- Test driven development
- Getting more comfortable with pubsub and module pattern
- Got more confortable with git rebasing and improved quality of commit messages
- Better way to add fonts in css
- Functional mixins
- Function composition
- Allow players to add ships
- Pass and play mode
- Drag mode
- Ships tracker that shows whose winning and whose losing
- AI chooses the second hit randomly instead of a fixed coordinate i.e.(up, right, bottom, left)
- Core App architecture
- Seperation of concenrns (Modules can be more seperated especially in screen controller)
- Test driven development (I didn't follow test driven development completely. It was really helpful at the start but as I moved on and made some changes to my exisiting logic the tests are all broke up. I didn't fix them because I unintentionally stopped using them maybe because I started working on my ui more, but I also made some changes to my logic and I didn't update my tests after I made those changes. I should've tested more often)