Score rules 1. Basic scoring (no strike or spare): - just add the attempts pin number
2. Strike (first attempt, all ten pins)
- A strike in tenth frame gives the bowler two extra ball roll attempts
- place X in the current frame
- roll next two balls
- current frame score = score previous frames + 10 (for the strike) + sum of next two attempts
3. Spare (second attempt, all ten pins)
- A spare in the tenth frame gives the bowler one extra ball roll.
- Mark a '/' for the frame
- Score is knocked 10 pins
- Plus add what get knocked on the next ball roll
- current frame score = previous frame score + ten from current frame + next ball attempt score
5. If a bowler should get a strike or a spare in the 10th frame,
the bowlers scoring continues as the bowler throws their bonus shots.
6. The bowler who throws a strike in the tenth frame must roll two additional balls to complete the
score for the tenth frame.
7. The bowler who throws a spare in the tenth frame must roll one additional ball to complete the
score for the tenth frame.
8. A perfect game with score "300" pins, you roll ten strikes, once for each frame,
and then two bonus shots at the end are also strikes.