Xray formatter for cucumber framework
To install formatter run
npm install @qavajs/xray-formatter
add to formatter section in config file
cloud configuration:
export default {
format: ['@qavajs/xray-formatter:report/xray.out'],
formatOptions: {
xray: {
client_id: 'client_id', // generated client_id from xray cloud
client_secret: 'client_secret', // generated client_id from xray client_secret
testExecutionKey: 'ABC-12', // test execution jira key to send result
tagRegexp: 'TEST_(.+)', // optional, parse tag regexp. default /@(.+-\d+)/
requestsPerSecond: 1 // optional, requests to Xray per second (to prevent rate limit error)
server configuration:
export default {
format: ['@qavajs/xray-formatter:report/xray.out'],
formatOptions: {
xray: {
endpoint: 'https://your.jira.instance/jira', //jira api endpoint
client_secret: 'client_secret', // personal access key from jira instance
testExecutionKey: 'ABC-12', // test execution jira key to send result
tagRegexp: 'TEST_(.+)', // optional, parse tag regexp. default /@(.+-\d+)/
requestsPerSecond: 1 // optional, requests to Xray per second (to prevent rate limit error)
Plugin reads all tags in jira key format (@ABCD-123) or ones that matches tagRegexp
and update corresponding scenarios in provided test execution
npm install
add config file xrayConfig.ts to test-e2e
Does it work with Jira Server?
What if multiple automated test cases are mapped to one Xray test case?
The Xray test will fail if any one of the test cases fails.
What multiple xray cases mapped to one test automation case?
All mapped test cases will get same status