To set up this app on heroku…
Ruby 2.1.1, Rails 4.0
git clone; cd RailsBookCheckout bundle install rake db:setup rails server
to set up search locally, you must install elasticsearch. (
local email will be displayed in your browser via letteropener
To run locally, you must install elasticsearch. But other than that, no further set-up is needed.
You may want to edit db/seeds.rb to change the default admin users.
to start search services, run: rake sunspot:solr:start
to top solr run: bundle exec sunspot-solr stop
You will need mandrill and cloudinary accounts
To set up cloudinary, you will need to set up a config/cloudinary.yml file
To set up mandrill, you will need a mandrill API key. But the API key into Figaro’s config/application.yml file
just run rake db:setup
We use rspec and cucumber.
To run all the tests just run rake rake
To run just rspec, run rake rspec
To run just cucumber, rn rake cucumber
Set up your host for mailers for your heroku site.
We use sendgrid on Heroku, so you will need to activate that add-on
We use bonsai elasticsearch for search. See for how to set it up on heroku.
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Note: CodeClimate coverage does not incude javascript tests. A more complete report can be found here: