to execute commands with sudo.
# 1. 'pstadler' has to be in the sudo group:
$ groups pstadler
pstadler : pstadler sudo
# 2. 'pstadler' needs to be able to run sudo -u 'www' without a password.
# In order to do this, add the following line to /etc/sudoers:
pstadler ALL=(www) NOPASSWD: ALL
# 3. user 'www' needs to have a login shell (e.g. bash, sh, zsh, ...)
$ cat /etc/passwd | grep www
www:x:1002:1002::/home/www:/bin/bash # GOOD
www:x:1002:1002::/home/www:/bin/false # BAD
Copy a list of files to the current target's remote host(s) using
with the SSH protocol. File transfers are executed in parallel.
After finishing all transfers, an array containing results from
is returned. This method is only available on local
var files = ['path/to/file1', 'path/to/file2'];
local.transfer(files, '/tmp/foo');
To make things more comfortable, the files
argument doesn't have to be
passed as an array. Results from previous commands and zero-terminated
strings are handled as well:
// use result from a previous command
var files = local.git('ls-files', {silent: true}); // get list of files under version control
local.transfer(files, '/tmp/foo');
// use zero-terminated result from a previous command
var files = local.exec('(git ls-files -z;find node_modules -type f -print0)', {silent: true});
local.transfer(files, '/tmp/foo');
// use results from multiple commands
var result1 = local.git('ls-files', {silent: true}).stdout.split('\n');
var result2 = local.find('node_modules -type f', {silent: true}).stdout.split('\n');
var files = result1.concat(result2);
local.transfer(files, '/tmp/foo');
will use the current host's username defined with
unless fly
is called with the -u|--username
In this case the latter will be used. If debugging is enabled
(either with target()
or with fly --debug
), rsync
is executed
in verbose mode (-vv
Prompt for user input.
var input = transport.prompt('Are you sure you want to continue? [yes]');
if(input.indexOf('yes') === -1) {
plan.abort('User canceled flight');
// prompt for password (with UNIX-style hidden input)
var password = transport.prompt('Enter your password:', { hidden: true });
// prompt when deploying to a specific target
if( === 'production') {
var input = transport.prompt('Ready for deploying to production? [yes]');
if(input.indexOf('yes') === -1) {
plan.abort('User canceled flight');
Execute a function and return after the callback done
is called.
This is used for running asynchronous functions in a synchronous way.
The callback takes an optional argument which is then returned by
var result = transport.waitFor(function(done) {
message: 'Hello World'
}, function(err, response) {
done(err || 'sent!');
console.log(result); // 'sent!'
Execute commands with a certain context.
transport.with('cd /tmp', function() {'-al'); // 'cd /tmp && ls -al'
transport.with({silent: true, failsafe: true}, function() {'-al'); // output suppressed, fail safely
transport.with('cd /tmp', {silent: true}, function() {'-al'); // 'cd /tmp && ls -al', output suppressed
When calling silent()
all subsequent commands are executed without
printing their output to stdout until verbose()
is called.; // output will be printed to stdout
transport.silent();; // output won't be printed to stdout
Calling verbose()
reverts the behavior introduced with silent()
Output of commands will be printed to stdout.
transport.silent();; // output won't be printed to stdout
transport.verbose();; // output will be printed to stdout
When calling failsafe()
, all subsequent commands are allowed to fail
until unsafe()
is called. In other words, the flight will continue
even if the return code of the command is not 0
. This is helpful if
either you expect a command to fail or their nature is to return a
non-zero exit code.
transport.failsafe();'foo'); // ls: foo: No such file or directory
transport.log('Previous command failed, but flight was not aborted');
Calling unsafe()
reverts the behavior introduced with failsafe()
The flight will be aborted if a subsequent command fails (i.e. returns
a non-zero exit code). This is the default behavior.
transport.failsafe();'foo'); // ls: foo: No such file or directory
transport.log('Previous command failed, but flight was not aborted');
transport.unsafe();'foo'); // ls: foo: No such file or directory
// flight aborted
Print a message to stdout. Flightplan takes care that the message is formatted correctly within the current context.
transport.log('Copying files to remote hosts');
Print a debug message to stdout if debug mode is enabled. Flightplan takes care that the message is formatted correctly within the current context.
transport.debug('Copying files to remote hosts');