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Xray formatter for cucumber framework


To install formatter run

npm install @qavajs/xray-formatter

add to formatter section in config file

cloud configuration:

export default {
    format: ['@qavajs/xray-formatter:report/xray.out'],
    formatOptions: {
        xray: {
            client_id: 'client_id', // generated client_id from xray cloud
            client_secret: 'client_secret', // generated client_id from xray client_secret
            testExecutionKey: 'ABC-12', // test execution jira key to send result
            tagRegexp: 'TEST_(.+)', // optional, parse tag regexp. default /@(.+-\d+)/
            requestsPerSecond: 1 // optional, requests to Xray per second (to prevent rate limit error)

server configuration:

export default {
    format: ['@qavajs/xray-formatter:report/xray.out'],
    formatOptions: {
        xray: {
            endpoint: 'https://your.jira.instance/jira', //jira api endpoint
            client_secret: 'client_secret', // personal access key from jira instance
            testExecutionKey: 'ABC-12', // test execution jira key to send result
            tagRegexp: 'TEST_(.+)', // optional, parse tag regexp. default /@(.+-\d+)/
            requestsPerSecond: 1 // optional, requests to Xray per second (to prevent rate limit error)

How it works?

Plugin reads all tags in jira key format (@ABCD-123) or ones that matches tagRegexp and update corresponding scenarios in provided test execution


npm install

add config file xrayConfig.ts to test-e2e


  • Does it work with Jira Server?


  • What if multiple automated test cases are mapped to one Xray test case?

    The Xray test will fail if any one of the test cases fails.

  • What multiple xray cases mapped to one test automation case?

    All mapped test cases will get same status