The pyiron_lammps
packages provides primarily two functions. A write_lammps_structure()
function to write an ase.atoms.Atoms
structure to an LAMMPS data file and a parse_lammps_output_files()
function to parse the log.lammps
, dump.out
files from the LAMMPS thermo
and dump
The pyiron_lammps
package is distributed via both pypi:
pip install pyiron-lammps
and conda-forge:
conda install -c conda-forge pyiron_lammps
The write_lammps_structure()
function is designed to write an ase.atoms.Atoms
structure to an LAMMPS data file:
from pyiron_lammps import write_lammps_structure
The structure
parameter refers to the ase.atoms.Atoms
structure and the potential_elements
refers to the list of
elements implemented in the specific interatomic potential. For example the NiAlH_jea.eam.alloy
potential implements the elements Ni
, Al
and H
, so when writing a structure for a simulation with this potential
the potential_elements=["Ni", "Al", "H"]
. It is important to maintain the order of the elements as LAMMPS internally
references the elements based on their index, starting from one. The units
parameter refers to the LAMMPS internal
units to convert the ase.atoms.Atoms
object which is defined in Angstrom to the
length scale of the LAMMPS simulation. Finally, file_name
parameter and the current working directory working_directory
parameter are designed to select the location where the LAMMPS structure should be written. With the default parameters
the LAMMPS structure is written in the
file in the current directory.
In addition to writing the LAMMPS input structure pyiron_lammps
also provide the parse_lammps_output_files()
to parse the LAMMPS output files, namely the log.lammps
, dump.out
and dump.h5
from pyiron_lammps import parse_lammps_output_files
In analogy to the write_lammps_structure()
function the working_directory
parameter refers to the directory which
contains the output files. The structure
parameter reefers to the ase.atoms.Atoms
object which should be used as
template to parse the structure from the dump files. This structure is again required as LAMMPS internally references
elements only by an index, so the template structure is required to map the elements from the interatomic potential back
to the elements of the ase.atoms.Atoms
object. In the same way the potential_elements
refers to the list of
elements implemented in the specific interatomic potential. The units
parameter refers to the LAMMPS internal
units to convert the ase.atoms.Atoms
object which is defined in Angstrom to the
length scale of the LAMMPS simulation. Finally, the parameters dump_h5_file_name
, dump_out_file_name
and log_lammps_file_name
refer to the output file names.
For the dump.out
file the following LAMMPS dump
command should be added to the LAMMPS input file:
dump 1 all custom 100 dump.out id type xsu ysu zsu fx fy fz vx vy vz
dump_modify 1 sort id format line "%d %d %20.15g %20.15g %20.15g %20.15g %20.15g %20.15g %20.15g %20.15g %20.15g"
For the log.lammps
file the following LAMMPS thermo
command should be added to the LAMMPS input file:
thermo_style custom step temp pe etotal pxx pxy pxz pyy pyz pzz vol
thermo_modify format float %20.15g
thermo 100
Currently, the pyiron_lammps
parser is primarily used in the pyiron_atomistics
package and its successor the atomistics package to provide a simple LAMMPS
parser. It only depends on ase
, numpy
, pandas
and scipy
and has an optional dependency on h5py
to parse the
LAMMPS h5md format.