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@qavajs framework core

npm install @qavajs/core

Run tests

npx qavajs run --config <config> --profile <profile> or npx qavajs --config <config> --profile <profile>

Override memory values

In case if tests need to be run with updated memory value they can be passed via CLI (e.g run scenarios on some other url) It can be done by passing --memory-values parameter which is JSON with params that need to be overridden


npx qavajs run --config config.ts --memory-values '{"url": ""}'

it will override $url memory value

Pass CLI params to workers

All params that you passed to qavajs cli will be available in CLI_ARGV environment variable in all child workers.

Memory value parameter type

value parameter type provides API to access memory

When('Read memory {value}', async function(memoryValue) {

When('Set memory {value} as {string}', async function(memoryKey, value) {

Validation parameter type

validation parameter type provides API to verify values by certain condition

When('I expect {string} {validation} {string}', async function(value1, validate, value2) {
    validate(value1, value2);

Test Sharding

qavajs provides ability to shard your tests between different machines. To do so pass --shard x/y parameter in CLI, where x - current shard, y - total number of shards.

npx qavajs run --config config.js --shard 1/2
npx qavajs run --config config.js --shard 2/2

Execute steps from other steps

It is possible to implement complex logic using built-in qavajs steps via executeStep world method

When('I do smth complex', async function() {
    await this.executeStep(`I type 'username' to 'Username Input'`);
    await this.executeStep(`I type 'password' to 'Password Input'`);
    await this.executeStep(`I click 'Login Button'`);
    await this.executeStep(`I fill following fields`, new DataTable([
        [ 'Order', '123' ],
        [ 'Delivery Location', 'New York' ]


Module extends CucumberJS world with additional entities

entity type description example
config object loaded config this.config.parallel
executeStep function programmatically execute certain step definition await this.executeStep("I type 'username' to 'Username Input'");
setValue function set memory value await this.setValue('key', 'value');
getValue function get memory value or expression await this.getValue('$key');
validation function get validation function based await this.getValue('to equal');

Override step definition

Override function provides capability to override step implementation and avoid ambiguous exception

import { Override } from '@qavajs/core';

When('I do test', async function () {});

Override('I do test', async function () {
    console.log('I am overridden');


Fixture provides convenient way to prepare test environment for specific test.

This example will open pdp page before test and clean cart after test

import { Fixture } from '@qavajs/core';

Fixture('pdp', async function() {
    // fixture may return function that will be executed after test
    return async function() {
Feature: feature with fixture

  Scenario: scenario with fixture
    When I click 'qavajs T-shirt'
    And I click 'cart icon'
    Then I expect 'qavajs T-shirt cart item' to be visible


Template provides a way to define step definition using Gherkin language

import { When, Template } from '@qavajs/core';

When('I click {string} and verify {string}', Template((locator, expected) => `
    I click '${locator}'
    I expect '${locator} > Value' to equal '${expected}'

Test Execution Hooks

BeforeExecution and AfterExecution allow to define hooks that will be executed once before/after whole test execution

import { BeforeExecution, AfterExecution } from '@qavajs/core';
import { Server } from './server';

const server = new Server();

BeforeExecution(async function () {
    await server.start();

AfterExecution(async function () {
    await server.stop();


Services is an entities that can execute logic before and after whole test run.

import externalService from './externalService';

export default {
    service: [
            options: {
                data: 42
            before() {
            after(result) {
                if (!result.success) process.exitCode = 1;
            options: {
                data: 42

There is a one minute-long default timeout for a before and after test logic to prevent entire process from freezing. To set up a custom timeout in milliseconds use serviceTimeout property in the config file

export default {
    serviceTimeout: 1_200_000