An XSLT file to transform Freeplane mindmaps into Pandoc Markdown.
- Download mm2markdown.xsl
- Put it in the Freeplane xslt folder: Freeplane\resources\xslt
- Restart Freeplane
- Create a mindmap following the guidelines laid out below
- When you are ready to export to markdown, in Freeplane select File>Export, and then pick "Markdown (.markdown, .md)" from the "Files of Type" selector.
- From there you can open the file in a text editor, make final edits, then use the magic of pandoc to convert to many other document types
- See mindmaps/ for an example mindmap. You can then look at the markdown export in output/, as well as how pandoc converted that markdown to pdf (output/basic-test.pdf).
- The only content the root node should have is attributes. Do not put any text in the node, attach any notes, etc.
- Create one attribute for each of the metadata elements you want. Use the attribute label for the metadata field name, and the attribute value for the metadata value, e.g. label=title, value=Once Upon a Time in the West.
The position of your Freeplane nodes determines the ordering of your markdown sections.
- Level 1 headers: Top right level 1 node appears first, then all sibling nodes positioned below it. The top left level 1 node follows after the last right side node, followed by the other left side nodes from top to bottom.
- Level 2..n nodes: These will appear as sub-headers of their parent nodes, in order from top to bottom.