Library | Status | Version | License | OS | Compiler |
nimdataframe | Development | 0.0.5.x | MIT opensource | Linux | Nim >= 0.19.x |
Attempt of using csv data from the net, locally or generated to implement display,handling,sorting and data extraction.
Work in progress
used with
nimble install nimcx
nimble install
Screenshot of nimdfT19 showing bluenote10 / bundesliga.csv with nimdataframe
Example Code
## nimdfT13.nim
# October data from
# slightly processed to shorten header (only data of first table imported here) and saved into file rms.csv
import nimcx , nimdataframe
let ufo = "rms.csv"
var ndf9 = createDataFrame(ufo,cols = 12,sep = ',',hasHeader = true) # load locally from rms.csv also give state the number of cols in csv
if ndf9.hasHeader == true:
for x in 0..<ndf9.colcount: ndf9.colheaders.add(ndf9.df[0][x]) # row 0 col x
for x in 0..<ndf9.colcount: ndf9.colcolors.add(randcol()) # create some fun colors and add to df
for x in 0..<ndf9.colcount: ndf9.colwidths.add(9) # create a colwidths for each column default here is 9
ndf9.colwidths[0] = 15 # change first column width to 15
printLnBiCol("Data Source : " & ufo,xpos = 3)
showDf(ndf9, # display df
rows = 1500,
cols = toNimis(toSeq(1 .. ndf9.colCount)),
colwd = ndf9.colwidths,
colcolors = ndf9.colcolors,
showFrame = true,
framecolor = dodgerblue,
showHeader = true,
xpos = 3)
# now we want to display row statistics on this df
var xpos = 2
var startrow = 0
if ndf9.hasHeader == true : # donot read to run stats on the header
startrow = 1
else : startrow = 0
for row in startrow ..< ndf9.rowcount:
printLn(fmtx(["<20"],$(ndf9.df[row][0])),zippi,styled={stylereverse},xpos = xpos)
var x = dfRowStats(ndf9,row) # x now contains a runningstats instance for one row
# display stats for all rows
let n = 3 # decimals
cxprintLn(xpos,yellowgreen," " ,white, "") # need this blank line or display is jumbled up
cxprintLn(xpos,yellowgreen,"mean : " ,white, ff(x.mean,n))
cxprintln(xpos,yellowgreen,"var : " ,white, ff(x.variance,n))
cxprintln(xpos,yellowgreen,"min : " ,white, ff(x.min,n))
cxprintln(xpos,yellowgreen,"max : " ,white, ff(x.max,n))
xpos += 21
if xpos > tw - 30:
xpos = 2
Example screenshots of nimdfT13
Improvements may be made at any time and without advance warning.
Examples may break occasionally ... !
Forking , testing,suggestions , ideas are welcome.
This is development code hence use at your own risk.